
How to apply for a student’s social card via the Internet?

In the article, we will consider how to draw up a student’s social card.

This is a plastic card with which you can interact with medical institutions, banks, receive discounts on certain goods and services. Using such a card, a student can pay for transport services, purchases in a store, and receive medical assistance.

ICUs can be issued by full-time students of educational institutions with state accreditation in Moscow and the region who receive secondary education, that is, schoolchildren and students of colleges and universities.

Where to draw up a student’s social card, it’s important to find out in advance.

How to apply for a college student social card

Destination SKU

Using the indicated card, full-time students and schoolchildren can receive services on favorable terms. This product is unique, it is a bank card, a ticket in the subway, suburban, city transport. Also, paying with such a card for purchases and services, you can get discounts. It is also used as a pass to an educational institution, a means of payment for meals in school buffets.

Getting SKU

Let's figure out how to draw up a student’s social card. To get it, you should take a certificate at school or college that confirms the fact of training, and fill out a questionnaire. The applicant’s passport and the birth certificate of the child in whose name the card will be issued will also be required.

To begin with, the child should receive a certificate of training and a questionnaire from the educational institution, which plays the role of an application. To obtain the questionnaire, it is recommended to contact the school secretariat. On the back of the document contains recommendations for its correct filling.

The questionnaire should not have flaws and blots, otherwise the form will be invalid. They will also not accept the questionnaire if it is dented or filled with cursive. Fill in the form with printed numbers and letters using a pen with black or blue ink.

The child should be photographed before receiving the card. The picture is then pasted into the questionnaire.

how to apply for a student’s social card through public services

After filling out the form, give it to the school for signature and certification by the school management. Upon receipt, it is also worth checking the certificate - it should contain information about the school and the class in which the child is studying.

Documents are then transferred to the cashier or to the metro control room - usually one of the windows deals with cards.

If the student has a passport, then he can draw up a card on his own. If the child is less than 14 years old, then parents or official representatives must draw up the card. In this case, the applicant’s passport and birth certificate are required. The package of documents before processing is scanned in a single copy, 100-500 rubles are immediately deposited into the card account.

Poor families do not need to replenish the card. A certificate on the status of the poor, obtained from the social security authorities, should be provided.

SKU is issued free of charge, but if it is lost, you will have to pay 50 rubles for restoration.

Card production takes 10 days from the date of application. Weekends and holidays are not counted. At the time of receipt of the card, you must have the spine of the questionnaire and a passport with you. In case of loss of the previous card to the listed documents you will need to add a receipt confirming payment of the previously issued card.

Student social card - how to apply online

SKU can be issued through Internet services. To do this, you need to fill out an application on the portal of urban services mos.ru.If the child is a minor, the applicant must be his official representative (parent, guardian). After 14 years, the child has the right to apply independently.

So, how to draw up a student’s social card? This will require a passport or birth certificate, a certificate from the school, digital photography.

student social card where to apply

In this case, the preparation of the card takes about a month, it will be possible to get it directly at the educational institution. From the moment of receiving the document, 30 days are provided for its activation. You can do this on the same portal of city services by going to the activation section of the SKU.

Sometimes it happens that after applying, people are looking for ways to check the readiness of the card. You can track the process of making a card by going to the personal account of the service portal. When the card is ready, an individual notification will appear on the site. The applicant or student will be left to appear at the educational institution, present a passport and pick up the SKU.

Compulsory medical insurance and SKU

During the registration of the SKU, you can submit data on the compulsory medical insurance policy. In this case, the card can be used for visits to the doctor. Updating the data of the newly received MHI policy is possible only at the time of reissue of the SKU.

Refusal to receive SKU

It’s easy to figure out how to draw up a student’s social card. However, in some cases, a refusal may be granted. There may be several reasons:

student social card how to apply for a reduced fare
  1. The insurance company did not confirm the data on the compulsory medical insurance policy.
  2. Failed to confirm SNILS information.
  3. There is no document that confirms the identity of the student.
  4. A secondary application has been submitted for consideration, while the first has not yet been considered.
  5. During the replacement of the card, it was discovered that the wrong details were indicated in it.
  6. The student already has a valid SKU.
  7. The photo provided is of poor quality.
  8. In the register of students in the capital and the region there are no data on the full-time student.

Using SKU to pay for transport services

Most often, students use SKU to pay for travel on trams, trolleybuses, buses, subways. The presence of such a card allows its holder to receive quite impressive discounts when paying for the fare.

The cost of a monthly metro ticket purchased under SKU will be 350 rubles, in urban transport - 230 rubles. In addition, you can get a 50% discount on rail transport. Keep in mind that these benefits are valid only during the school year - 1.09-15.06.

Where can I apply for a student’s social card in other ways?

Student social card how to apply through the MFC

By contacting the MFC

SKU can be issued by contacting the center "My Documents". When issuing a card through the MFC, free photography is provided. If the student’s official representative submits the application, or the applicant refuses to be photographed, then it is possible to transfer the existing photo to the MFC employee in electronic or paper form that meets the established requirements. A photograph provided to the MFC employee must be taken no earlier than six months before the application for a card is submitted. It is unacceptable to use a photograph if the student's face has changed significantly since the moment of shooting.

The timing for the production of SKU is established by the legal and regulatory documents of the Moscow Government.


How to apply for a student’s social card through the MFC? To do this, you must prepare certain documents and provide them to an employee of the institution. Among them:

  1. A document that can verify student identity. Persons over 14 years old must provide a passport, younger than this age - a birth certificate.
  2. A certificate confirming the fact that the child was educated in full-time education.

It will be possible to receive the card after its manufacture in the same MFC where the application was submitted. At the time of receipt, you must have a passport and the spine of the application for the manufacture of SKU.

When issuing, a note on its application and an envelope containing a PIN code that provides access to a personal bank account are attached to each card. That is, in the process of issuing an SKU for each student in the bank open a personal account.

student social card how to draw up via the Internet

It is worth noting that the SKU is blocked at the time of issue, and the bank account is inactive, respectively. To unblock it, you should contact any representative office of the bank that issued the card.

In order to activate the bank application of a card issued for a child under 14 years old, an unblocking application must be submitted by the legal representative of the child, whose presence is not required.

In the case when the child is from 14 to 18 years old, the banking application can unlock:

  1. Legal representative, parent of the card holder. The presence of the card holder in this case is required.
  2. Directly card holder. Written consent will be required from the legal representative, the parent. Their presence in this case is not required.

A cardholder older than 18 years old can independently apply for an account unlock.

In each of the cases described, it is necessary to have an SKU.

How to apply for a reduced fare and a student’s social card is now known. Next, consider how activation occurs.

student card

SKU activation

The process can be carried out at the ticket office of any metro station. In the case when it is supposed to use SKU to pay for travel in land transport, you can activate the card at the Mosgostrans kiosk.

It should be noted that activation is also available in the respective terminals. In this case, the owner of the SKU must insert the card into the reader and go to the appropriate section.

When activating the card through the terminal, in addition to going to the desired section, you will also need to deposit at least 50 rubles into it. You can activate the card remotely via the Internet. To do this, you should log in to the city services portal and enter the following data:

  1. Numbers 964390.
  2. Then the number of the SKU itself (it is indicated under the tape, in front of the MLA number).
  3. Number 77.

In this way, the activation of the card is carried out in the personal account of the portal, in the section for activating social cards of students.

How to apply for a student’s social card through Government Services?

Portal "Government services"

You can issue a social card through the portal of public services. However, this will require an authorized account on this resource.

First you need to open the main page of the official website. At the top right, in the corner, there are registration and entry links to the portal using login and password.

If a person has an authorized account at the State Service, he should use it. In this case, you need to click on the login button and select the login option through the website of the State Service. In addition, the site provides the ability to log in using social network accounts.

where can I get a student social card

On the left on the main page of the portal is a list of categories, you need to select "Family and children." The page that opens will contain a detailed description of the SKU and step-by-step instructions for registration. That is, you need to click on the button for receiving instructions and just carefully fill out all the fields displayed on the page, attach copies of the necessary documents. After the issue (which takes 30 days), the card will go to the educational institution. There you can get it.

We talked about how to draw up a social card for a college student and other educational institutions. Having carefully studied the above material, this can be done without much difficulty.

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