
What is SNT? Is it possible to register in SNT?

The question of whether it is possible to register in the SNT is relevant for many owners of summer cottages. The owners of the territory located in the gardening partnership can solve the registration issue without any special difficulties. But for the successful registration of a residence permit, it is necessary to fulfill a number of conditions and choose a suitable association.

What is SNT

By a horticultural non-profit partnership it is necessary to understand a voluntary association of citizens, each of which has its own allotment. Moreover, such lands should be located in a place designated specifically for gardening.

Finding out what SNT is and whether it is possible to register there, it is important to remember that the partnership belongs to the category of non-profit organizations. This means that the participation of this land in any processes aimed at making a profit is illegal.

Is it possible to register in the house

The exception is only those types of activities that are permitted by the charter of such a legal entity and applicable law.

Joining voluntary gardening associations of summer residents is possible under the following conditions:

  • to build a residential building on its site;
  • to be of legal age;
  • to have full legal capacity.

The question of whether it is possible to register in the SNT in the Moscow region or other regions will be resolved after the construction of residential real estate on his site and the acquisition of membership in the partnership.


Since SNT is a legal entity, it needs to register with the tax service, social authorities, as well as with the health insurance fund, social insurance and the FIU.

A horticultural partnership has a number of responsibilities:

  • Garbage must be taken to special landfills. On land SNT landfill is prohibited.
  • The main work should be carried out by gardening. Any activity related to the maintenance of common, privatized and personal plots is carried out at the expense of the partnership.
  • It is necessary to pay tax on land in common use. Each SNT participant who has registered ownership of it must pay the fee for his allotment on his own. If you use land on a rental basis, you need to pay tax through horticulture.

As for the answer to the question “Is it possible to register in the SNT house?”, It largely depends on the legal documents of the partnership.


Each member of the horticultural association is required to pay a certain amount annually. The partnership determines the contribution amount independently. It depends mainly on the costs of the organization.

All rules regarding tariffs and payments are determined at the general meeting.

4 types of contributions are mainly used:

  • Introductory. Formed from the funds received from the members of the partnership. They are necessary to cover expenses of an organizational nature arising in the process of paperwork.
  • Targeted. This part of the contributions is necessary for the creation or acquisition of public facilities.
  • Membership. Periodic payments aimed at covering the current expenses of the partnership and payment for the services of employees.

In addition, it is necessary to provide property for general use in order to cover the various needs of the organization: security, recreation, infrastructure development, etc.

Form of government

The meeting of members of the partnership, as well as the board of the association and its chairman are determined as the supreme governing body of the SNT.

The latter is responsible for matters related to the economic and legal affairs of gardening.Select a chairman at a general meeting of members by voting.

Is it possible to register in STT in Moscow

A person who has taken such a position should report on the work done, confirming the specified information with documents.

If there are any complaints against the chairman, then a commission is created to clarify the situation, the purpose of which is to conduct an audit. It is she who makes the final decision regarding the legality of the action.

Registration Issue

To understand whether it is possible to register in SNT, it is necessary to turn to the new law. On its basis, the previous prohibition of registration has been lifted, and it is now possible in residential buildings, but only those partnerships that are located in the area of ​​settlements.

It is about villages, villages and cities. Industrial areas and specially protected areas are not suitable for such purposes.

Is it possible to register in the STL of the Leningrad Region

As a result, the current legislation combines garden and summer cottages, allowing you to build residential premises on them and carry out registration. By this decision, the state opened up new possibilities and clarified the question of whether it is possible to register in the SNT.

What should be the housing

Despite the fact that registration has become possible, only those dwellings that meet specific requirements are allowed to be used for this process.

The essence of the conditions is as follows:

  • The building must be residential. Therefore, it makes no sense to think about whether it is possible to register in the SNT at the address of some utility premises.
  • A citizen has no other housing. If there is another dwelling, then registering on the territory of a garden or country association will fail.
  • There are all documents of title to the house at the address of which registration is planned. That is, the land is in the possession of the person who submitted the application.

Thus, it becomes clear whether it is possible to register on the SNT site - this is real, but subject to the availability of residential premises.

When all conditions are met and the documents are in order, there is no reason for refusal. But if the answer to the application regarding registration was negative, then such a decision can be challenged in court.

Which house is considered livable

One of the conditions for registration is the availability of all living conditions in the premises on the territory of SNT and DNP. Is it possible to register in a particular house or not, largely depends on this characteristic.

Thus, it is important to know which premises are considered residential and which are not.

In a building suitable for life, and hence residence in SNT, should be:

  • cold and hot water;
  • full ventilation;
  • good drainage;
  • gas supply, subject to availability near the gas main;
  • heating system;
  • electric lighting;
  • utilities are fully operational.

It is also important that the supporting and enclosing structures of the house are in very good condition.

Is it possible to register in STT in Moscow

In addition, it is necessary to ensure safe movement in any part of the premises. That is, the risks of any damage to the structure due to wear and tear or poor-quality construction work should not take place.

And a few more important characteristics of a residential building:

  • the house fully complies with sanitary standards and safety requirements;
  • foundation protects the premises from the penetration of ground and rainwater;
  • vibration and noise levels do not violate safety standards;
  • the rooms and the kitchen receive good natural light;
  • the height of the room, the level of the walls and floors correspond to the norms of the area of ​​location.

Lack of water supply and sewerage can be allowed, but only on one condition: the partnership does not have central systems.

How to assign a residential status to a house

Information on how to get an expert opinion on the state of the building is important information in the framework of the topic "SNT - is it possible to build a house and register".

Without an official assessment, going to the registration authorities is pointless.

For this reason, you first need to visit the judicial construction and technical examination or local authorities. The latter have the right to recognize the house as an object ready for operation.

land snt is it possible to register

In the decision-making process, both bodies will be guided by Art. 2 Housing Code of the Russian Federation. That is, they will give a positive assessment if the building complies with all technical and sanitary standards, is isolated and completely ready for permanent residence.

What you need to do to register

When the examination is carried out and the owner of the house received an act with a conclusion in his hands, you can begin the registration process.

For this purpose, any of the following methods:

  1. Portal of public services. To use the services of this site, you must first register on it and confirm your data. Only after receiving a confirmation code by mail and its subsequent introduction is it possible to fully use the portal functionality. After downloading scanned copies of documents, the migration officer contacts the applicant (this happens within 3 days) and agrees on the day of the visit. To meet with him, you need to take the originals of all documents that were transmitted through the site. If everything is in order, then a passport will be marked on the registration.
  2. MFC. An employee of the Multifunctional Center checks the documents, and then transfers them to the migration service for registration. The request must be processed within five days. To obtain documentary evidence of registration, you need to go to the MFC specialist at the time indicated by him.
  3. Personal appeal to the FMS. This is a working method, but it has one drawback: since the workload of the service is extremely high, they resolve registration issues in specific areas on days specially allocated for this. The date and time of the visit must be specified directly in the FMS.

Some citizens are interested in the question: if agricultural status is assigned to the land of SNT, is it possible to register? The answer will be negative, as is the case with territory where there is no capital construction.

What documents will be needed

For the registration process, it is important to take with you all the papers that are necessary for registration. These include:

  • A statement of the form established by law. The sample can be found on the official website of the FMS or obtained from the migration service. Fill it in place, consulting, if necessary, with a specialist nearby.
  • A copy of the examination confirming the suitability of the house for life.
  • Documents that are the basis for the ownership of the site and residential real estate on it. This may be a certificate of inheritance, a gift contract or sale.
  • Passport confirming citizenship of the Russian Federation.
SNT whether it is possible to register

If there are any errors or discrepancies in the documents, the consideration of the application may be delayed. Not even a refusal is possible. For this reason, before you submit papers, they should be carefully checked.

Is it possible to register other residents

Such a task is not a problem after changes in the law of 2015. To register relatives or third parties in your country house, you need to fulfill several conditions:

  • Those wishing to register with SNT must be discharged from their previous place of residence and receive a departure sheet.
  • The owner of the cottage and relatives should visit a specialist of the FMS together. The service must provide all the necessary documents and write a statement.
  • After completing the check, get a mark in the passport confirming the fact of registration at the new address.

If the cottage has several owners, then for the registration of other tenants you will need a notarized consent of each of them.

Local difficulties

Those who are interested in whether it is possible to register in the SNT of the Leningrad Region, it is important to remember that the house is considered suitable for registration, if the partnership is in the area of ​​the village.

what is snt is it possible to register there

In this region, a separate master plan is applied to each settlement, on the basis of which land categories are initially approved. And here the problem may lie: if the site was defined as a territory outside the settlement’s lands, then changing this status will be a daunting task.

Therefore, understanding whether it is possible to register in the SNT of the Leningrad Region, it is important to consider that it will be difficult to transfer the territory from the wrong category to the right one. To do this, you need the official permission of the governor.

The situation in the capital

If earlier summer residents could even worry about whether it is possible to register for SNT in Moscow, now they have the opportunity to do this without any problems.

The main thing is that the house meets the requirements and is defined as residential real estate.

If the site is in the category of agricultural land, then the owners of cottages can contact the prefecture to change the purpose of the territory on individual housing construction.

Once the process is completed, summer residents will be able to register at the address of the house, located within the gardening non-profit partnership.

But, as in other cases, registration is carried out only at one address.


To obtain a residence permit in the SNT, you must become part of a partnership located in the area of ​​residential areas and receive an expert opinion confirming that the house can be considered residential.

It is also important to prepare the documents correctly, as errors can cause a lengthy review of the registration application.

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