
How and where to get UEC: step by step instructions

Universal Electronic Card (UEC) - a card of a citizen of our country, combining all the information about the identity of its holder (which the owner wants to open), including medical insurance and pension insurance policy data, bank plastic payments, other information that will allow you to receive municipal and state services.

General Terms of Use

The procedure for obtaining and using such cards was provided by law No. 210. According to its rules, the card user could freely use all kinds of services, purchase tickets for using public transport, and pay for communication services. It could be used not only in the store, but also on the Internet.

Who was given out?

How to get a UEC? The right to apply for a card was granted to all citizens of Russia who have reached the age of 14. If a citizen of a country has not received a card before 2017, then it will not be possible to order it at this time. Until this year, it could be issued in any region of the country, absolutely free.

UEC: what is it, where to get it?

UEC: what is it, where to get it?

The card provided for a contactless and contact way of use. Its built-in chip allows you to store all the personal data of its carrier (banking, personal and others). This is a document that has a higher level of protection compared to ordinary paper and plastic media. Using the card, you could pay for educational and banking services, fines, and even make an appointment with a doctor.

And most importantly, to use electronic state or municipal offers, this card made it possible to form an EDS for receiving remote services.

UEC: how to get and where to start

UEC: how to get it and is it possible these days? At the level of legislative acts, it was provided that the majority of the country's population was to draw up cards in the period from 2013 to 2017. Naturally, all citizens of the country did not. But obtaining UEC is now no longer possible.

Card design

To issue a card, the following documents were required:

  • confirming the identity of the applicant;
  • TIN;
  • SNILS;
  • health insurance policy (if any).

Moreover, a Russian citizen could not provide other documents, except for those that confirm the identity of the applicant.

There was no need to attach a photo to the application. The process of photographing the applicant was carried out directly at the place of application. After verification of documents and photographing, all received data was entered by the service representative in a statement and printed out. The applicant verified the data and put his signature.

It was possible to attach a bank account to a card only by personal appeal of a citizen.

UEC: how to get and where to go

Who issued the cards?

UEC: how to get and where to go? Previously, this project was implemented under the auspices of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation. It was possible to get a card at special departments for issuing cards and accepting UEC applications, as well as through multifunctional centers throughout the country.

Getting a card was absolutely free for all categories of citizens.

Is it possible to refuse?

UEC: how to get and is it possible to refuse? Obtaining a card was not a mandatory procedure. Even if a person does not want to use it after receiving it, he has every right to refuse it. The organization that issued the card is obligated to annul and destroy the card that was refused.

To refuse, you just need to submit an application through the IFC or directly to the executive body under the Ministry of Economic Development.

UEC Benefits


Time and progress do not stand still, therefore, to carry out most of the operations online, it is better to have an EDS. In light of this, the question arises, which is better: an electronic signature or UEC? How to get them and not put yourself at risk? After all, I want to protect my personal data, financial and other operations from attackers as much as possible. EDS may be required even in the case of signing an IP contract, which is won at the tender.

What is an EDS?

An electronic digital signature is a complex technical document formed by mathematical and cryptographic techniques. It is a mandatory requisite of non-documentary digital circulation. EDS allows you to protect your personal signature from dishonest users. In most cases, it allows you to completely replace the official stamp, personal signature.

Where to get a UEC card? In the same place as the EDS, and they have many similar characteristics:

  • a real and effective way to confirm personal data;
  • are a tool in a particular industry;
  • provide full user safety;
  • have legal significance.

Both EDS and UEC allow you to create your own electronic documents, receive state and municipal services, and make a number of transactions on the Internet. Most importantly, the card and signature almost 100% protect all user actions from forgery.

Why do you need an EDS

If the card is lost?

If the UEC is lost, then it can no longer be restored. Previously, if the card was lost, then it was necessary to contact the body that issued it, submit the appropriate application and come back for a new one a month later. There was no need to pay for a new card.

What is happening now?

How to get UEC through public services? Alas, there is no such possibility. From the beginning of January last year, cards completely ceased to be issued. Such a government decision is enshrined in Federal Law No. 471. Now there is no way to reissue the card or replace it with loss. However, all persons who have received UEC can use them until their term expires.

There are only two reasons for terminating the UEC release project:

  • the government claims that it took too much budget money to produce and maintain the functionality of the cards;
  • in the government’s project, the issue of plastic passports, which, by their functionality, should completely replace the country's citizen’s passport on paper and allow them to use the same services of the state (municipality), bank offers without any problems.
Where to get a UEC card


Surely you are concerned about the question of how to get an UEC and an electronic signature? Today, the best option for using all kinds of services at the state and municipality level is EDS. Two types of signatures are issued:

  • unskilled;
  • qualified.

The latest version of the signature can be obtained exclusively at the accredited branch of the Ministry of Communications. A qualified signature has full legal force, with its help you can submit reports, participate in tenders and so on.

An unqualified option can be obtained absolutely free of charge, but still exclusively at centers that have passed accreditation.

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