
Where can I get a ticket to the pensioner sanatorium, how to get free?

Not everyone knows where to get a ticket to a pensioner sanatorium. That is why people of advanced age do not fully use their right to rest at state expense. There are a lot of reasons. For example, you need to spend a lot of time and health to get free tickets to the sanatorium for pensioners.

Modern realities

Few people have information that at present it is possible to get rid of endless running around in numerous instances. One needs to spend time and nerves to resolve the issue in their favor. So, how to get a ticket to the pensioner? Let’s try together to find answers to these important questions for the elderly.

queue for tickets to the sanatorium for pensioners

Delivery Criteria

Speaking about where you can get a ticket to the pensioner sanatorium, we will dwell on some parameters. To begin with, any citizen of the country who officially went on a well-deserved rest has the right to receive it.

It is absolutely unimportant how exactly the retirement was carried out: thanks to preferential length of service, upon reaching age, according to medical indications.

It is important to have a pensioner certificate issued by the State Pension Fund.

A pensioner is allowed to get a permit to the sanatorium once a year. Of course, there are exceptions to the general rule. For example, on the recommendation of a doctor, a pensioner can expect to receive an additional ticket. Unfortunately, in real life, such exceptions are extremely rare.

permits to the sanatorium for pensioners of Moscow

Important points

A social voucher for a pensioner is issued once. If it is issued to an ordinary pensioner, you cannot go for treatment again during the year, using, for example, the veteran's benefit.

The basis for issuing a permit is a certificate from a medical medical institution.

Basically, people who have reached retirement age already have a history of several chronic diseases. Health workers can only properly prioritize in order to select the "sore" in need of urgent treatment. Just not working, you can count on trips to the sanatorium for pensioners for free. Where exactly an elderly person will go for treatment depends on the specifics of the disease, as well as on which sanatoriums contracts are concluded for servicing people of retirement age in a particular region of the Russian Federation.

In order to become the owner of the coveted ticket, the pensioner must have an official written refusal to receive a cash equivalent for this type of benefit.

social voucher for a pensioner sanatorium

Where can i get

To obtain a ticket to the sanatorium, pensioners in Moscow must contact the social. protection. Treatment in the country boarding houses of elderly people who do not have additional benefits is carried out at the expense of the regional budget. Where can I get a ticket to the pensioner sanatorium? As a rule, they are distributed by representatives of social protection. Of course, it is not enough to come to this organization, write a statement and immediately get the desired result. There is a queue for trips to the sanatorium for pensioners. Depending on the number of applications filed, the characteristics of the diseases, an approximate funding is prepared for the next calendar year. Of course, some limits are also expected, so you will have to sign up in line for tickets to the sanatorium for pensioners.

free tickets to the pensioner's sanatorium

Receive algorithm

Since the issuance of vouchers is strictly for medical reasons, initially it is necessary to issue a certificate 070 / U-04. They are handled by a general practitioner in a medical institution (clinic). Therefore, you need to make an appointment with the doctor, think over the direction in which the profile of the sanatorium will be selected. It will be difficult to make changes after a statement is written to the social protection authorities. Knowing where you can get a ticket to the pensioner to the sanatorium, you can safely carry a medical certificate certified by the signature of the head physician and the seal of the clinic to this authority.

In some medical institutions, in order to receive a certificate for spa treatment, it is enough to do a minimum number of tests, while in others they require several specialized doctors and serious laboratory tests.

In many cases, the general practitioner who is responsible for issuing the medical certificate, determines the depth of the medical examination and the number of tests based on the characteristics of the patient’s disease.

Due to the significant workload of the doctor, the procedure for obtaining a medical certificate may take a long time. Unfortunately, without it in hand, it makes no sense to apply for a permit for sanatorium-resort treatment to the social protection authorities.

permits for a pensioner sanatorium for free

Delivery of a package of documents

After the certificate of form 070 / U-04 is ready, it, along with other documents, must be submitted to the department of social protection of the population. The package includes:

  • passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation;
  • insurance policy;
  • pensioner's certificate;
  • employment history;
  • certificate of residence;
  • medical certificate.

In some Russian regions, additional documents are also required, for example, a certificate of the amount of the pension. In order not to go to social security several times, it is better to clarify in advance the list of documents provided for obtaining permits for sanatorium-resort treatment.

In the statement, which is written in the department of social protection of the population, the pensioner indicates the desired dates of the trip to the sanatorium, as well as notes additional details. For example, you can note the desire to go to a sanatorium in which there is a pool, a gym, etc. An application written by an elderly person will go for consideration. Within 20 days, the pensioner will receive a response. Practice shows that basically the application is considered positively, put in the queue for a ticket, report the number to the applicant.

how to become a voucher owner

Voucher issue

Due to the large number of older people who want to go for treatment, you will have to be patient. Queues often have to wait several months. The fact that a permit for sanatorium-resort treatment will be provided is informed to the pensioner no later than two weeks before the start of its operation.

There are also situations when, due to the refusal of some people, vacant places appear at the sanatorium.

In this case, representatives of the social welfare authorities can call the pensioner and inform him about the provision of the desired permit. He also informs the person about the actions that must be performed by him. After notification of the receipt of the permit, you will again have to go to a medical institution.

The validity of certificate 070 / U-04 is limited to six months. If during this time period a voucher is not provided, the pensioner will have to issue a new certificate. A sanatorium-resort card is also needed, without which sanatoria do not accept vacationers for treatment.

The pensioner provides the executed documents in social protection, receives in return a ticket to sanatorium-resort treatment. Then you can buy tickets and go to the sanatorium for treatment.

Follow up activities

After arriving home, it is necessary to provide tear-off coupons to the polyclinic and to the social welfare authorities, which are confirmation of the fact of treatment.In order to use the right to spa treatment again in a year, it is better to write a statement immediately after returning. Since all your documents will already be in social security, the queuing procedure for spa treatment will be significantly simplified and accelerated. Of course, provided that on the filing date of the application, the certificate of form 070 / U-04 will be valid.

how to a military pensioner get a ticket to a sanatorium

Payment of fare to the sanatorium

As a pleasant bonus from the state, pensioners can count on compensation for travel expenses to and from the sanatorium. To receive such compensation, you need to bring tickets to the social security authorities immediately after completing the treatment.

Within a month, the money is credited to the pensioner's current account. It should be noted that not only train tickets, but also economy class airline tickets are compensated. Unfortunately, in each region of the Russian Federation there are certain limits, therefore it is better to clarify the issue of paying a pensioner to employees of social protection of the population.

Preferential categories

How can a military pensioner get a ticket to a sanatorium? The law of the Russian Federation for certain categories of pensioners secures the right to preferential treatment of spa treatment. Employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, military personnel, employees of the penitentiary system who took part in the hostilities, can write a request for a permit, attach a medical certificate form 070 / U-04. After consideration of the application, a voucher for the time specified in it is allocated to such categories of pensioners. There are special military sanatoriums that only military pensioners can get into. In addition to free spa treatment, they have the right to free travel.

To summarize

Not all Russian pensioners know and use their right to annual free treatment in sanatoriums in Russia. Some people of advanced age simply do not believe in the result, they are not ready to spend their time and health on collecting the necessary documents, going to different government agencies responsible for providing free vouchers for spa treatment.

The social support program for domestic pensioners is currently working successfully. If you make certain efforts, they will not be wasted, and after some time it will be possible to go for treatment to one of the sanatoriums offered by the social welfare authorities in the region.

What is included in the free ticket? It includes accommodation, treatment, as well as food. The pensioner will not need special additional material costs while in the sanatorium.

What will it be necessary to pay extra? Standard free voucher includes accommodation in ordinary rooms. If the vacationer is planning luxury conditions, for extra comfort you will have to pay a "tidy" amount. Single pensioners who do not want to share a room with a stranger must also pay a certain surcharge for single occupancy.

Paid are both additional procedures and medical examinations, which are not included in the cost of the permit provided to the pensioner. For concerts, excursions, going to the cinema, you also have to pay out of your pocket. Some retirees dream of going on vacation with their grandchildren. Some resorts allow children to be present, but before setting up for a joint rest, you need to call a medical institution to clarify the conditions of settlement, treatment, payment. Of course, a ticket for a child will be paid. The terms of the free voucher provided by the social security authorities cannot be changed. You can only make a surcharge, remaining for a few days in a sanatorium.

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