
How to keep inventory of goods?

Properly organized warehouse inventory of goods, the correctness of the order and organization order depends on a large number of factors. Only if they take on adequate significance will agriculture be protected. And not only from the mess in the storage of goods, but also from shortages and theft.

general information

The organization of inventory control of goods at the enterprise significantly affects the success of its activities as a whole. It is in connection with this reason that the manager is obliged to pay close attention to issues related to the functioning of the responsible unit, regardless of whether it is a production structure or a trade one.

About the documentation, put in a word

issuing a warehouse inventory card

When keeping inventory of goods, it is necessary to carefully record the entire movement of products that occurs in the warehouse. Significant help in this matter is provided by the primary documentation. It is she who operates the storekeeper, who is responsible for the safety of material assets in the warehouse. Actually, he provides it to the accounting department as part of the reporting. The primary documentation includes all the papers that accompany the units during their movement along the chain: supplier - warehouse - consumer.

What papers do you have to deal with?

From the supplier, the products come with shipping documents. That is, the rules of cargo transportation are fully complied with. Examples of documents include invoices and invoices. Although some details may vary here.

For example, if delivery is carried out by car, then a waybill is issued. It consists of two parts. Actually, transport and commodity. Additional documentation may also be included.


If transportation is carried out by rail, the delivery is accompanied by a railway bill. Sometimes additional descriptions of ordered goods and other commercial documents may be attached to it. If the quantity of products ordered is small, then invoices are issued. They may well be used by the supplier as the basis for making payments for the goods. All these are the primary documents of the warehouse inventory of goods.

Not single papers

warehouse inventory documents

Warehouse accounting of goods in trade and in production is not limited to these documents. Additionally, they also use a material accounting book. This is common in cases where the movement of goods is carried out actively. Sometimes replacements in the form of warehouse cards are also possible. They are filled by the storekeeper in cases where you have to work in a large storage.

Also, do not forget about the program. Warehouse accounting of goods using computer technology allows you to organize an adequate analytical and synthetic electronic document, easy for orientation and transfer to other units.

electronic book accounting

Also a great role in the management of the warehouse plays a competent selection of employees. They must be qualified. Automation of work processes plays a significant role in this matter. So, if such a provision was successfully implemented, then machine programs will be able to carry out part of the activity. In fact, they are used in the same way as cards and books. But work with them is carried out an order of magnitude more quickly and efficiently.

Operating procedure

stock accounting of goods in trade

First, materially responsible persons (MOT) are determined.Warehouse accounting of goods and reporting should always be carried out by those with the appropriate authority and trust from management.

It is also necessary to document the processing of incoming papers. After all, it is on them that the check of capitalized goods is carried out. It should also be a good explanation of the rules and regulations of the work. For example, it is impossible to deliver products from a warehouse if the list of documents submitted is not complete. To avoid temptations, the responsibility for this matter should be assigned to the manager, so that he would closely monitor the process.

He, more often than not, is a materially responsible person. Also, touching upon issues of third-party units, namely accounting audits, it is necessary to establish the authenticity of the documentation provided. In addition, it is also necessary to pay attention to the correctness of filling out reports, data consistency. If errors were found, the accountant must make corrections and inform the storekeeper about this.

Equipment used

Warehouse accounting of goods can be optimized with high-quality equipment of the economy. The equipment used does not to a small extent affect how rationally the goods are distributed and how correctly it will be stored.

First of all, it is necessary to note the fact that proper arrangement allows you to hide the acceptance of goods from unnecessary eyes. This applies to unpacking and documenting. The consumer simply receives the neatly laid out commodity units.

Proper equipment of loading, loading and unloading areas is essential. As a rule, they are made in the form of a space-platform, where all the necessary manipulations are performed, and also accompanying documentation is received on it.

An important element in the successful long-term storage of most goods is the adequate temperature. That is, such a value of the environment, which ensures the preservation of material values ​​that are in stock. This, by the way, is also solved by the selection of equipment.

Internal order device

warehouse inventory program

The issue of ordering is important. Often this is achieved through the use of shelving. These universal designs are widely used to ensure the safety of goods. They can be arranged in separate rows and sections, distributing goods by grades and types.

When racks are used, available space is managed rationally, no matter how it is built. Which technical solution will be chosen depends on the product that will be stored.

So, for long or large commodity units use console racks. There may also be an aim to preserve perishable products. Separate solutions were invented for manual laying out and removal, as well as for working with machines.

Not always the usual solutions are enough. Especially when it comes to storing non-standard products. The solution is the equipment of such racks that have additional elements, supports, suspended structures. All this helps to organize the inventory of goods.

Optimization Issues

The availability and correct distribution must always be considered. This allows you to organize a comfortable and convenient work. For this purpose, someone uses a warehouse inventory card for goods. It allows you to keep track of the receipt and delivery of products, noting to whom and when, and how much was transferred.

card account

Someone believes that the warehouse inventory card is a past century and an outdated solution. And it’s better to use accessible computer technologies, where the created documents can simply be supported by an electronic digital signature. We should not forget about the quality inventory.So, scales and other measuring instruments should be regularly checked for accuracy and well calibrated.

About ongoing changes

organization of inventory of goods

When is optimization needed? And also what should be its measure? Very often, enterprises are not limited to having only one warehouse. Industrial companies may own several of these facilities. Often warehouses are located nearby. In this case, it is important to ensure an organic and continuous connection.

Also in such cases, it is very difficult to do without specialized software. A popular approach is when a central warehouse is allocated. If you need something that is not very often used, then you need to access other objects. And / or numbering of storages, in which the bulk of the necessary materials or products are located.

Very often separate workshops are provided for workshops. They host everything that is necessary for production. This is done in order to prevent the complete expenditure of the necessary resources and not to stop the process. Intermediate warehouses can also be equipped. They are used for short-term storage of products or materials.


card inventory

So, the inventory of goods in wholesale trade and industry is carried out taking into account three main factors:

  • First of all, the maintenance of all documentation should be aimed at confirming the movement of commodity units. The reliability of the data provided in them depends on whether the company will be profitable or not.
  • Then it is important to take care of the availability of the necessary equipment. It should be selected and installed so that the goods can be stored in such a way that they do not spoil, are easily loaded and removed, and if necessary, checked without any problems when accounting.
  • And finally: if there are several warehouses, it is necessary to ensure their interaction to adequately ensure the production or sale process. In addition, it is necessary to evaluate the amount of work. It may be such that one person will not be enough to keep a warehouse.

Is it obligatory to use expensive hardware and software systems?

If you are fed up with the design of warehouse inventory cards and there is a desire to automate part of the work, then it is better to turn to computer technology. Many are horrified by the prices of the most famous programs. Indeed, for some of them have to lay out quite large amounts. For large companies - this is not a problem, but what about smaller objects? In this case, you can use simpler solutions.

For example, a program like Excel. Warehouse accounting in it can be organized for any production or trade organization, where it is important to ensure the accounting of the amount of materials, raw materials and finished products. Of course, if we are talking about a very substantial scale, then Excel may not be so convenient. But for small and medium-sized companies, its functionality is enough with the head. In particular, if you fill out documents as accurately and in detail as possible, enter data in quantitative and monetary terms, observe the chronology of registration of operations, and do not disdain additional information. In this case, there should be no problems. That is, you just need to think through the process of working with this software.


stock accounting of goods

So it is examined what constitutes a warehouse inventory of goods in general terms. Alas, not a single theory can provide such an understanding of the matter as a little practice. For in specific circumstances there are specific nuances that can significantly affect the course of the accounting process. But in order to get acquainted with this case, to understand what it is, the information considered in the framework of the article is quite enough.

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