
Fiscal data is information to be recorded in fiscal memory

Fiscal data is a database that is contained in a cash register. A filler is built inside it, which contains information about all financial transactions carried out. A fiscal registrar is a modular system that connects to an online checkout. It is mainly intended for registration of income / expense, but there are also advanced functions. For what it is still used, and how the movement of funds is reflected, we learn further.

CCP Fiscal Registrar: Simplified System

Now, in 2018, a reform is underway to develop a project regarding the introduction of fiscal apparatus and CCP. By 2019, the full completion of the process is planned - all enterprises will switch to online cash registers.

The fiscal data operator has also been modified, improved. It is directly related to the cash register and the structure of the reflection of fiscal data. Not only employees of the company, but also the tax inspectorate can have access to the built-in filler. All information subject to registration in fiscal memory is open, made available to all authorized bodies.

If the time for submitting the report is approaching, information about the data can be taken directly from the drive, which stores information about financial accounting. Be sure to reflect all legitimate data, otherwise the information will be considered distorted.

Legal norm of law

Fiscal data operator for individual entrepreneurs

To understand the peculiarity of working with new devices, you should refer to the Federal Law No. 54. Here are the conditions for fixing and implementing online devices. It will seem to many that this is complicated, IPs will adapt for a long time to the legal sphere of accounting, being individuals, and LLCs only to improve the company's bureaucratic policy.

Cash registers are now equipped with special chips - devices that store information and details of your daily money transactions. Fiscal data is information that is in the cash register.

The tax inspection passes both registration and registration. A database of goods is being introduced there to make the movement of products easier and more convenient. The device has also become newer and smarter - it will issue checks only with details: data on goods, prices, discounts, promotions, days of purchase, operator, etc. The cash register, as the operator of fiscal data, is connected to the OFD base later, when accounting is already conducted for a specific entrepreneur.

  1. All data received will go to the tax until the end of the working day.
  2. The fiscal memory of the CCP is separately embedded, changed, without losing data.
  3. The CRF is established after online registration with the tax, and the central heating service is no longer needed.

It is worth noting that soon the check on paper will no longer be needed, and by 2019 its optional issuance will also cease to be relevant. Instead, electronic checks will be sent to customers - conveniently and safely.

The introduction of innovative drives

Fiscal data is a hardware module that interacts with an online cash register. It is intended to reflect all payment transactions:

  • Registration of incoming money.
  • Reflection of company expenses.
  • Refund and receipt of cash issued.
  • Reflection of operations for cashless payments.
Connection of online cash desk

When the money is returned to the buyer, the goods are returned to the store after the receipt of the check.Here fiscal data is information about money, goods and the cashier-operator who is responsible for the movement of funds.

The structure of cash registers and their purpose

According to the structure, KKT can have external and built-in cash desks. They cooperate with fiscal drives, to which tax inspectorates have access. External FRs perform the function of printing paper checks. In the internal devices there are separate modules responsible for this function.

Online cash registers were recently introduced; in 2018, the second stage of reforms took place. By 2019, adjustments will go through the third phase of the reform, and the changes will be fully completed. The reflected fiscal data on the cash receipt must be true, as this is a legal document: it indicates the purchase or sale of goods.

Issuance of paper checks

The accumulated information in the fiscal registrar (FR) must completely coincide with the declaration that the store submits to the tax service on cash accounting. If the declared figures differ, a re-verification will be carried out. CCP fiscal data cannot be destroyed, even if memory needs to be cleared.

Direct work: registration of the return of income from the client to the store

There is a package of documents that you need to provide the store to get your money back:

  • Identification.
  • Application from the buyer (created by the seller).
  • Checks for the purchase of goods, electronic documents.

If necessary, a person can indicate marriage, factory design, poor-quality work of the goods. In support of the attached result of the examination of the service center. The trademark on the device must match the check issued by CCP. The fiscal memory of the cash register “remembers” all the nuances of the transaction, allowing you to resume the details of the financial transaction.

Cash flow through courier

Important: food items are non-refundable. Non-food (not all) can only be returned in their proper form with the preservation of the presentation and the absence of traces of use.

Simplified cash flow accounting

Improvements were created not only for law enforcement agencies, tax authorities, but also for entrepreneurs who can already enjoy all the delights of instant cash desk work. Now accounting for money has become easier, more transparent: no need to create a journal with explanations and product codes to reflect the return or expense. All actions immediately fall into the memory of the registrar, the fiscal drive “remembers” the actions, issues them even remotely in case of verification.

It is believed that the accounting of money is simplified, since:

  1. Cash desk can be connected separately, or built into the module.
  2. Fiscal memory stores information about all financial transactions.
  3. In parallel, a check is issued to the buyer.
  4. It is possible to connect a modular device to computers, different devices.

It is also convenient to duplicate paper checks with electronic versions, so that the buyer can always refer to the purchase document.

Reflection of income and cash flow

Thus, any changes in the legislation are automatically reflected in the database of the fiscal operator (OFD), to which the tax inspectorate has access. And technological modernization is responsible for the timely opportunity to improve the ways of making adjustments. In this context, the mandatory transition of legal entities to ECLZ module when using cash register equipment is noted.

Return returns are also simple to issue: create a name for the check, fill out the return and break through the document. Further, the client fills in all the application forms. However, in 2019, the final stage of the reform will be completed. We will see what other simplifications take effect.

Where to buy a fiscal registrar?

Before you buy a fiscal registrar online, you need to determine the type of cash desk. According to the law ФЗ-№54, all legal entities must switch to new devices. It works online and connects to the technique:

  • The tablet.
  • Computer.
  • A laptop.
  • Other devices.

The new model has a built-in chip. It transfers information to the tax office about your actions, information about the organization or individual entrepreneur.

Features of the appointment and implementation of the apparatus

CCP reporting and documentation

Not everywhere you can buy a new CCP, which will meet the requirements of GOST. Some official suppliers offer inexpensive models that are suitable for each business model. FR performs:

  • Thermal printing.
  • Printer Features
  • Connection of a box for money.

The manufacturer gives the device different characteristics: different tape widths, operating conditions, etc. The device, ready to use, is connected to the POS system of the computer, which allows you to monitor sales in real time. To find out how much the fiscal registrar and modular systems of various types cost, refer to the catalog of companies where you can buy cash registers inexpensively.

Fiscal registrar price and connection to OFD

Accounting and control of cash

The price of the fiscal registrar is publicly available. Large companies offer cheap models that match the organizational structure of the enterprise. Prices vary depending on the brand of the manufacturer, type of operating system.

Earlier, the Register of cash registers offered built-in fn, the price of which was higher than the average market. Now the cost has decreased due to the rapid transition to new cash registers on the basis of the OFD. In tax, you can also cheaply buy an online registrar and after a few days connect to the tax service database.

So far, this is part of the innovations that are already being used by companies. CCT registration, operator design and programs are actively used by all actors in a market economy.

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