
Citizenship is a stable relationship between man and the state.

Citizenship is the legal relationship of an individual with the state. At the moment, almost the entire globe is divided by borders, and despite the desire for globalization, the world does not become one. But this does not mean that a person is forever attached to the country in which he was born. Force majeure circumstances occur when he is forced to, or wants to become a citizen of another country. The Russian Federation, like other states, has established the procedure for obtaining citizenship in the Russian Federation. Consider the details later in the article.

Law on the Citizenship of the Russian Federation

On the citizenship of the Russian Federation

Citizenship of any country implies that the state protects its citizen and controls the exercise of his rights. The foundations of the relationship between him and the state are laid down in the main Law of the country - the Constitution of the Russian Federation and in the Federal Laws. They guarantee the inviolability of the situation, the impossibility of deprivation of citizenship by anyone. The relationship between the citizen and the state is of a mutual nature.

Speaking about the citizenship of the Russian Federation, one cannot fail to mention its basic principles. Regardless of the place of stay, citizens have the same rights and obligations. No one can expel a citizen of the Russian Federation outside the country. Regardless of nationality, religion, race or other factors - everyone enjoys the same rights. Any law-abiding individual may qualify for this status. Before deciding on the possibility of this, you need to find out what documents are needed for citizenship.

The main stages of obtaining citizenship

First of all, you will need a temporary residence permit (RVP). This is the first document that will bring you closer to the time you receive your passport. In order to get RWP, you need to collect a certain package of documents and wait for the decision of state bodies on your issue. You can track the fate of RVP using special sites.

Temporary residence permit

Documents required to obtain RVP

In order to get permission, you need the following documents:

  1. National passport translated and notarized.
  2. Migration card.
  3. Migration registration card.
  4. Two photographs 35 x 45 mm.
  5. A health certificate issued by a medical institution licensed to do so.
  6. A document issued by the police of their state about the absence of conflicts with the law.
  7. The result of testing in one of the specialized centers for knowledge of the Russian language, the history of Russia and the legal foundations of the state.

A circumstance that substantially complicates obtaining RWP is the quotas of regions by a certain number of migrants. If an individual complies with one of the following provisions, he is exempted from the need to do RWP according to the quota. These are the provisions:

  1. The presence of a child or parents, citizens of the Russian Federation, officially incompetent.
  2. Spouse or spouse bearing the status of a citizen of the Russian Federation.
  3. If an individual was born on the territory of the Russian Federation after December 25, 1991.
  4. Born in the RSFSR and had citizenship of the USSR.
  5. Participates in the state program for the voluntary resettlement of compatriots.

A person falling into one of the categories, in addition to the declared documents, must also provide one that confirms his right to receive a PRT without a quota.

The waiting time depends on the country from which the RWP applicant has arrived. Citizens arriving in Russia from countries with which an agreement has been concluded on the abolition of visa messages, expect a decision up to 60 days. Foreign visa expects up to 6 months.After obtaining permission, the holder is prohibited from leaving the territory of the Russian Federation for more than six months.

Moreover, this period is considered not the sum of missed days for the year, but in a row. It is also forbidden to engage in labor activities outside the region of registration. For violation of these norms, the RVP is canceled.

The next step on the path to citizenship


A temporary residence permit is issued for a period of 3 years and it is impossible to renew it. But there is a chance in a year to apply for a residence permit (residence permit). Citizens of Belarus and Tajikistan have been relieved of the need to obtain RVP before a residence permit. A residence permit is issued for a period of 5 years, after which it can either be extended or apply for citizenship. This can be done after 3 years for some categories, namely:

  • foreigners who graduated from Russian educational institutions and are employed by profession;
  • highly qualified specialists;
  • refugees.


Form of certificate for knowledge of the Russian language

To get the desired status. It is necessary to collect certain documents that confirm the legal grounds for obtaining citizenship. This is an almost identical list, required to obtain a RVP or a residence permit:

  1. Statement.
  2. Photo.
  3. Residence.
  4. Certificate of family composition.
  5. Education document.
  6. Health certificate.
  7. Document on the results of the exam on knowledge of the Russian language.
  8. If available, a pension certificate.
  9. Refusal of existing citizenship.
  10. State duty receipt.

Citizenship is an opportunity for a person to feel protected in this world, a chance to realize their goals on a larger scale than people who do not have this position. To achieve the status of a citizen, a person will have to go a minimum of 4-6 years.

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