
What are the benefits provided to pensioners in Novosibirsk?

A pensioner is a person who receives a pension (cash payment), which is paid upon reaching a certain age or on disability and loss of a breadwinner.

According to experts, all pensioners can be divided into two groups - these are people with a prosperous old age and a dysfunctional one.

A prosperous old age is when a person who has reached a certain age can carry out workable activities, engage in sports, his own health, family, and participation in public life.

With dysfunctional old age, older people lose their ability to work, are seriously ill, some become aggressive, constantly complain to others or engage in self-discipline.

Today, pension payments are lower than wages, and indexation does not keep pace with how prices rise. Therefore, among the elderly, there is an aggravation of domestic problems. And the state of health of the majority is unsatisfactory, and this only adds negativity to their already difficult life.

Legislative measures to improve the material condition of pensioners

To improve the material condition of pensioners, there are certain benefits. They can be divided into 2 categories: federal and regional significance:

  • Federal - are the same for citizens of any region who are allocated from the state budget.
  • Regional - may vary by region and are paid from the local fund.

The first include:

  • subsidies for utility bills, the size can reach 50%;
  • the provision of medicines, as well as a reduction in drug prices by up to fifty percent;
  • monetary compensation or the provision of non-walking sick diapers, mattresses from bedsores, strollers, etc .;
  • provision of caring personnel for single, incompetent citizens;
  • gratis travel in some modes of transport.

Upon retirement, upon reaching 80 years old, the insurance part of pension payments will be doubled automatically. For more information, you need to come or call the social protection department.

Today, you can get a number of public services (municipal), without leaving home, online. To do this, you must register on the portal "State Services" and take advantage of the benefits. Or receive first-hand information on the PFR website by creating your own office.

Information about working retirees

All citizens who have crossed the pension line and continue to work have the right to enjoy all the benefits.

People who participated in the Great Patriotic War, have disabilities, as well as other pensioners have the right to demand from the employer additional unpaid leave in the amount of:

  • retirees - 2 weeks a year;
  • participants of the Great Patriotic War - 35 days;
  • disabled people - 60.

Grandparents who still work, but for some reason take care of their grandchildren, are entitled to parental leave, which is paid, and all related benefits.

If a person of retirement age decides to quit, then he does not have to work 2 weeks.

For employees in the field of the educational process, payments are made depending on the rank and candidate degrees.

Benefits by region

Such benefits are provided by local authorities, their size will depend on accommodation.

For example, a pensioner living in a big city will receive higher and larger subsidies than a pensioner from a village. The first place in terms of benefits is occupied by Chukotka and Sakhalin.

The municipality can provide such benefits as free travel on transport on a certain route or taxi, cash payments for the holidays, help with products for the poor, surcharges, an additional reduction in utility bills, lump-sum assistance for people who are in a tragedy, medical examination, and vaccination.

Subsidies for housing and communal services

Some citizens simply need a subsidy due to high prices for utilities. This applies to people with disabilities who are fully supported by other persons, people who participated in the Great Patriotic War, who suffered from terrorist attacks, military conflicts, while performing a duty, etc. Also, this category will include elderly people whose payments for utility bills reach more than 22 percent of the total family income.

What are the benefits for a pensioner in a communal apartment in Novosibirsk?

For example, if a citizen living alone has an income of 10,000 rubles, then the surcharge in Novosibirsk will be 1,144 rubles: 2,744.30 rubles. (The value of the regional indicator for Novosibirsk) is 10,000 rubles. * 16% = 1144.3 rubles.

To clarify and receive all kinds of subsidies, you need to apply to social security, write a statement and provide the following documents: a certificate of family composition, a certificate of income, a statement of the absence of arrears in the payment of housing and communal services and a certificate.

Tax privileges

Everyone should know about tax breaks for pensioners in Novosibirsk.

People of retirement age who own an apartment or other real estate are exempt from paying property tax.

pensioners of Novosibirsk

Land for building a house will also not be taxed.

The benefits to pensioners for land tax in Novosibirsk include a discount in the form of a discount of fifty percent on summer cottages, gardens, and gardens. This decision was made by deputies in 2005.

The Novosibirsk transport tax pension benefit applies to all pensioners who have transport, but only for one type. The discount will be 80 percent for a passenger car or truck with a capacity of not more than 150 liters. with. For self-propelled, pneumatic and tracked modes of transport, the discount will be 95 percent.

Tax benefits for pensioners in Novosibirsk and other regions include exemption from personal income tax:

  • Pension payments.
  • Social.
  • For treatment on a package tour.

For questions on tax benefits, pensioners in Novosibirsk need to contact the tax office of the area where the citizen lives.

A person of retirement age when buying a home has the full right to a refund of part of the money. But at the same time, it is worth considering the fact that the purchase must be no later than 3 years from the time of the last earnings and, accordingly, the payment of income tax.

Benefits for pensioners in tax in Novosibirsk do not differ much from subsidies in the country.

Social support for people of retirement age

Lonely pensioners can count on such support, they need to apply to social protection and write a statement. If a pensioner is not able to do this himself, you can transfer documents through friends or call a social worker home.

Cash payments as an addition to pension accruals are due to those whose incomes do not cover the subsistence level in force in different regions. Such assistance may vary. For example, Moscow residents will have more of it than residents of Ulan-Ude.

Living wage

Below is the cost of living of the North-West and North-Caucasian districts. Using this indicator, you can calculate the amount of additional payments.

Living wage 2018

Cost of living of the Siberian and Far Eastern districts. Knowing the size of the cost of living, you can calculate the amount of additional benefits.

Cost of living in 2018

What are the benefits for pensioners in Novosibirsk? More than 377,000 elderly people live in the city, of which about 20,000 are veterans of World War II, and about 1,000 are participants. Assistance to older people is addressed to the elimination of problems in the repair of dwellings, for the improvement and purchase of medicines, the purchase of home appliances and other needs and is carried out at the expense of the Novosibirsk budget. In 2017 alone, more than 3.5 million rubles were transferred for these needs. Since 2016, help has been working in the form of products. For the convenience of obtaining preferential medicines, 16 new points were opened in the city and micro-districts of the Novosibirsk Pharmacy Chain (US), and there are also discounts.

In order to ensure the availability of medicines for the population, a loyalty system of MP "NAS" was created and a unified system of discounts was established in all branches of the MP "NAS":

  • on the Veteran card (blockade, participants of the Second World War, widows of the WWII, prisoners of concentration camps, home front workers) from March 2015 - 15%;
  • at city social fairs - 7%;
  • retirees, upon presentation of a pension certificate - 3%;
  • on a loyalty card - 3% on weekdays, 5% - on Saturday and Sunday; - on the card of a regular customer of the department “ORTHOPEDIA” - 10%.

In 2008, a cash payment program was opened in Novosibirsk for people of advanced age who have crossed the line of 100 years, the size of payments is 25,000 p.

The benefits of pensioners in Novosibirsk include the implementation of a program for the rehabilitation of veterans in health centers. Also, people of advanced age are provided with free computer training; such a program is available to absolutely all pensioners.

The benefits of pensioners in Novosibirsk also include taxi delivery services for the disabled and the elderly in the city. Delivery outside the city can be carried out if the route does not exceed 50 km from the border of the city, these can be clinics, hospitals, and sanatoriums. With such a delivery, you must always have a direction or a ticket with you.

The right to receive this service are:

  • disabled children (with an accompanying person);
  • disabled people of groups 1, 2 and disabled people of 3 groups older than 70 years;
  • citizens over 80 years old;
  • participants in the Great Patriotic War and persons equated to them in terms of benefits;
  • Citizens who have entered into a life annuity contract with the Novosibirsk City Hall;
  • residents of a special home for single and elderly.

In 2016, a project called “Social Patronage” was launched. Everyone who needs care can receive this service every day, in time: 4, 8, 12 hours.

Seasonal assistance may also be provided to pensioners, for example, partial payment of gas, etc.

Transport benefits for pensioners of Novosibirsk

In Novosibirsk, a rather large number of privileges are provided for people of retirement age, of which free use of public transport can be distinguished. The benefits for pensioners in Novosibirsk on travel are the receipt of a social card that allows you to travel for free on buses, trams, trolleybuses, subways, as well as express trains. This card is of two types, to choose from. One limit, including 360 trips. Another unlimited, you can ride on it an unlimited number of times, but at the same time pay 50% of the fare. Cards can be issued free of charge through the social service, if necessary, change to new ones there.

Unified transport card

Benefits for car insurance for pensioners in Novosibirsk

Legislation obliged all car owners to purchase insurance policies, regardless of region and age of the owner.

MTPL insurance policy

Insurance is necessary in the event of a traffic accident if there is harm to health or damage to transport. All losses will be compensated by the insurer. Since insurance is not a cheap pleasure, there are benefits for some car owners.

The discount can be issued for the long experience of the driver and travel without incident.There are no privileges for pensioners in Novosibirsk on car insurance and, apparently, is not expected in the near future. However, such a discount can be obtained if you have a long driving experience and do not break the rules.

If we talk about special benefits, then they exist for the disabled. When applying for this category, people are given a discount on the purchase of an insurance policy. Its size depends on the region, to clarify such data, you will need to contact the social protection department or administration.

Special benefits can be provided for parents of children with disabilities who need to constantly carry them by car. The size of such compensation may be in the amount of 50% of the price of the policy.

Casco insurance is voluntary, but at the same time quite a large number of people resort to the acquisition of this policy, including pensioners.

This type of insurance provides some discounts for retired people. In order to receive them, you must be a citizen of Russia, have a residence permit in the area where the point of this service works, and not have debt on loans. The main factor for such a discount will be low income. Also, a pensioner can get additional benefits when applying for a new car.

Military pensioners

The benefits for military pensioners in Novosibirsk are not much different from the benefits for Russia as a whole.

This category of citizens includes:

  • military personnel of the ministries of defense, internal affairs and other military structures;
  • fire service workers;
  • employees of anti-drug and psychotropic agents;
  • employees of the penitentiary system;
  • National Guard officers.

All of the abovementioned persons are entitled to a military pension and benefits, but on condition that the length of service is at least 20 years in the structure or 25 years of the total length of service, of which half are fulfilled by military service. The reason for retiring should be by age, due to health problems, the transformation of the organization.

Military pensioners

According to the legislation, privileges are granted to the military personnel of the Russian Federation, to those who served during the times of the USSR and in the troops of the community:

  • military personnel with an officer rank;
  • contract soldiers (soldiers, sailors);
  • border guards;
  • citizens who served in the railway forces;
  • Government Liaison Officers
  • employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Federal Penitentiary Service, Ministry of Emergencies, Federal Drug Control Service;
  • persons engaged in intelligence, civil defense;
  • employees of the FSB, the National Guard and the State Guard;
  • spouses, minor children and dependents of the above citizens.

Payments upon dismissal

Such payments will directly depend on how much the citizen has worked in the military structure. If up to 20 years, then the size will be 2 salaries, if more than 20 - then its size will increase to 7. Orders and ranks increase the size of payments by another 1 salary.

“For length of service” - pensioners who retire due to health reasons receive injuries of this kind when injured while serving.

The sizes are divided by disability groups:

  • the first - 300% of the estimated pension;
  • the second - 250%;
  • the third is 175%.

And also put:

  • for the maintenance of a pensioner who has crossed an 80-year milestone or who is a disabled person of group 1 - 100% of the calculated pension;
  • when one dependent family member is dependent on an unemployed pensioner - 32%, two - 64%;
  • three or more - 100% of the estimated amount of the pension payment.

Territorial monthly cash payments

The size of such payments is different, the exact information can be found in the pension fund.


  • participants in military events in Russia or foreign countries;
  • military personnel heading for Afghanistan;
  • military personnel and law enforcement officers who participated in combat missions to mine facilities and territories from 1945 to 1951 and in post-war operations on combat trawling in the navy from 1945 to 1957;
  • military personnel of the internal affairs bodies, state fire defense, institutions and bodies of the penal system, in which shell-shock, injuries or injuries sustained while performing military service duties (official duties), were the result of disability;
  • veterans participating in military operations;
  • family members of military personnel who died in the line of duty, in captivity or after being injured.

Assistance to pensioners after injuries who became disabled

Such assistance is provided in the amount of one thousand rubles per month.

People who have become disabled can receive in the following circumstances.

  • while serving;
  • when exposed to an increased level of radiation, performing official duties;
  • when committing unlawful acts by representatives of various authorities;
  • during the performance of official duties.

Housing for reserve officers

Today, the topic of providing housing to the military is still relevant, but the government is nevertheless taking certain measures.

In order to get the coveted square meters, the officer needs to have at least 10 years of experience, quit due to poor health and be in the queue for housing. Such a privilege can be provided in various ways, both with a housing subsidy, and with premises, land, cash assistance, monetary compensation.

Medical benefits

For a retired soldier there are benefits in the medical field:

  • receive medication for free with an existing prescription;
  • receive medical devices for free;
  • to treat teeth;
  • rest and undergo treatment in sanatoriums once a year.

A trip to the sanatorium and back is free, at the expense of the state.

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