
Goose business

The countryside is ideal for livestock and poultry farming. This is real income, good income, stability. Many private farmers do not register their activities in any way, distributing meat among friends or vendors in stores. By law, such activities must be registered, at least as an individual entrepreneur. Among all bird breeds, geese are particularly notable for their profitability. Breeding geese is a good business that requires some investment at the start, but it brings a good return in the end.

Business investment

Breeding geese as a business is a fairly simple task. Especially if this is a family business, where several people are involved at the same time. First of all, it is worth deciding where and how the farm will be located. If this is a rural area where there is its own vast compound, then the question of the premises is not worth it. If there is no own yard for poultry, it is necessary to rent or buy it. Leasing is much cheaper at the initial stage. It is important to spell out all the conditions on which rent will be charged. The size of the premises depends on what livestock you plan to maintain and breed. Starting a business is worth at least 500 geese. Otherwise, it makes no sense. It is necessary to choose a room so that the initial number of birds fits there, and there is room for posterity, as well as for storage facilities. At least 150 thousand rubles will have to be invested in premises and repairs (differently in different regions, this is the average price in the country).

[caption id = "attachment_4594" align = "alignright" width = "300"]breeding geese Breeding geese profitable business [/ caption]

Breeding geese is convenient because this bird is quite unpretentious. Moreover, he spends most of his time outdoors. Weaknesses - paws and beak, which are important to keep clean and warm. It is necessary to prepare hay in advance to make bedding for birds. Bird substrates should always be clean and fresh. This is perhaps the only "whim" of the animal. So, hay can either be prepared by ourselves (but in very large volumes), or purchased (there are bales of 25, 50, 70, 100 kg). About 30 thousand rubles (5 bales of 100 kg each) will have to be invested in the purchase.

In addition, the bird needs to prepare feed. Spring, summer, autumn - those periods when geese feed mainly on fresh grass. Here is another criterion for choosing a farm location - the presence of a meadow nearby. A day, one bird can eat up to 2-2.5 kg of fresh herbs. As a complementary food it can give vitamin mixtures for geese (about 50-70 g per head). In winter, it is worth stocking up with grain. The calculation is quite simple - one gosling eats about 35 kg of crops (including legumes) in 2.5 months. How many stocks to make - can be calculated based on the size of the pack.

Growing geese requires certain conditions. So, goslings that are separated from the goose need heat. To do this, you will have to buy and install special incubator lamps. In addition, the room in which the birds will be kept must always be clean. The abundance of water (fresh) is a prerequisite. This is not only a source of drinking, but also the way birds clean their beaks. It is also worth taking care of vaccinating birds in the autumn and spring. Of course, this type of poultry is not as susceptible to diseases as others, but still their safety should not be neglected. If one bird falls ill in a flock, the whole flock instantly becomes infected. Some funds will be spent on vaccination at the rate of: 30-40 rubles per bird.

And, of course, buying the birds themselves. The retail price for goslings is set in the region of 120-150 rubles. Wholesalers offer goslings at a price of 60-80 rubles, depending on the breed. It is most beneficial to contain several breeds.So, the Chinese geese get along well with the white Italian. The most common breed is the domestic gray goose.

So, making a business plan for breeding geese, it is worth writing the following:

  1. premises (from 150 thousand rubles),
  2. geese (500 pcs. for 70 rubles, total: 35 thousand),
  3. hay (about 30 thousand rubles),
  4. grain (from 150 rubles per 50 kg),
  5. equipment for the incubator (about 50 thousand rubles),
  6. paperwork (about 30 thousand rubles).

The premises must comply with fire and sanitary safety standards, veterinary control for poultry.

If the starting capital is not enough, you can try participating in a state program that helps small businesses in agriculture (funds are allocated from the regional budget).

Financial plan

Breeding geese pays off pretty quickly. This happens due to the fact that the bird grows rapidly (in 2.5 months it gains weight of 5 kg). In addition, females have good egg production. Especially if it's a Chinese goose. They can carry up to 70 eggs per year. It is advantageous to cross the Chinese breed with some other, because the "Chinese" are not big enough.

The advantage of this breed of poultry is that almost all components of the animal are subject to sale. Meat, fluff, liver, kidneys and heart, eggs - all this sells well. It is important that you have documents from your veterinarian confirming the health of the bird stock. You can find buyers for each part of the bird on the Internet, on special resources. In addition, you can privately discuss the sale of goose in restaurants, shops. One poultry carcass weighing 10 kg (pure meat) can be sold for 700-1000 rubles. Fluff can be sold in factories producing pillows, for example.

It takes about 3-4 months to grow geese to a selling weight. At this point, the bird reaches a weight of 8 kg. This means that with a good pace of work, you can get a plus already within a year. The profitability of such a business is almost 80%. In addition, the niche for the sale of goose is not too busy, which allows you to work in full force.

Even with the most gloomy forecast for the sale of goose meat, you can earn up to 2-3 million a year (without taxes and other things).

Business features

The most well-fed goose breeds are considered white Italian and home gray. Crossing these two breeds does not give any particular advantage. But, if you cross one of these breeds with Chinese goose, you can increase the number of laid eggs (from 30 to 70 per year). Breeding geese allows such experiments. Due to such simple manipulations, it is possible to increase the number of livestock without acquiring new chicks in the market. It is advisable to ensure that birds hatched in the same litter do not cross each other. Otherwise, the breed will become smaller, and the weight of an adult bird will decrease.

Goslings under 1.5 weeks of age need special conditions. Firstly, they need warmth, and secondly, light. It is more logical to keep them separately from the entire bird flock where you can screw in bulbs with a glow of about 20 watts. This will allow the chicks to calmly behave and feel at night. Ideally, the goose mother should stay with them for this period.

Goose is not the most whimsical bird. The only thing that should be plenty is feed and water. Cleanliness is also an indispensable criterion for keeping birds.

Breeding geese with the right approach, good starting capital, deep knowledge of the business can bring fabulous fees. It is important to draw up a strategy according to which the business will be conducted.

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Breeding geese is very profitable if you feed them with Sudanese grass. At 14 sq. M. 110 kg of green mass of Sudanese grows. On 1 ha 50 tons and if it is watered then 80 tons. Sudanese must be chopped and a half liter jar of crushed wheat added to a bucket of grass. To grow 1 goose, he needs to feed 110 kg. Sudanese and 12 kg of wheat. In practice, a goose will cost a little more than 12 kg. wheat. In the first 3-5 days a gosling should be drunk with baytril and he still sings water. In Krasnodar 12kg. wheat costs 120 rubles. and a goose in the market costs 700-1000r. A gosling grows 6 times faster than a chicken if they are fed with the same feed, for example compound feed. If you feed the goslings of Sudanese with 1 ha. then you get 2 tons of goose meat.


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