
State sanitary and epidemiological surveillance: features and requirements

Safety always comes first for a person. This applies primarily to the sanitary and epidemiological situation. Especially during epidemics, exacerbation of infectious diseases. In order for the emergency situation not to threaten the safety of the population, special monitoring bodies have been created. It is these instances that are responsible for preventing the spread of epidemics. Mass poisoning is also in the area of ​​special attention. Next, we consider the features and requirements of the Sanitary and Epidemiological Surveillance.

Definition of supervisory services

The State Control Service was approved by a decree of the Government of the Russian Federation.

Sanitary and epidemiological surveillance is an activity aimed at the prevention, detection, and suppression of violations in the field of ensuring the sanitary and epidemiological well-being of the population in order to protect human health and the human environment.

Control is carried out by the bodies of the state epidemiological service of the Russian Federation. There is a special law that governs the actions of this body.

In each region there is a center for sanitary and epidemiological surveillance. It can be departmental or state. Consider who manages this structure.

laboratory assistant

The leadership of the state regulatory body

For the organization of sanitary and epidemiological surveillance are responsible:

  • Chief State Doctor of Russia.
  • Heads of medical institutions of constituent entities of the Russian Federation in regions and cities.
  • Directors of Consumer Rights Services.
  • Chief Physician of the Federal Biomedical Service.
  • Head doctor of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation.
  • Chief Physician of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation.
  • Chief Physician of the FSIN.
  • Chief physician of GUSPP of the Russian Federation.
  • Head of the Presidential Administration of the Russian Federation.
  • Chief physician, doctor of the FSB of the Russian Federation.
  • Chief physician of the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation.
  • Doctor FSVNG of the Russian Federation.

The work of all managers is supervised by the chief physician of the Russian Federation. They can also act as deputies. Consider who is the head of the center for state sanitary and epidemiological surveillance. This position is appointed by a higher authority in agreement with the establishment of the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Service of Russia.

Responsibilities of the head physician of the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Service

His job responsibilities are as follows:

  • Organizes work on the study of the sanitary-epidemiological situation.
  • It studies the effect and influence of negative factors on the health status of the population.
  • It exercises control and takes measures to improve the sanitary situation.
  • It establishes joint work with public organizations and state bodies in connection with guarantees of sanitary and epidemiological support for citizens.
  • Offers new ways to implement improvement and ensure sanitary conditions.
  • Improves the organization and management, as well as the planning of forms and methods of work of regulatory bodies.
  • It controls the selection of personnel taking into account their specialty, and also creates the conditions for advanced training.
  • It monitors the performance of employees by their duties and compliance with the internal operating mode.

In cities and large settlements, there are centers of state sanitary and epidemiological surveillance. Their chief physicians are supervisors.

State Supervision Services

It should be indicated which services belong to the bodies of sanitary and epidemiological surveillance.

  • Sanitary and epidemiological station.They can be territorial, republican, regional, city, district, linear.
Sanitary and epidemiological stations at different levels
  • Sanitary and epidemiological surveillance centers.
  • Disinfection stations and laboratories.
  • Research institutes and laboratories for epidemiology.
  • Research Institute of Vaccines and Serums.
  • Home health education.

All these services are of a nature and perform the functions of control and supervision. Next, consider what tasks they face.

The tasks of state supervision

Consider the direction of work of the state sanitary and epidemiological surveillance:

  • Monitoring the state of public health and assessing the future situation taking into account the state of the environment.
  • Establishing the causes and circumstances of mass diseases.
  • Creation of fulfillment obligations that will guarantee sanitary and epidemiological safety for residents.
  • Implementation of control over the population regarding compliance with all norms and rules of the law.
  • Conducting and monitoring activities aimed at combating and preventing epidemics.
The tasks of state supervision
  • Taking measures to stop sanitary violations.
  • They have the right to prosecute for non-compliance with sanitary standards.

Departmental supervision

This is a type of government agency. The field of activity is as follows: to monitor compliance with sanitary standards at the facilities of individual ministries and departments.

Such objects include:

  • Troops.
  • Objects of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation.
  • Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation.
  • FSB.
  • Ministry of Railways.

The tasks of such departments include:

  • The organization of preventive measures aimed at preventing mass poisoning, infectious and non-communicable diseases in collectives, their families, as well as among those laid off for retirement, retirement, among cadets serving in the system of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia.
  • Prevention of the negative impact of hazardous environmental factors.
  • Training and monitoring hygiene.
  • Carrying out preventive measures to prevent mass poisoning and the spread of various genesis of diseases among people who are in special conditions.

Federal State Sanitary and Epidemiological Surveillance

Consider which services belong to this type of supervision.

The federal state sanitary and epidemiological surveillance is carried out by such bodies:

  • FS on supervision of compliance with consumer rights, as well as territorial bodies.
  • FMBA and its local units.
  • Subdivisions of special purpose.

The state control bodies and departmental and federal institutions subordinate to them carry out work to ensure sanitary and epidemiological welfare at the state level and form a global federal centralized system of state supervision.

Directions of work of the State Supervision

Let us single out the main areas of work of the Sanitary and Epidemiological Control Center. Its specialists:

  1. Create a system of sanitary and epidemiological surveillance standards.
  2. Regulate the creation of a regulatory framework.
  3. Develop guidelines for federal sanitary and hygiene services. Approves and publishes them.
  4. They are engaged in the creation of reporting forms.
  5. Carry out anti-epidemiological measures.
  6. Provide health education.
    Health education
  7. Identify the causes of the spread and occurrence of infectious, occupational, mass diseases and poisoning.
  8. Take into account and analyze the identified violations.

Risk categories

Federal sanitary and epidemiological surveillance in the field of consumer protection when checking the activities of individuals and legal entities, as well as production facilities, classifies the latter as a specific risk group. This is being implemented in accordance with existing legislation.

The decision about which risk group an object belongs to is made by:

  • Chief physician of the Russian Federation. If the object is extremely high risk.
  • Head physician of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation or heads of local authorities. If the object is classified as high or significant risk.
  • The head of the location of the object of state supervision. Object of medium or moderate risk.

Scheduled inspections in this case depend on what category of risk the object belongs to:

  • Extremely high risk. Check once a year.
  • High risk. 1 time in 2 years.
  • Significant risk group. 1 time in 3 years.
  • When establishing an average risk level, a check is recommended once every 4 years.
  • At moderate risk every 6 years.

At enterprises included in the group of objects with low risk, scheduled inspections are not performed.

What decisions can make

It is very important to know what powers are vested in the state sanitary and epidemiological surveillance authorities. They:

  • They have the right to remove from the performance of their duties a temporary employee who is the carrier or source of the causative agent of an infectious disease.
  • They have the right to examine in a laboratory way citizens who have had contact with an infected patient and establish medical supervision for them.
  • If a citizen is an infectious patient and poses a threat to the population, they can undergo mandatory hospitalization.

They also carry out:

  • A set of measures for the destruction of infectious pathogens of human and animal diseases in territories where there is a risk of the spread and occurrence of infectious pathologies.
  • Preventive measures for pest and deratization in places of infectious diseases.
  • Preventive vaccination of citizens.
  • The implementation of preliminary control.
Powers of Sanitary-Epidemic Supervision
  • A systematic examination of citizens, trade and food enterprises in order to prevent the emergence and spread of various, including infectious diseases.
  • Work to eliminate sanitary violations.
  • The sanitary service may hold accountable the violator of sanitary norms (both an individual and a legal entity).
  • When performing an audit, civil servants have the right to conduct: examinations, sanitary-epidemiological examinations, investigations, tests, and may assess compliance with norms and requirements.

The State Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision has the right to attract expert organizations and experts to conduct an audit. Inspections are established by administrative regulations that comply with the decree of the Government of the Russian Federation.

The conclusions made as a result of the audit, as well as the behavior of the persons who conducted the audit, can be challenged in court in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

State Supervision Activities

We list what else the activities of the State Supervision are:

  • Organize inspections and implement them regarding the implementation of sanitary legislation and anti-epidemiological requirements.
  • To control activities, conduct legal and physical checks regarding compliance with technical and sanitary standards in the field of consumer protection rights and human well-being.
  • To carry out sanitary control at checkpoints across the border of the Russian Federation.
Sanitary control at the border
  • Stop detected violations and eliminate them, as well as issue instructions on elimination of violations. Carry out the punishment of those responsible.
  • They have the right to conduct test purchases in accordance with the law “On the Protection of the Rights of Legal Entities and Individual Entrepreneurs in the Implementation of State Control and Municipal Control”.
  • Issue orders for anti-epidemiological measures.
  • They monitor the implementation of standards, analysis and forecast, the implementation of the requirements of sanitary legislation.
  • They contribute to the formation of publicly available information sources in the field of epidemiological safety for the population of a country or a particular region.
  • Annually conduct an assessment and analysis of the effectiveness of the State Supervision.

Supervision requirements

The rules that are established and approved by legal acts can be called the requirements of Sanitary and hygienic and epidemiological surveillance. These include:

  • Sanitary norms and rules.
  • Hygienic standards.
  • Anti-epidemiological requirements.
  • Optimal and permissible norms of the state of the environment affecting the human body.
  • Environmental safety indicators for a person living in his environment.
  • The necessary qualitative and quantitative indicators of the norm for the safety of citizens.
  • Hygienic requirements.
  • Preventive measures to improve public health.
  • The rules of nutrition and household life in order to save and promote health.

How is control

State sanitary and epidemiological surveillance is carried out by performing the following actions:

1. Inspections of individuals, legal entities, and civilians are carried out on:

  • Food production and trafficking.
  • The provision of services in trade.
  • Spheres of public catering.

2. The sanitary-epidemiological surveillance service performs the following actions:

  • Inspection of territories, transport, premises, buildings.
  • Laboratory research of products.
  • Examination of products: sanitary-epidemiological, toxicological, veterinary-sanitary.
  • Analysis of documentation on product safety and quality assessment. As well as the conditions of its manufacture and turnover.
  • Examination of normative and technical documentation for the manufacture of new goods.

3. Investigations are being conducted regarding a violation of the legislation of the Russian Federation, on the facts of violation of the quality and safety of food products.

4. Any violations of sanitary-epidemiological laws are suppressed.

5. The analysis of the causes and conditions of the onset of diseases.

6. Measures are being taken to eliminate and prevent diseases.

Leading persons and specialists of sanitary and epidemiological surveillance carry out checks and conduct the following investigations:

  • Scheduled inspections are carried out on the quality and safety of food.
  • Unscheduled inspections in emergency situations when changing or violating the technological process, storage, transportation or manufacturing, in case of diseases or poisoning of people, as well as in other violations of the law.
  • Employees of supervisory bodies have the right to inspect and conduct control only during the performance of official duties. At the same time, they must present an official certificate.
  • The results of the audit are documented. The original is transmitted to the auditee.
  • If violations are found, administrative measures are taken to stop them.
  • When taking product samples to assess quality or safety, relevant documentation is drawn up.
  • Product analysis is performed in the laboratories of state supervision and control bodies.
  • The results of the analysis are timely notified to citizens.

All actions of inspectors can be appealed in court in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

Consumer Protection

The rights and safety of consumers are protected by law. It is carried out by Rospotrebnadzor. It is run by the government.

The federal body organizes and implements state policy and regulates the observance of norms and rules in the field of consumer rights. Sanitary and epidemiological surveillance also carries out very important activities, which include the following:

  • Supervision and monitoring of compliance with the requirements of legislation to ensure sanitary and epidemiological well-being.
  • Protection of rights in the consumer market.
  • Responsible for the consistency of information on products sold.
  • Protecting children from information that could have a negative impact on their development and health.
  • Indication of information on product classification and compliance with technical requirements, as well as its conformity.
  • Issuance of licenses for the right to engage in certain types of activities.

Sanitary requirements for goods

We list some general sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the safety of goods:

  • Should not harm the health of citizens, as well as property.
  • The product must contain information that will identify the product, its manufacturer. Comply with the marking and requirements specified in regulatory legal documents.

It is worth noting that sanitary and epidemiological requirements exist for various types of goods. To food products and industrial products, as well as construction products and many other objects. About it - further.

List of products subject to state sanitary and epidemiological surveillance

We list the goods subject to sanitary and epidemiological surveillance:

  • Food. Recycled and natural.
  • Goods for kids. School supplies, toys, games, clothes, shoes, bedding, stationery, as well as materials used for the manufacture of children's products.
  • Goods for household and drinking water supply. Equipment, materials for swimming pools.
  • Oil products and chemical products, paints and varnishes, household chemical goods.
  • Goods and materials for construction, for the manufacture of furniture. Artificial and synthetic leather materials for the manufacture of furniture and clothing. Knitted and textile materials.
  • Medical and household products, as well as instrument and mechanical engineering.
  • Educational publications, general and supporting literature, books for children and adolescents.
  • Products made from natural raw materials that have been processed with chemical products.
  • Raw materials for products that have contact with human skin.
  • Products containing radioactive substances or being a source of ionizing radiation.
  • Construction products or wastes containing radioactive substances.
  • Tobacco raw materials and tobacco products.
Controlled Goods
  • Personal protective equipment.
  • Equipment, items that have contact with food products.
  • Materials and equipment for air purification and for air conditioning.
  • Anti-icing substances.
  • Other goods subject to sanitary-epidemiological control and supervision without fail.

Employees serving in such a serious government body are required to take a serious approach to fulfilling their duties and responsibility. The life of people can depend on their diligence and professionalism.

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