
How to get a birth certificate at the MFC? Tips & Tricks

Many parents are thinking about how to get a birth certificate at the MFC. How good is this? And what can she turn into? Each parent (including the future one) must understand such issues. Otherwise, problems during state registration of a newborn with authorized bodies are not ruled out. And this causes a lot of problems, trouble and just unnecessary inconvenience.

Possibility of carrying out the procedure

Can I get a birth certificate at the MFC in Moscow? And in any other city in Russia?

How to get a child’s birth certificate at the MFC in the Russian Federation

A multifunctional center is a service that was invented and implemented as a free intermediary between public services and the public. With the help of the MFC, it is possible to obtain state and municipal services, bypassing direct appeals to various bodies. This is undoubtedly very convenient.

But is it possible in Russia to get a birth certificate at the MFC? How good is this? According to the law, multifunctional centers really help in obtaining child birth certificates. Just such an action will slow down the whole process. So, it will take longer to wait for the registration of the baby than with direct contact with the registry office.

Stages of the procedure

You can get a birth certificate at the MFC St. Petersburg in the same way as in any other city. The main thing is to figure out how to behave. This is not the most difficult operation of all. Moreover, it is most comfortable for some people.

To obtain a birth certificate at the MFC, you will need:

  1. Sign up to the district multifunctional center. You can not do this, but then you have to take a place in the "live" queue.
  2. To form a specific package of papers for further maintenance. We will talk about him later.
  3. Come to the MFC at the registration of applicants (parents).
  4. Fill out and file an application for registration of a newborn.
  5. Wait until the state certificate is ready.
  6. Take the statement of the established form from the MFC at the agreed time.

It doesn’t sound so difficult. Everyone can now receive a birth certificate at the MFC Chelyabensk. As well as a resident of any other city.

Rules for issuing a baby's birth certificate

Online recording

It’s just not entirely clear how much this paper costs, who can act as an applicant, and how long a state-issued birth certificate is issued. We will talk about all this later. Before that, we find out how to remotely register in the MFC.

To obtain a birth certificate at the MFC Balashikha, Moscow, St. Petersburg, Kaliningrad, etc., you must:

  1. Open the website mfts.rf in a browser.
  2. Pass a free profile registration and log in to your account.
  3. Expand the "Write to the queue" block.
  4. Choose a suitable multifunctional center, and then indicate the date of the upcoming visit, noting the service called “Registration of citizens of the Russian Federation”.

After confirming the operation, the citizen is sent a number in the queue. You can prepare for a visit to the multifunctional center, and then go to the institution with certificates prepared in advance. Fast, easy and very convenient.

Important: this recording technique is not in demand. Many people simply line up at the appropriate service or make an appointment by phone.

Documents for birth certificate

Main paper

Need to get a birth certificate at the MFC Omsk? It is worth to find out where the local multifunctional center of a particular district is located, as well as ask about its work schedule. After that, you can use the manuals and tips offered for attention. They are universal and suitable for all regions of the country.

A huge role in obtaining a birth certificate is played by the package of documents used. They are needed in any circumstances. Only life situations are different. So, you have to select a package of certificates for each case separately.

MFC in Russia - is it possible to request a birth certificate

Let's start with the simplest thing - when in a family both parents are relatives of the child. In this case, you will need to bring the following documents with you to the IFC:

  • application for registration of a minor (it can be written on the spot);
  • birth certificate (issued at the hospital);
  • marriage certificate or fatherhood statement;
  • identity card of the applicant (or applicants).

That should be enough. If the parents divorced at the time of applying to the MFC, it is recommended to bring a certificate of the established form. This will save a person from unnecessary problems. The main thing is to bring all the documents listed in the original. Their copies will also not hurt, but without the originals they have no legal force.

Important: to confirm paternity, not only a statement from the biological dad can be useful, but also a court decision. Fortunately, in practice, such situations are extremely rare.


Obtaining a birth certificate at the MFC is much easier than it sounds. Especially if you prepare for this operation in advance. The main problem is preparing for the upcoming service. Not always people know how to properly submit the application for the registration of the child in the prescribed form.

It happens that citizens give birth to a child from a surrogate mother. This situation causes a lot of problems.

Birth certificate - algorithm for obtaining

To register a child, it will be necessary to obtain the permission of the surrogate mother to indicate in the birth certificate of the baby the data of the parents who will be engaged in his education. It is better that the document be submitted in writing and notarized. Better yet, a surrogate mother should contact the MFC with the future legal parents of the baby.

Out of home

Obtaining a birth certificate at the MFC is easier than it sounds. Sometimes a child is born outside of medical organizations and even without doctors. This is the most problematic scenario.

The thing is that under such circumstances it is necessary to prove the fact of birth. This can be done using the statement of witnesses who were present at the birth. Otherwise, you will first have to go to court, establish the fact of childbirth, and after that, contact the MFC or the registry office to register the baby.

Service cost

Some are interested in how much the registration certificate for a baby costs. Do I have to pay for this service? And if so, what amount?

Rules for issuing a birth certificate through the MFC of the Russian Federation

State registration of citizens with the issuance of a birth certificate is a free operation. You will not have to pay for this paper in any of these situations.

But for the restoration of the birth certificate will have to give a small amount of money. At the moment, the payment is 350 rubles. It is recommended to deposit money into the state treasury before contacting the registry office or the multifunctional center.

Service speed

You can get a birth certificate at the MFC in Khimki in just a few minutes. But, as a rule, citizens draw up the corresponding document longer.

Practice shows that a birth certificate is issued in a couple of minutes directly at the registry office. Through multifunctional centers, paper is usually drawn up much longer.

On average, it takes about a week to service one person. However, more accurate data must be clarified by a specific authorized agency.For more than a month, a birth certificate has not been produced. But on average, you can focus on 14-15 days.

Appeal to the MFC for a birth certificate


The birth certificate of children is the main document proving the identity of a child under 14 years of age. Therefore, a similar paper should be in every person. Without it, children's documents cannot be issued.

Now it’s clear how to get a child’s birth certificate. This is usually not as difficult as it seems. It is much more difficult to draw up other children's documents. For example, registration or SNILS.

Only the child’s legal representative, the parent or adoptive parent, can request the appropriate document. Under no circumstances will birth certificates be issued to third parties. Therefore, it is not worth counting on the fact that outsiders can pick up the finished document.

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