
What is COP - definition, interpretation and features

Quite often in conversation we use the word "rubbish". This term has several meanings and is used in various situations. Currently, the word is not very popular, but still used in the vocabulary of people. About what rubbish is, the interpretation of this token will be described in detail in the proposed essay.


What is rubbish? The word "rubbish" has several interpretations:

Litter like garbage
  1. Litter is a small garbage, dust. In a figurative sense, this is something that has no value, an unnecessary trifle.
  2. Litter is one type of soil (shore), a type of salt marsh that is characteristic of the desert area of ​​Central Asia.
  3. Sor is the local name for shallow bays on Lake Baikal, which are remote from the coast by an island or oblique.

The meanings of the word under study do not end there; there are many others.

Other definitions of “litter”

This word can be seen in the following variations:

  • Jacques de Sor - the surname of the famous French pirate, who became famous for the capture of Havana in 1555 and its further burning.
  • Fernando Sor is a Spanish composer who lived in 1778-1839. He was also a virtuoso guitarist and husband of the then-famous ballerina, whose name was Felicata Gyullen-Sor.
  • Sor - a village in Russia in the Tyumen region, Uvat region.
  • Sor is a river in France and Great Britain.
  • Sor is a commune in the southern region of France (Pyrenees), in the department of Ariege.
  • COP - an abbreviation that stands for "Sevastopol Defensive Region".

As can be seen from the examples, the word “rubbish” has a lot of meanings. Some of them will be considered in more detail below.

Pirate Jacques de Sor

Pirate Sor

This French pirate lived in the 16th century. Besides the fact that he attacked and captured Havana, not much information has been preserved about him to this day. It is known that he was nicknamed the Destroyer Angel. He received it after the burning of Havana.

Sor was the leader of a fairly large gang of Huguenot pirates, as well as an assistant (at some time) to another famous pirate, Francois le Clerc's Wooden Leg. The latter received this nickname, it is not difficult to guess, because of a wooden prosthesis.

Few know, but most of the pirates were robbed by the monarchs they came across on the court. Absolutely all European rulers sinned this, they gave tacit permission to the captains to rob ships from other countries. In return, the kings received most of the pirate booty, thereby replenishing the treasury.

So, in 1553, with the permission of King Francis I of France, Le Clerk and De Sor went to the side of the New World in anticipation of good prey. As a result of this voyage, they reached Cuba, which was first completely looted, and then burned its capital. It is known that Sor was a ruthless and unprincipled person. Under what circumstances he died, no information.

Salt marshes

Litter as a kind of soil

Continuing to consider what this litter is, we should talk about salt marshes. Sor or, as it is also called, shor is one of the types of salt marshes found in the deserts of Central Asia, Africa, Australia and North America. On our continent they are present, for example, in Turkmenistan and Kazakhstan.

In the case of salt marshes, litter is a crust of salt or a rather thick layer of salt dust on the soil surface. The smell of hydrogen sulfide is inherent in salt marshes. Nothing grows next to it, and there is no life form in the soil.

Solonchak litter appears as a result of evaporation or lowering of the water level in salt lakes nearby.Also, its appearance is possible due to the closely located mineralized saline groundwater in the soil. Salt marshes have a broad classification, dividing them into different types and types.

Shallow bay

Sora on Baikal

Considering what litter is, it is necessary to mention Lake Baikal. In these places litter is called shallow bays of the lake, which are separated from its main bowl by scythes or small islands.

Presumably, the name appeared around the XVII century, during the development of the Baikal region by Russian explorers. Initially, the term “litter” appeared in the dialect of the inhabitants of the western part of Siberia, it denoted the bay, as well as the place poured during the flood.

Currently, there are five litters on Lake Baikal, which are quite large in size:

  • Sor-Cherkalovo;
  • Angarsk litter;
  • Ambassadorial litters;
  • Bay of Failure;
  • Sor Lake Arangatui.

All of them are located in the eastern and northern parts of Lake Baikal. Often the litter is separated from the deep water by shoals, streamers or islets. As the sandbar is eroded by the waters of Lake Baikal, litter may very well turn into a real full gulf.

Composer Soor

Composer Soor

Fernando Sor was born in Spain, in Barcelona, ​​in 1778. From an early age, he learned to play various musical instruments, such as cello, guitar and violin. Studying at the Montserrat Monastery School, he received a musical education. Soor showed his abilities quite early as a composer. Already at the age of 13 he created his first Solemn (ceremonial) Mass for organ, choir and soloist. In the year of his coming of age, he composed the opera Telemachus.

During his life, the composer has created a large number of musical works. From libretto for ballet, operas, vocal compositions to special collections devoted to teaching and works for playing the guitar.

Fernando Sor is also a virtuoso guitarist, whose fame boomed throughout Europe. It can be put on a par with Paganini, the only difference is that the latter played the violin, and Sora masterfully mastered the guitar.

Abbreviation COP

COP as a strengthening

This is the abbreviation for the Sevastopol defensive region. The battle for Crimea and the defense of Sevastopol took place from the end of October 1941 until the beginning of July 1942 during the war of the Soviet Union with Nazi Germany.

The Sevastopol Defense Region - SOR - is both a formation and a structure. By the beginning of the war, the COP was practically the most fortified place not only in the USSR, but also in the world as a construction. The construction and construction of the SoR included dozens of specially fortified positions with various types of guns. It also included minefields and other devices.

The coastal artillery, which had three divisions with weapons of various calibers, entered the SOF. There were both stationary and mobile guns. In addition, on the line of defense were soldiers' units, consisting of foot soldiers and sailors.

However, despite this, Sevastopol was captured by the Nazis. The main reason for the defeat was the lack of ammunition from the artillerymen, since the city was blocked by the Nazi army both from the sea and land. Also hindered the delivery of ammunition Luftwaffe pilots, who had a numerical superiority in the air. They thwarted all attempts of the Red Army to deliver the necessary shells for the defense of the city.

As a result, Soviet troops had to retreat, and Sevastopol was under Nazi occupation for two years. However, when a sufficient number of well-equipped troops were gathered, the Nazis were destroyed, and Sevastopol was released.

Having examined what rubbish is, it becomes clear how many meanings such a short and seemingly so simple word has.

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