
What is an EBC? How to get a monthly cash compensation?

what is EBC? What categories of citizens are entitled to receive this payment? This article presents the decoding of the EBC. Information is also given on the principles for calculating this compensation and on the procedures that are necessary to receive it.

What does the abbreviation hide under itself?

Citizens who claim to receive material compensation for the provided utility services are interested in what it is - the EBC. The legislation of the Russian Federation established an obligation for each citizen to pay for utility and housing services. The EBC relies on payment of housing for those citizens who have a legal right to do so.

Replacing benefits with cash payments

To receive a payment it is not enough to fit a certain preferential category. A citizen who expects to receive compensation from the state budget must pay utility bills on time. Material compensation is transferred to individual accounts of individuals. Recently, the abbreviation EBC has become quite common among the country's population.

Compensation calculation in the absence of central heating

If a citizen lives in a house that does not have central heating, it is necessary to provide a certain package of documents to the authorized authority. First of all, these are receipts, an act on the purchase of fuel, a contract of sale and other supporting documents.

Monthly cash payment for disabled people and children

If a citizen has stove heating, then one of the listed documents can be provided to the authorized body. You should be aware that in this case the type of fuel used does not matter much.

Who is entitled to receive compensation?

We can distinguish the following categories of citizens who are entitled to receive monetary compensation from the state:

  • invalids of the war, participants in the Second World War, as well as war veterans;
  • citizens who received the sign "Resident of the besieged Leningrad";
  • families with disabled children;
  • citizens with disabilities resulting from the Chernobyl disaster;
  • labor veterans, military service veterans;
  • rehabilitated persons, as well as citizens who have suffered from political repression;
  • large families.
Cash compensation for services

To receive compensation, citizens need to contact the authorized body for social protection. The applicant is responsible for providing complete and reliable information. A citizen can send a full set of documents by mail.

If several categories of privileged citizens live in the family, compensation is paid to each of them. If a person has several reasons for receiving benefits, payment will be provided at the most favorable.

Calculation and payment of the EBC

Having dealt with the question of what the EBC is, we should proceed to the procedure for calculating this payment. The amount of compensation is determined from the scope of social support measures, which is established by applicable law. Also, the total amount of compensation is calculated on an individual basis, and the total amount will depend on the preferential status.

Cash payments to vulnerable groups

The calculation is made on the basis of information that comes from a monthly electronic document flow between suppliers and social protection authorities. When changing the tariffs for payment of housing, the compensation amount is recalculated without an additional citizen application.

Citizens can receive cash payments at a bank branch or through a post office.

Accrual basis

Federal law regulates a special procedure for processing compensation for utility bills in the amount of 50%. In the absence of special metering devices, utility bills will be calculated on the basis of the general consumption standard, which is approved by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

Cash Compensation

Family members who live with the owner of the premises are jointly and severally liable for all obligations arising from the use of the premises. If several citizens are registered in one room, one of which belongs to the privileged category, then compensation is made with an indication of a separate share of the beneficiary.

Granting EBC to veterans and disabled people

The title of Veteran of Labor is respected and honorable in Russia. This status is assigned to citizens who have a long record of service and various merits that have been received in employment. This status implies the provision of a specific package of social services.

ЕДК to veterans it is provided at a rate of 50% of expenses for payment of housing and utility services. Therefore, spouses of veterans living together can benefit from this discount. The grandson living with them will not be able to take advantage of the privilege, therefore, he must reimburse the full cost.

The EBC for disabled people is provided in the same amount as veterans, and is calculated depending on the number of veterans who live together. It is important to know that the EBC is assigned only to persons with disabilities and cannot be extended to other family members. Compensation can be received in a bank account or through post offices, which are the most common for retirees.

EBC for payment of premises

In 2010, the government carried out a reform of the monetization of housing and utilities provided to the public. Instead of benefits, a certain amount of money is transferred to citizens. In this regard, such a thing as a monthly monetary compensation for the payment of services appeared. Prior to this innovation, benefits were transferred to service providers directly from the budget. This has led to confusion and abuse by suppliers. Therefore, the government decided not to finance such organizations, but to transfer funds to the category of citizens who have the right to do so.

Cash compensation to the population

The money received can be spent on your own needs at your discretion. Since payment checks are carried out every month, defaulters lose compensation.

There are different preferential categories of citizens. Their belonging to a particular level is determined by law. Unprotected social groups can be supported by local authorities from their own budget. However, there are categories that are the same for any region of the country. As a rule, the following preferential categories exist in local documents:

  • large families;
  • elderly people;
  • the poor;
  • honorary donors;
  • children who are deprived of parental care;
  • rehabilitated;
  • single pensioners who receive a pension below the subsistence level;
  • social workers, teachers, doctors.

The presented list can be expanded depending on the decision of the regional authorities.

A citizen who intends to receive the EBC must write a statement in the appropriate form. A passport, a certificate of opening a special account, a document for a preferential category, a certificate of family composition, a home book, a receipt for payment of services are required to be attached to this document. For an accurate calculation of monetary compensation, you will need to provide paid bills for the last month of the summer and winter season. A complete set of documents along with the application must be brought personally to the government agency. It is recommended that you make copies of all documents in advance.

As a rule, consideration of the application takes place as soon as possible.If a complete set of documents is provided, a decision can be made immediately. In the event that a incomplete set of documents is provided, a citizen is given 10 days to complete them.

Features of the provision of compensation

Within 10 days, the authorized body decides on the appointment or refusal of monetary compensation. Between different regions there are differences in the procedure for calculating payments. The specialist who is considering the citizen's application is responsible for the distribution of budget funds. Refusal can be obtained if a citizen has provided false information. Also among the main reasons for the refusal of the EBC are the following:

  • lack of original documents;
  • lack of legal right to compensation;
  • lack of power of attorney to file an application on behalf of the owner.
Calculation of compensation payments

You need to know that there are categories of citizens who are exempt from paying housing and communal bills. These include the heroes of socialist labor, the heroes of the Russian Federation and the USSR, knights of the orders of Glory.

Experts of the authorized body monthly reconcile with service providers, verify the effectiveness of the recipients of compensation, carry out recalculations, identify dead citizens. You can refuse the benefits provided on a voluntary basis. To do this, just write a statement in the appropriate form. In the event of a change in the management company, relocation, or reaching the age of majority by children, citizens must contact the government agency. If a fact of information concealment is revealed, a citizen loses compensation from budget funds.


In order to avoid overpayments, it is necessary to timely inform the social security authorities of the facts that serve as the basis for stopping the provision of social support measures. Such facts include de-registration from a citizen’s place of residence, dismissal, change of ownership of the housing stock, change in the number of registered citizens. All information regarding changes in the calculation of payments must be submitted to the authorized body within 10 days.

Compensation calculation

In order to understand what the EBC is, it is necessary to understand the procedure for calculating compensation. It is also important to know its principles. The following is an example of calculating the EBC for a lonely living labor veteran. In relation to this category of citizens, the law provides social support for the payment of housing in the amount of 50% of the total amount of expenses that are charged from the total area of ​​the living space.

For example, the living area is 54 m2. The maintenance and repair of the premises in the amount of 680 rubles, electricity in the amount of 146.25 rubles, heating - 800 rubles, gas - 23.66, water disposal - 96.88, hot water supply - 102, hot water supply in the amount of 280 rubles are charged for maintenance. The total amount of expenses is 2 128,79 rubles. In order to calculate the size of the EBC, it is necessary to multiply the indicated amounts by expense items by 50%. The resulting figures must be summarized among themselves. The result will be equal to the monthly cash payment for utilities.

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