
How to open a children's clothing store

Look around, almost every corner has its own clothing store for youth and adults, where it is easy to purchase simple or branded goods at an affordable price. If you look at the offered range, then with confidence we can say that every buyer will be able to find something for their liking and purpose.

A more difficult choice of clothing is in another segment, namely clothing for children. Ask yourself where you buy baby clothes? More than half of the buyers will answer you that they purchase it in the markets, but is it possible to remain confident in its quality after such a purchase? More likely no than yes. In stores, or rather, in the departments of shopping centers, the range is minimal and there is hardly a third of the desired products for your children. Why not open a children's clothing store yourself? You will not need special knowledge in this area and a large start-up capital, so the opening of a children's clothing store is an urgent business idea.

Choose the direction of the store

                So, before you start to do anything, you need to decide on the concept of the future store. Today, there are a lot of options through which you can make sales. Among the most appropriate, 2 options can be distinguished, namely:

  • standard sale through departments and shops;
  • sale through the online store.

Each of the sales methods is good in its own way, but one way or another, you will need a department where you can issue the products you purchase. Touching on the topic of sales via the Internet, in some cases the department may not be needed when the implementation will take place by mail. This option is optimal when sales go to several regions remote from each other.

How to open a children's clothing store

To begin with, a children's clothing store differs from other stores in several factors, namely: the contingent and the mandatory presence of a product certificate. In all other respects, sales of clothing for children are no different, for example, from sales of knitwear.

To open a children's clothing store you will need:

  • submit documents to the tax authority and pension fund, thereby obtaining a certificate of registration, which will allow you to do business;
  • find a supplier of children's clothing;
  • find a storeroom, carry out repair and finishing work, based on the concept of sales of your company;
  • If necessary, find 1-2 sellers;
  • conduct an advertising campaign.

The registration deadline is 5 business days. During this time, you can conclude an agreement with the supplier of products, find premises, sellers, and also solve a bunch of other related issues.

Suppliers can be divided into three conditional groups: suppliers from distant regions, suppliers from their or nearby cities, and purchase of goods in wholesale markets. It is impossible to single out the best group, but it is worth noting that the latter do not always have the necessary certificate for their products.

The room for the future children's clothing store should satisfy the high traffic of people. Shopping centers are most suitable for such purposes. Also, the store will function well if it is located next to children's entertainment centers, children's toy stores, etc. The rent in shopping centers is 500-1200 per square meter, and in some buildings 1500-3000 rubles / sq.m.

How to open a children's clothing storeRepair of the premises is required when it is redesigned for a different look, that is, if a sewing workshop was located in your place earlier, and today you open a store. The design of the premises should be thematic, that is, have such a color so that the child can persuade his parents to visit this store.It is worth noting that the more assortment you have, the more popular you will become.

The number of sellers depends on the volume of your store. Naturally, for a small department, only one seller will be needed, which the store manager himself can act as. Larger stores will require one, two, or even more employees.

Wondering how to open a children's clothing store, you can consider a lot of options. It is possible that this will be a small self-service clothing store for children or a store where the cost of clothing is determined based on weight, or maybe you will only sell branded things. It all depends on your desire and imagination.

In addition to the regular clothing store, there is always the opportunity to open an online children's clothing store. To do this, you will need to create your own website, purchase a domain and hosting. The domain is the address of your page, and hosting is a kind of rental. The cost of hosting is quite small compared to a real rental. Monthly payment varies from 300-500 rubles and above. It should be borne in mind that it is mandatory to register as an individual entrepreneur. The only difference will be in the form of retail.

Children's clothing store financial plan

So, having figured out the main aspects of the store, it’s worth moving on to the financial part of the project.

  • IP registration - 800 rubles;
  • first purchase of goods - from 35,000 rubles;
  • rent at 15 sq.m. - from 7 500 rubles;
  • repair and decoration of the premises - from 20,000 rubles;
  • advertising - from 10,000 rubles;
  • other expenses - from 5,000 rubles.

Total: 78 300 rubles.

When opening an online store of children's clothing, investments will be slightly different:

  • IP registration - 800 rubles;
  • first purchase of goods - from 10,000 rubles;
  • hosting payment - from 500 rubles / month;
  • website creation - from 20 000 rubles;
  • advertising and promotion - from 10,000 rubles;
  • other expenses - 5,000 rubles.

Total: 46,300 rubles.

Regardless of the fact that the option of an online store is almost 2 times cheaper, greater efficiency comes from the first option, which has greater profitability, a faster payback period and high demand.

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Polina, what else did you have to waste? And have any "pitfalls" surfaced after the purchase? After what time did the store begin to bring a steady income? Idle, I would also like to buy a small store of children's goods. 30 sq.m ... the amount is less, of course, than you, but still I want to calculate unforeseen expenses at the maximum.
I agree with Natalia. A year ago, they bought a ready-made children's department for inexperience for 210 thousand. And they invested a lot of money. If you open it from scratch, then in Krasnoyarsk it goes something like this:
Registration IP - 800 rubles.
The first purchase of at least three manufacturers 70-80 tr
Rent 8000
It is possible without repair, but about 7000 will go to trifles.
Advertising -10000.
You can, of course, keep within 100 tr, but here you need to understand that the first couple of months you will not earn big money
As for the purchase price of the goods, I do not agree, since if you purchase high-quality cotton / viscose clothes, then much more than the specified amount will come out. And for infants and young children, as a rule, they are looking for natural clothes.
Why not open an online children's clothing store !? Online business is now very relevant and not filled with much competition.In addition, the online store requires much less investment than in an offline business, rental space, etc. For example, a beautiful and professional turnkey online online store in our time can be bought for from 20 thousand rubles.
You are right, Natalya also plans to open a small children's clothing store, but I'm afraid to fly by. How much at today's prices do you need?
where you can buy good but quality clothing
Relevant remark. In this case, I suggest taking a stock of branded children's clothing of European quality.

This offer will be especially interesting for those who open a new store, with low investments you will receive a branded, complete and varied assortment of the store without any extra hassle.

Where can I get stock in Italy I can tell nadiacolabella@narod.ru

Have a good business!
Good evening. Strongly confused item- Financial plan of a children's clothing store
IP registration - 800 rubles; here i agree
first purchase of goods - from 35,000 rubles; but to open a "store", even a retail outlet, this is a disastrously small and false amount. such an opinion has developed from personal experience. when you choose this or that model it is necessary to order all size range! for example, a set (jumpsuit + hat + bib) budget option in the purchase will cost from 250 to 500 rubles. As a rule, size ranges start from 56 to 80 sizes, and on average, it only costs 1,750 rubles for a person to model. etc. It’s just that with such a minimum starting capital, the assortment will not work more or less normally. For the first purchase of goods you will need at least twice as much money i.e. 70 000. Now there are very capricious buyers, there must be an assortment, so that you can offer any alternative to the missing product.
rent at 15 sq.m. - from 7 500 rubles; here is also possible.
repair and decoration of the premises - from 20,000 rubles; this is also very small! Decent modules start at 30,000 rubles, + decent coverage, + delivery and module collection is possible.
advertising - from 10,000 rubles;
other expenses - from 5,000 rubles. also a rather controversial point ... this may include costs for freight companies, chains, hangers, etc. 5,000 will not be enough here ...
the essence of my message is that a person will read your instructions, take a loan of 100,000 from the bank and sit with his buns in a puddle without opening a decent point, hanging a loan on himself that will definitely require additional.


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