
TIN how much is done in time at the MFC?

Citizens can receive state and municipal services in multifunctional centers. These are specialized places designed to serve the population of the Russian Federation. They were created in all regions of Russia to reduce the burden on government agencies. Can I order through the MFC INN? How long does this paper take? How to arrange it? Next, we have to find answers to all these questions.

Order TIN at the Federal Tax Service

What is a TIN?

First, find out what kind of document we are talking about. What is a certificate with TIN?

This is the name of the process of registering a citizen with the Federal Tax Service with the issuance of a document with an individual number. A unique combination is used to identify a person in the country's tax system.

At the moment, certificates of the established form are printed on special forms. Here you can see information about the taxpayer. At the top of the form is written TIN. How much time is it done in a particular case? Where to apply for the appropriate paper?

When to request a document?

It is worth paying attention to the fact that everyone has a taxpayer identifier. But not everyone knows the corresponding number. Everyone can issue it on the form of the established sample at will. They will not force the operation.


Usually the TIN is requested:

  • at employment;
  • for registration of individual entrepreneur or legal entity.

Paper exchange is carried out:

  • when changing the personal data of a citizen;
  • if inaccuracies / typos are found in the document;
  • in case of damage or loss of certificate.

This is the most common list of circumstances under which a TIN is replaced. How long does this paper take? And how to request it in a particular case? The answers to all this and not only will be surely presented below.

Where can I get it?

How long does the TIN take? Often, a definite answer to a similar question cannot be found. The thing is that it depends on the place of application of the applicant with a request of the established form.

Certificate TIN

To date, you can first request or issue a duplicate TIN:

  • through the MFC ("My Documents");
  • through the Federal Tax Service;
  • through the public services portal.

Nowhere else is the studied paper drawn up. We’ll find out later how to request it correctly. To begin with, we will figure out how much the TIN of an individual is done in time under certain circumstances.

Government Services and Expectation

It has already been said that there is no single answer to this question and it cannot be. Nevertheless, there are both real guidelines and legal norms for issuing certificates of registration with the Federal Tax Service.

How long to wait for the provision of appropriate services when applying through the "State Services"? Usually the services are provided within one month. But there are exceptions. These include the manufacture of TIN. How long does this paper take?

Usually you have to wait for an invitation to the Federal Tax Service about 7-10 days. Through the Internet, the studied service is fast. Sometimes a TIN alert is received after 2-5 days, but this is an extremely rare occurrence. Often it occurs where tax authorities are not very busy.

How long to wait for the inn

Waiting when contacting the Federal Tax Service directly

How much time and where is the TIN done? The second scenario is the appeal to the local tax service directly. This method of solving the problem is considered the most preferable. It allows you to register with the Federal Tax Service in the shortest possible time.

Under current law, TINs must be issued within 5 days after the citizen submits the application in the prescribed form. As a rule, you don’t need to wait longer in tax for the studied paper.This happens as a rare exception. For example, with a huge burden on the tax authority. But as a rule, you won’t have to wait longer than a week.

MFC and pending certification

How much time is the TIN done at the MFC? There is no single answer to this question. It directly depends on the load on the registering authority.

According to the law, as has already been said, it is not possible to issue certificates of registration with the Federal Tax Service later than 5 days after the filing of the application. But when applying to the MFC for the service being studied, the citizen will have to wait a bit.

How long? How much time is the TIN done through the multifunctional center? Some say that the service is provided for 10-15 days, someone assures in anticipation of up to 7-10 days.

In fact, the deadline for issuing a certificate of registration with the tax authority is issued approximately 6-7 days after the filing of the application with the registration authority. This is due to the fact that the request from the MFC must be sent to the local Federal Tax Service. A similar operation takes from a couple of hours to several days.

Important: as soon as the TIN of an individual is ready, employees of the Federal Tax Service will contact the recipient of the document and invite him.

Passport for registration TIN

Waiting for exchange

How much time is the TIN done when changing the name? And during any other reason for exchanging the studied documentation?

It will be necessary to focus on the previously proposed dates. The citizen will be replaced with a TIN certificate for 5 days at the Federal Tax Service and for 7-10 at the MFC. Through the State Services, applications are also accepted. In this case, you will have to wait about one week. In exceptional situations - up to 10 days.

Documents for receiving the service

We found out how much time the TIN of an individual is done. Registration with the Federal Tax Service is quite fast. Therefore, we won’t have to wait long for the evidence we are interested in.

What papers come in handy for an initial paper request? It is enough to have with you:

  • passport;
  • statement.

For minors, the following components are additionally provided:

  • minor birth certificate;
  • identity card of the child (for persons after 14 years of age).

Nothing more is needed. When replacing the TIN, in addition to the listed securities, it is customary to apply:

  • marriage / divorce certificate;
  • certificates indicating typos in the certificate;
  • certificate of change of name / surname;
  • other documents indicating the need to exchange TIN.

Perhaps this is all. The application form must be filled in by the registration authority. It is issued by both the MFC and the Federal Tax Service.

Order instruction

How much time and where is the TIN done? The answer to this question will no longer cause any trouble.

Application for registration with the Federal Tax Service

Instructions for ordering TIN through the registration authority have the following form:

  1. Prepare documents for registration.
  2. Contact the registration authority.
  3. Fill out the application form and give it to the employees of the Federal Tax Service / MFC.
  4. At the appointed time, pick up a finished copy of the certificate.

If a citizen submits a request electronically, he will have to:

  1. Register and go through authorization at "State services".
  2. Select "Service Catalog" - "Federal Tax Service".
  3. Click on the section "Tax registration ...".
  4. Fill out the request form and download scans of the listed documents.
  5. Come to the selected registration authority at the invitation for a ready certificate.

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