
What is a bcc in a receipt and where to get it? Budget classification code

Every month, each person pays: for an apartment, the Internet, a TV, etc. But sometimes you have to pay with the details or the budget classification code. Not everyone knows where to find the information you need. Therefore, they may face the problem of the lack of a code when paying for municipal services. In this case, you can find out where the KBK is written from the article. Because he is needed not only to pay monthly needs. But also to file a declaration with the tax office. After all, if you fail to submit tax reports on time, then a fine will be charged.

where to find them

What is a bcc in a receipt?

BSCs are budget classification codes that must be specified when paying for municipal services. More precisely, to find the branch of the state institution for which the payment is provided by the code. It will come in handy when paying: insurance premium, fines, studies. For example, payment for a kindergarten also requires a code. Approves them by the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation. If any changes are made, then changes immediately appear on the website of this body. They can also be found in the directory of budget classification codes.

how to pay a fine

Where can I find the budget classification code?

The fact is that not all BCFs can be found on the receipt.

The exact code can be found:

  • in the reference book;
  • on the website of the relevant institution;
  • at the tax office;
  • in the order of the Ministry of Finance.

Arguing about what is a BSC in a receipt, it is necessary to clarify its characteristics. A KBK usually consists of twenty encrypted digits. It is necessary to enter it carefully so as not to make a mistake. Otherwise, the funds may be transferred to a completely different organization. And then you have to wait until they cancel the payment or return it to the bank. The term can be up to two weeks.

But in some receipts, they still indicate the payment of the BCC. For example, when depositing funds through the bailiff's office, you might wonder what the BCC is in the fine receipt? Everything is simple here. You do not need to search for an additional code. When paying, the membership code of the payment to the unit is registered. Therefore, you just need to rewrite it from the receipt. And you can pay for the service without coming to the organization, but through the payment terminal. It’s more convenient, and the money comes in within two days.

kindergarten payment


Now it becomes clear what the budget classification code is, and we need to explain how important it is when paying.

KBC is considered a common requisite to make payments to various government agencies. Transfers can be made at banks with a payment order in hand.

This code is required to:

  • quickly form budgets of different levels;
  • easy to verify the implementation of decisions of regional entities;
  • increase reporting;
  • to keep track of the revenue component of budgets.

Without a code, no payment operation is simply possible. Convenience is that you do not need to go to the organization. You can pay for services at home using a computer.

tax payment

KVK code types

The BSC, depending on the affiliation to the state body, may indicate:

  • revenues to government bodies;
  • consumable items;
  • source of budget deficit;
  • management operations.

Wrong data

But what if, for example, you need to pay for the kindergarten, and the KBK, which was introduced from the receipt, is not suitable? After all, this is fraught with consequences if the terminal misses the wrong number.The money will simply go to another account, problems may arise due to late payment. In this case, it is better if the error is detected as quickly as possible.

If the payment has passed, you must immediately contact the organization to which the money was transferred. Write an application for payment verification or search.

Depending on the structure of the body, the application is submitted in any form. It is advisable to attach a check with the payment of the wrong details. If an error was discovered before making the payment, then you just need to contact the organization and find out the code or go to the website of this body.

The state body must accept the application for payment verification within ten days from the date of filing. When this period has passed, it will be necessary to take in the tax document on the budget calculation to make sure that the money has been credited to the correct KBK.

These are the steps you need to take if the BSC is incorrectly indicated on the receipt. But you need to accept them in order to avoid paying a fine for untimely transfer of funds.

Code structure

Each BSC can be divided into blocks:

  1. Administrative. This is the code of the state authority to which the payment will be received. And the institution that will continue to manage the money. Consists of three characters.
  2. Profitable. This code is assigned from the 4th to the 13th character. Indicates the type of income.
  3. Program. It is indicated from the 14th to the 17th digit. Necessary to differentiate income.
  4. Classification code. Indicates the three digits that are at the end.

Knowing this information will also help to understand what a BSC is in a receipt.

tips for kbk


You always need to write codes accurately, without errors. Of course, sometimes there are mistakes in writing numbers, but you need to exclude them. Because the Ministry of Finance clarified that payments on the wrong details will still be held. And the government agency to which the payment was never received due to an error will accrue interest on late payments. Of course, this situation is not very fair, however, at the moment the situation is developing in this way.

It’s easier to pay for services with the BSC, because you don’t have to go to the organization’s office. It is enough to find an ATM or pay through the online account at home. It’s more convenient with him, as people save time. It is necessary to understand the meaning of its introduction in order to know what a budget classification code is. And it’s easier for controlling organizations to track cash flows.

Thus, having studied the information about the budget classification code, one can easily pay various bills of state bodies. Because now it is known where to find it, if it is not in the payment receipt. To summarize, it is worth answering the question of what is a BSC in a receipt. These are encrypted numbers necessary for the correct transfer of funds.

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