
What are the social security benefits and who are they entitled to?

Today relevance of compensation payments in the social security system continuously growing. They represent funds allocated so far to a narrow number of people in need of social assistance. As a rule, this is due to circumstances that do not directly depend on citizens. Which compensation clause relevant at present? Which compensations are the most popular? Who are they supposed to? Answers to these and other equally interesting questions can be found in the process of reading this article.

The concept and place of compensation payments in the social security system

social security compensation payments

In accordance with the current system of social security of certain categories of citizens, compensation payments should be understood as the legislatively established security, which is the optimal complement to the system of social benefits. It is important to note that compensation is primarily intended for individuals who, due to certain circumstances, find themselves in need of social support. By the way social security compensation payments, unlike benefits that are introduced exclusively through the laws of the Russian Federation, they can be established through other legislative acts. Among them are decrees of the President of Russia and government decrees.

Compensation is primarily aimed directly at reimbursing certain income losses that have arisen in connection with certain social circumstances. For example, the state undertakes transfer social security compensation payments when a child is born and then caring for him, caring for a disabled person, loss of health due to technological accidents or in military service.

Variety of Compensations

compensation clause

As noted above, the purpose of compensation is mainly to cover some loss of income. What classification corresponds to this issue? Social Security Compensation Payments can be divided according to the destination of certain individuals, namely:

  • To those who have children.
  • Individuals who provide care for disabled citizens.
  • Persons affected by industrial accidents.
  • The provision of compensation payments It is necessary for citizens who study in certain educational institutions.
  • Military personnel, as well as members of their families.
  • Persons who have been displaced under forced circumstances.
  • Compensation payments to certain categories of citizenswho have become disabled.

It is important to add that all types of compensation are endowed with different periodicities and can be annual, monthly or even one-off.

Compensation for children

place of compensation payments in the social security system

Social Security Compensation Payments intended for individuals who actually care for a child up to one and a half years or three years. It is important to add that the relevant payments are made by decree of the President of Russia of May 30, 1994, as well as by a resolution of the Russian government of November 3, 1994. Who can count on this kind of compensation? State undertakes to transfer compensation payments under the social security system only subject to documenting parental leave:

  • Parents, including foster children, as well as guardians and other relatives. It is important to add that registration is carried out directly at the place of their employment.
  • Mothers-military personnel (contract soldiers), as well as mothers who are part of military structures abroad. This kind of clearance is also carried out at the duty station.
  • Mothers who have issued parental leave, but were dismissed due to liquidation of the structure and do not receive unemployment benefits. In such a rare case, official registration takes place in the bodies of social protection of the population.

The nature of childcare compensation

 relevance of compensation payments in the social security system

Social Security Compensation Paymentsdirectly related to the organization of child care are monthly. It is important to add that in certain areas of the Russian Federation there is a district coefficient. So, the payment of compensation is subject to mandatory accounting for a quantitative indicator. By the way social benefits and compensation payments child care also applies to mothers who work on a part-time basis or at home. Funds that are spent directly at the place of employment or service are somehow included in the wage fund.

In order to receive compensation for this orientation, a written application must be submitted at the place of work or service. It is important to add that in the case of filing documentation with the social security authorities terms of compensation payments fundamentally change. So, a copy of the certificate of birth, a warrant of leave, a work book, as well as a certificate from the employment service must be attached to the application. Interestingly, the receipt of compensation remains relevant if you apply to the relevant authorities no later than six months from the moment you go on vacation. In addition, an amount is paid for the entire period of stay on this vacation. If you miss the deadline, then those half a year that preceded the moment of appeal to state bodies will be payable directly.

Regulation on Compensation Payments for the Care of the Disabled Population

terms of compensation payments

Compensations paid to a able-bodied but not working person due to caring for a disabled person are regulated by the Decree of the President of Russia of December 26, 2006 and the decree of the Russian government of June 4, 2007.

It is advisable to start with the fact that compensations of the nature in question are paid for each disabled person (a disabled person of the first group or an elderly person), for whom care is provided on an ongoing basis. Social compensation system in relation to these categories of citizens means the monthly provision of funds. In addition, if there is a district coefficient, an appropriate adjustment is required. In order to receive the above kind of compensation payment, the following documentation is required:

  • Two statements.
  • Two identity cards (usually passports).
  • Two work books (from the one who cares, as well as from the caregiver).
  • Certificate of the absence of additional income from the caregiver.
  • Certificate of need for care for the person to whom it is provided.

By the way, the documentation, which is already present in the case of a disabled citizen, does not need to be collected again.

Compensation for caring for a disabled child

compensation payments

In the case of caring for a disabled person under the age of majority, there are special monthly compensation payments in accordance with the Decree of the President of Russia dated February 26, 2013.They are intended for parents, including foster children, as well as guardians or trustees. If a child is taken care of by a different person, then the amount of payments is significantly reduced.

It is important to note that the type of compensation under consideration is necessarily formed taking into account the district coefficient, if any. In addition, it often serves as an additional source of money for the parent, in addition to the pension that the disabled child receives directly. By the way, to provide the child with this benefit, the documents do not need to be collected. The caregiver is required to provide a package of documentation similar to the above. It is important to add that there is no need to re-collect papers that already exist in the child’s case.

By the way, one and the other type of compensation considered in the article begins immediately from the moment of applying to the FIU, and lasts until the month that follows the month of the disappearance of socially unfavorable circumstances (in the first case, very favorable) that caused for the implementation of care and the assignment of compensation payments for it.

Compensation for the participants of an industrial accident plan

In addition to the above cases, compensation fund must ensure the payment of funds to individuals who have suffered from accidents of a man-made (including radiation) nature. The relevant provision is provided by law. So, the Russian law “On the provision of social protection to citizens who have been exposed to radiation as a result of the Chernobyl disaster” provides for the following compensation payments:

  • Cash in the direction of individuals who have received disabilities in the process of eliminating emergency consequences. It is important to add that the amount of such payments directly depends on the disability group. If the person who took part directly in the elimination of the consequences died, then these payments continue to be realized in relation to his dependents. By the way, then the amount is calculated proportionally with the exception of the breadwinner's share.
  • Money for food, including food for individuals under the age of majority.
  • Cash for food products.
  • Money for living in an emergency area.
  • Funds for labor activities in the given territory.
  • Cash for the loss of a breadwinner.
  • Money for catering for young children.
  • Means for catering for teachers and students in educational institutions in the emergency area.

Student Compensation

social benefits and compensation payments

Compensation payments to students are regulated through a presidential decree of May 30, 1994 and a decree of the Russian Government of November 3, 1994. So, in accordance with the presented standards, a monthly payment is established directly at the place of study for those students or graduate students who took a vacation due to health conditions. It is important to add that if there is a district coefficient, the amount must be adjusted.

It must be added that the duration of the leave cannot be more than one year. In order for the compensation payment to be complete, you must contact the appropriate authorities no later than six months directly from the start of the vacation. For the registration procedure, a written statement is required, as well as a copy of the vacation order. Compensation payments are accounted for by the school in the same way as scholarships.

Military payments

In accordance with the Law "On the monetary allowance of military personnel", the following payments are relevant today:

  • In the event of the death of a soldier, which is associated with the performance of military duties.It is important to add that in this case a rather large amount is provided at a time, as well as subsequent periodic payments (of course, this is unlikely to comfort the relatives of the deceased).
  • After the death of a disabled person who received a disability due to the performance of military duties.
  • Payments are sent to an individual unsuitable for further service. So, in the case of dismissal, both one-time and subsequent payments of a periodic nature take place.

Compensation for the disabled

The Russian government’s decree of September 12, 2008 contains a number of rules, one of which relates directly to the provision of a one-time compensation payment in exchange for a car to those persons with disabilities who are registered with the relevant state authorities because of their intention to receive a car, but subsequently abandoned this goal . This should include the disabled, who became such, for example, due to combat actions, radiation exposure, injuries in the workplace, diseases of a general nature, as well as disabled people from birth.

By the way, the visually impaired, provided by the state with a specially trained dog for escort, are entitled to receive an annual compensation payment for the costs of maintaining the animal, which was established by a resolution of the Russian government of November 30, 2005. In addition, the state pays the costs associated with the acquisition of technical devices to ensure a speedy recovery.

Under article 17 of the Law on CTP, dated April 25, 2002, persons with disabilities who have vehicles in accordance with medical indications are entitled to receive fifty percent compensation for fuel costs, which are usually assigned by the local government, and, of course depreciation of the car.

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