
Why do I need to register at the place of residence? Rules for registration at the place of residence

Today we have to find out why registration at the place of residence is necessary. In addition, you need to understand what it generally is. How to register in a particular housing? Who is eligible? Where exactly is the registration issued? Answers to all these questions will be found later. In fact, turning an idea into reality is not as difficult as it seems. It’s good enough to study the current legislation of the Russian Federation.


Let's first figure out what exactly the conversation will be about. What kind of process is called registration?Why do I need to register at the place of residence

Registration in Russia today is called an analogue of registration. Temporary or permanent. In our case, the second of these two options is implied.

All citizens must have a residence permit. It gives a person the right to reside in a particular territory. Without registration or temporary registration a citizen is considered a homeless person.

What gives

But why do you need registration at the place of residence? What does she offer all her owners?

Among the main advantages of permanent residence, the following features are distinguished:

  • granting the right to participate in the privatization of housing;
  • the right to reside in a particular territory;
  • the possibility of obtaining state and municipal services;
  • registration of medical services (including binding to a specific clinic);
  • the right to receive pensions, benefits, payments.

If a person does not have registration in the territory of the Russian Federation, he cannot get a job, go to university, go to a kindergarten or school. Now it’s clear why registration at the place of residence is necessary.form 6 registration at the place of residence


And what does the law say about the topic being studied? All citizens of the Russian Federation have the right to free movement around the country. Restrict in movement are capable of only for a number of special reasons. In practice, they are extremely rare.

In 1995 (July 17), a set of rules on registration and deregistration of Russian citizens was issued. It spells out all the basic nuances of registration. In addition, the legislation of the Russian Federation indicates that all citizens located in the country are required to have at least some residence permit. This also applies to foreigners. But they most often face temporary registration.

The timing

How long can a person stay in the country without registration? It all depends on what category of citizens it belongs to.

It is noted that the primary registration with the population of the Russian Federation (newborns) can be carried out at any time. It is advisable to deal with her in the first month of the birth of the child.

According to current laws of the Russian Federation, a citizen may not have a residence permit for a maximum of 7 days. If you checked out, then for this period of time must register in another place.certificate of registration at the place of residence

Foreigners, as a rule, can reside in the country for 90 days without registration. Next, you will have to draw up either a temporary registration or a permanent one. As already mentioned, foreign citizens most often face temporary residence permits.

Where to register

And where to get registration at the place of residence? Permanent housing may be:

  • house;
  • room;
  • apartment;
  • cottage (under certain conditions).

So it is not possible to register on an ongoing basis everywhere. For example, in a hotel or hotel only temporary registration is allowed. This is a normal occurrence. It is noted that a person cannot constantly live in such places. He needs a normal home for a comfortable life.

Of course, registration in non-residential premises also fails. Most often prescribed in apartments. Similar practice occurs in 90% of cases.

Where to draw up

And where to apply for registration at the place of residence? For citizens of the Russian Federation there are several options for the development of events. A modern person must fill out an application on the model in the proper form at one of several registering organizations.

These places include:

  • migration departments of the Ministry of Internal Affairs;
  • UFMS;
  • MFC;
  • portal "Public services".

Where exactly to apply? Each citizen decides this on his own. If we are talking about a foreigner, it is imperative to contact the migration departments. Otherwise, there is no difference as to where to prescribe the person.residence registration rules

Fundamental rules

What are the rules for registration at the place of residence in Russia? There are a huge number of features that every person will have to take into account. After all, you can not register at all and not always!

The duration of stay in Russia without registration has already been said. It is advisable to register at the place of residence as soon as possible. This will save citizens from most problems.

In addition, it should be remembered that:

  1. Only the landlord can register in the apartment. Therefore, registration at the place of residence for citizens of the Russian Federation in “non-native” regions is sometimes difficult.
  2. Each person must be registered. He must have either a permanent residence permit or a temporary residence permit.
  3. At the same time, a person can have both temporary and permanent registration. This practice occurs, as a rule, when moving to another region to earn money.
  4. Children are prescribed with one of the parents. For this operation, the consent of the owner is not necessary. The approval of the second parent to register the child is not with him.
  5. For registration, the applicant must contact the registration authority in a timely manner with a specific package of documents. It will depend on who and how are prescribed. A complete list of required papers is listed below.
  6. Registration is a stamp in the passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation. The certificate of registration at the place of residence is issued only to children (up to 14 years old in the form of a certificate), as well as to foreigners.

Perhaps these are all the main nuances that you need to pay attention to. If you remember these rules, the procedure of registration of a person will be greatly facilitated. What else should every citizen know about permanent registration?registration at the place of residence for citizens of the Russian Federation

Place of residence is ...

For example, what is called permanent residence. This is a pretty important nuance. After all, as has already been said, registration is not allowed everywhere.

The place of residence of a citizen is considered to be a dwelling in which a person lives permanently or predominantly. There are no restrictions on the grounds for recognizing premises as residential at the legislative level.

As already emphasized, registration is only possible in housing. Non-residential premises are prohibited. Housing can be considered any isolated real estate suitable for permanent residence of the population in it.

Registration Procedure

Now a little about what the rules for registration at the place of residence will help to comply with the legal registration for registration in a particular authority. The procedure is actually extremely simple.

Every citizen who wants to register in a new home must follow these steps:

  1. Check out from your previous place of residence. It is forbidden to have two permanent residence permits in Russia.
  2. Collect a specific set of documents.
  3. Fill out the application in accordance with all the rules. Typically, a sample application for registration at the place of residence can be seen at the registration authority. There will be an exact transcript of all the items required to fill out.
  4. Contact the registration authority with a statement and a prepared package of documents.
  5. Wait for approval of the operation.Obtain a passport with a residence permit (it is affixed to the registration authority) or a certificate of registration.

As a rule, no further action is needed. The main troubles arise in people when collecting documents necessary for registration. Especially when it comes to acting outside your home.What you need to register at the place of residence


From now on, it is clear why registration at the place of residence is necessary. Registration for Russia is mandatory. You can’t escape her. Otherwise, you can forget about receiving municipal and state services, medical care, work, and contacting banks. And this despite the fact that some lawyers believe that the lack of registration should not affect the civil rights of the population.

As was emphasized earlier, a rather important role is played by the collection of documents for registration. What do you need to register at the place of residence? It all depends on the circumstances.

Among the main securities required for registration, there are:

  • passport of the owner of the premises;
  • identity card of a citizen who is registered in a particular territory;
  • documents establishing ownership of real estate (for example, an extract from the Unified State Register of Enterprises);
  • birth certificate;
  • Form 6 (registration at the place of residence is carried out by filling out this application form);
  • sheets of arrival and departure.

Also, a citizen may be required to:

  • consent of the second parent to the registration of the child;
  • consent from all owners of the premises to register a new tenant;
  • Marriage certificate.

For foreigners, you must additionally submit:

  • migration card;
  • residence permit (if any).

In fact, everything is simpler than it seems. The time for which a certificate of registration at the place of residence (certificate or stamp) will be issued is approximately 7 days from the moment you submit your application to the registration authority.

Summary and Conclusion

In fact, issues related to registration play an important role in the life of modern people. It is important to realize that a person, along with registration, receives the right to reside in a particular territory. But he will not have ownership rights to housing.

where to get registration at the place of residence

The sample application for registration at the place of residence presented to your attention is just a template, the completion of which does not take a lot of time from citizens. A request is usually written by hand using a ballpoint pen.

As a rule, if we are talking about our housing, then there will not be any problems with registration in it. Some citizens offer to temporarily or permanently register citizens in their housing for a fee (from 1,000 rubles). Such actions are considered illegal.

Form 6 (registration at the place of residence without this paper is not possible) is taken from the registration authority. The departure sheet is issued upon deregistration in the former housing.

In fact, registering in a particular place is easier than it seems. From now on, there will be no problems in the implementation of the task.

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