
What is a colony-settlement: conditions of detention, features and regime

In our country there are a large number of correctional institutions in which convicts serve their sentences. It all depends on what criminal act a person committed.

What is a colony settlement? This question is asked by many citizens of our state, whose close people were sent there to serve their sentence. So, in the settlement there are those convicted of acts that they committed through negligence, as well as those who committed atrocities of the least or moderate gravity. Read about all this in this article.

A little about the main thing

the convict arrived in the colony settlement

So what is a colony settlement? This is one of several types of correctional facilities in our country. Those convicted of acts that were committed through negligence or intentionally, but for the first time, are serving their term there.

Most often, drivers guilty of a traffic accident in which people died, as well as those intruders who committed minor thefts, are sent to the colony settlement. But, in addition, convicts sent to prison for good behavior from other correctional institutions (general or strict regimes) are serving their sentences there.

But, despite the fact that the settlement has lighter conditions for serving the sentence, it will not work to leave the territory of the colony before the end of the term. It is allowed only with the permission of the administration of this correctional institution to go out and work or study outside the colony settlement. You need to know this.

Legal regulation

So, the main regulatory act regulating the situation of convicts serving their term in penal colonies is PEC. Article 129 of the Criminal Executive Code regulates the conditions of stay of the latter in these correctional institutions.

Based on the above legal norms, convicts in a settlement:

- live in dormitories;

- carry out labor activities in accordance with the Labor Code (with the exception of choosing the place of their professional activity and dismissal from work);

- have a special identification document with them.

general characteristics

convicted at work

What is a colony settlement? This is a specialized type of correctional institution, where there is no high fence with barbed wire, as in all other colonies. But the convicts are kept here under the protection of the colony administration.

In this case, citizens guilty of crimes live and work in such conditions that sometimes they even forget that they are in captivity. Because most of the colony settlements are located closer to the forest, in small specialized villages. Nevertheless, all convicts here are obliged to work. The latter even have money with them and can buy the necessary products and personal items at a local store. Nevertheless, many of the convicts still adapt for a long time to such living conditions. Especially if earlier they did not have to serve their sentences in places isolated from society.


As you know, there are no general regime colonies where both men and women would serve their sentences. Because it is forbidden by law. Nevertheless, in the colonies, the settlements are a little different. Here men and women can serve their sentences together, but they live in different dormitories. Moreover, according to the rules of many penal colonies, settlements, prisoners of the opposite sex should not contact each other, but in practice it turns out quite differently.For example, if men and women live in different hostels, but on the same territory, then one way or another they meet with each other, communicate and even work together at the same enterprise.

Certain categories

Once again, it is necessary to return to the question of what is a colony-settlement. This is a correctional institution in which both men and women can be for committing the following illegal acts:

- committed through negligence, if they had not served a sentence of imprisonment before;

- intentional, but only of small or medium gravity, provided that they were committed for the first time;

- who have committed atrocity crimes and have previously served time in a colony.

Persons who have been transferred to settlement from colonies of general or strict regimes also serve their term in this correctional institution.


at the settlement you can confess

It must be said here that convicts transferred from other correctional colonies (general and strict regimes) must serve their sentences separately from those who had not previously served their sentences in isolation from society. Nevertheless, in practice, everything is completely different. Most often in a colony settlement all convicts are kept together, live in the same dormitory and work together.

By law, this is unlawful. After all, people who have already served time (for example, for a grave deed) can have a negative impact on those citizens who have not committed atrocities before and who have been sent to a settlement for committing a reckless crime (for example, for an accident in which a person died or was injured) ) This must be taken into account.


in a colony settlement at work

In the colony settlement, convicts are kept without protection. There are no towers on which officers of the correctional facility stand with machine guns. Nevertheless, convicts there are under constant control of the colony administration. They are allowed to move freely within the territory of this correctional institution, they can carry money in order to make purchases in the store at the colony. Many prisoners even wear jewelry, because by law they can carry valuables with them.

Persons serving sentences in a penal colony receive parcels and parcels, and also have the right to visits without limiting their number. You need to know this.

How the fair sex is serving time

convicted women with children in prison

In principle, the conditions in the settlement are the same for both men and women. Of course, girls do not do hard work, unlike the strong half of humanity. All live in dormitories, have their own bed, bedside table for personal belongings and a chair for clothes.

It is also necessary to say here that women's colony settlements are most often located in correctional facilities of a general regime for representatives of the beautiful half of humanity. There are few places there, therefore, according to a court decision, only the most responsible and good workers of enterprises, who have already almost completely proved their correction, are transferred there for good behavior and conscientious attitude to work. This is the order.

Opinion of former convicts

general regime colony

To begin with, I would like to say that not a single person is safe from getting into places of isolation from society. As already stated above, drivers most often find themselves in the settlement through whose fault one or more people died. You can not call these citizens criminals. After all, they did not want the onset of negative consequences.

Reviews about the colony settlement are quite contradictory. Many prisoners who had previously served their sentences in general regime believe that it is better there. In a colony settlement, the administration often establishes its own rules, convicts work without days off and lunch, they are constantly checked (even up to 10 times a day and night).Moreover, the latter also complain that there is no medical office in the settlement, the store is very rare, and there is practically no way to get there.

Some citizens who were serving the appointed term even said that they wrote complaints to various authorities, but did not receive answers. Therefore, the opinions of former convicts on this issue differ. Nevertheless, some of them believe that in a colony settlement it is good for those who like to work and really want to improve. But for the first time, convicts there are really very hard, especially at the beginning of the term.

For information

Transfer to a colony-settlement is carried out only by decision of the justice authority. The administration of the correctional institution does not have such powers.

Only those persons serving their sentences in colonies of general and strict regimes who conscientiously treat work and have impeccable behavior, without disciplinary sanctions, are transferred to the settlement. This rule must be remembered.

court transfer to colony

From the general regime colony, only positively characterized convicts who have served at least one quarter of their sentence in this correctional institution are transferred to the settlement. You need to know this.

Also, from a maximum security colony to a settlement colony, they transfer only after the convicted person has served at least one third of the sentence imposed by the judicial authority. This is the order.

Especially dangerous repeat offenders, as well as persons sentenced to life imprisonment from society, are not transferred to the colony settlement. You need to know about this.

How to find the right information

As a rule, the convicted person gets to the colony settlement on his own after receiving a certain order. He is under the control of the criminal inspection until he arrives at the place of serving the sentence. Everything is clear enough here.

The address of the settlement colony will be indicated in the order issued to the convict. So getting lost is almost impossible. Moreover, all the colony settlements are in special. villages, and there goes public transport. But sometimes it happens that the convict does not stay there at the appointed time to serve his sentence. In this case, he may be put on the wanted list.

Moreover, the court, at the request of the executive inspectorate, has the right to change the form of the correctional institution for the latter and send it to the general regime. So there is no need to violate the rules specified in the prescription.

The colony-settlement number is also indicated in this document, issued to the convict. He has the right to communicate this information to his relatives so that the latter will come to him on a date or send a parcel.

To the above

According to the current legislation, there is no established regime in the colony settlement. It is believed that it is lighter than in other correctional facilities. Moreover, the administration monitors the order in the colony settlement.

Nevertheless, positively characterized convicts can live even with their families outside the institution. Unless, of course, the head of the colony permits this to be done. Some convicts even study in absentia in educational institutions and travel to the city to work unaccompanied by the staff of this correctional institution. In addition, most people serving their sentences in the community wear only civilian clothing. Therefore, they seem no different from ordinary free citizens.


So, here I would like to say once again that especially dangerous repeat offenders and life-sentenced convicts cannot be transferred to a penal colony, where milder conditions for serving the sentence are milder.

Moreover, for the first time, convicts should be kept separately from those persons who were previously in general or strict regime. It should be so by law.

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