
What is the penalty for non-payment of parking in Moscow?

In Moscow, to improve traffic, new parking lots are regularly created, which are paid. Each car owner can use them, but it is important to pay a fee in a timely manner, for which convenient and clear terminals are used. Often, drivers break the rules, so they do not pay parking fees. This leads to the fact that they have to face the negative consequences of their actions. They pay a significant fine for non-payment of parking in Moscow. It is equal to 2.5 thousand rubles. Therefore, it is advisable to responsibly approach your duties and pay a fee on time.

Where are paid parking lots located?

Back in 2013, a unique city system was introduced, which includes many paid parking lots located in the best places of the capital. For several years, the zone was expanded, so there are such territories even outside the transport ring and in numerous sleeping areas.

In Moscow there is only a small number of places where you can leave your cars for free. In all these places appropriate signs are installed, indicating paid parking. The cost of such a service is the same for all participants in the movement of the capital, therefore it is determined both by the chosen place and the time when the car is parked. The penalty for non-payment of parking in Moscow is significant, and it is mandatory paid by all negligent car owners who want to avoid additional costs.

penalty for non-payment of paid parking in Moscow

Parking prices

Prices depend on the area and time when the car is located in the parking lot. Therefore, car owners should consider the following rules:

  • the highest prices are set in the center of the capital, so at any time of the day an hour of parking costs 200 rubles .;
  • on the territory of the Moscow City business center, a differentiated tariff is applied, therefore, 80 rubles are paid for the first hour, and then 130 rubles are transferred for each hour;
  • if a car is left along the Boulevard Ring, then 50 rubles are paid for the first half hour, and then 150 rubles are transferred for every hour in the afternoon, 80 rubles at night;
  • near the Garden Ring parking costs 60 rubles. for the first hour, and after daytime, 100 rubles are paid, at night - 60 rubles .;
  • the most affordable prices are available within the third transport ring, since 60 rubles are paid per hour. regardless of the time of day.

Muscovites can enjoy discounts when paying for parking if the car owner pays for parking spaces in advance for a month or a year. But these benefits do not apply to areas where higher tariffs apply. To use such discounts, 30 thousand rubles are paid per month. or 300 thousand rubles. in year.

How is parking paid?

In order not to pay the penalty for non-payment of car parking in Moscow, you should figure out how to correctly transfer funds for using the parking space. For this, the state provided for various possibilities. Therefore, in order not to charge a penalty for non-payment of parking in Moscow, you should pay the fee in one of the following ways by the due date.

  1. Use of parking terminals. They are located next to the immediate car parks. To deposit funds, you can use bank cards or a special parking card, which is issued in different denominations and sold at gas stations. Using the terminals is quite simple, with detailed instructions located directly on these devices.
  2. Via Visa Qiwi Wallet e-wallet.To do this, you need to register in the system in advance, as well as transfer the necessary amount of funds to the wallet. If in the process of paying money does not appear on the account, then a penalty will be charged for non-payment of car parking in Moscow.
  3. Using SMS messages. To do this, a message is sent to the number 7757, and the exact text can be studied using special memos located next to parking spaces.
  4. Via Qiwi terminals. To pay for parking, you need to deposit the required amount of cash into this device. In the terminal menu, you need to find a suitable item designed to pay for parking.
  5. Using an application created specifically for Android called Moscow Parking. Most often, car owners prefer to use this particular method, since to make a payment it is not even necessary to get out of the car. To use this method, you need to create a personal account in the application. After that, the authorization procedure is carried out. Further, the account is replenished, specially designed to pay for parking. As soon as the car is left in the parking lot, you need to go into the application, after which it remains only to follow simple instructions. As soon as the car owner leaves the parking space, they press a special button in the program, which confirms the end of the process of using the parking space. When using this program, parking is allowed for free for 15 minutes.
  6. It is allowed to use terminals intended for bike rental to pay. For this, you can use only bank cards.

Any car owner can choose the best method to pay for a parking space or a penalty for non-payment of parking in Moscow. Payment methods are regularly increasing, which simplifies this process.

what is the penalty for non-payment of parking in Moscow

Who can not pay for parking spaces?

The penalty for non-payment of parking in Moscow is paid exclusively by citizens who must pay for parking spaces. At the same time, there are some people who are exempted from such expenses, since they are included in the preferential category.

Funds are not paid by drivers of cars belonging to the special services. This includes an ambulance, firefighters or police cars, as well as vehicles used by emergency workers.

Additionally, there are private beneficiaries who may not pay parking fees. These include people with disabilities, but they should only use special places designed for people with disabilities. At each parking lot, at least two such places are identified, indicated by the corresponding sign. To use such places on the machine, the sign “Disabled” must be affixed, and the traffic inspector may require the driver to provide a certificate confirming his status.

In addition, special parking lots for taxi drivers were created in Moscow. They are usually located in paid parking lots, but are indicated in yellow.

If, simply because of ignorance or unwillingness, the car owner refuses to transfer funds for the use of a parking space, then he will have to pay a penalty for non-payment of paid parking in Moscow.

penalty for non-payment of parking in Moscow that may follow

Collection size

Any motorist living and working in the capital should remember that almost all parking spaces in the city are paid. Therefore, a timely payment is required for their use. What is the penalty for non-payment of parking in Moscow charged? For such a violation, 2.5 thousand rubles will be charged, which is considered a fairly large amount, therefore it is advisable to pay a fee in a timely manner and in full.

The rules for calculating a fine for non-payment of a car parking in Moscow include:

  • cameras and parking sensors monitors how much time the car is in the parking space;
  • it is allowed to leave the car at the selected place without payment for 15 minutes, after which payment is required;
  • if there is no fee, a fine of 2.5 thousand rubles will be charged;
  • if the car is left completely in the wrong place, then it will be evacuated, therefore the tow truck services, which are equal to 5 thousand rubles, are additionally paid by the vehicle owner;
  • if a car is taken from the parking lot on the same day, then it is not necessary to pay additional funds, but for each next day a fee equal to 1 thousand rubles is charged. per day.

Due to such significant penalties, every car owner in the capital should be well versed in how to pay for parking spaces. The penalty for non-payment of paid parking in Moscow is considered significant, therefore it is much more profitable to pay a fee for the use of the place. Even if a person is a visitor, he must still understand these rules.

The lack of knowledge on how to pay a parking fee cannot be an excuse, therefore, a penalty for non-payment of parking in Moscow is still charged. What could follow? If the penalty is not paid within 40 days, then the collection of money begins with the help of the court. For this, bailiffs are involved, seizing bank accounts or even the property of the debtor.

What is the penalty for non-payment of parking in Moscow paid if funds are transferred promptly? If the payment of the fine comes within 20 days, then a 50% discount is provided, therefore only 1250 rubles are required to be paid.

penalty for non-payment of parking in Moscow ways

How to check for fines?

Some car owners do not even know that they have fines. Receipts are sent at the place of registration, but often people live in another place, so they do not receive this documentation in a timely manner. Therefore, they do not even know that they have a fine for not paying parking in Moscow. How to check its availability? You can use different methods for this:

  • It is advisable for each vehicle owner to install a special application on the phone called “Moscow Parking”, with which you can not only pay for a parking space, but even check for notifications of accrued sanctions or detected violations;
  • information can be received via SMS, for which the corresponding text is sent to the number 7377;
  • it is necessary to register and log in on the traffic police website, which will allow access to your personal account, where all the necessary information about all accrued fines is located;
  • through the State Services portal, information is provided on all sanctions applicable to a citizen.

Any car owner chooses which method they will use to check for fines. Additionally, using these methods, you can find out what kind of penalty for non-payment of car parking in Moscow must be paid to get rid of debt.

If the car owner prefers to use the mobile application, then just click on the section intended for search. The driver’s license number or vehicle data is entered into it. If there are fines, they will be displayed on the screen.

what is the penalty for non-payment of car parking in Moscow

Limitation period

The consequences of non-payment of a parking ticket in Moscow are considered serious for any motorist, since by decision of the court the bailiffs will begin to collect funds.

Based on the provisions of the Code of Administrative Offenses in such cases, the limitation period is 2 years. Therefore, if 2 years and several days have passed since the sanction was charged, then it will not be possible to recover it by force.

How to avoid the payment of funds?

The consequences of non-payment of a parking ticket in Moscow are serious, as bailiffs may seize accounts or even property of debtors. Therefore, citizens must responsibly approach their duties and timely transfer funds to pay the fine.But at the same time, the question often arises from car owners about how you can not pay the penalty for non-payment of parking in Moscow. The methods for this are strictly limited. Therefore, car owners consider the following recommendations:

  • if you use the parking lot for no more than 15 minutes, then there is no need to pay for it;
  • the fixing of cars parked on paid places is carried out by special vehicles equipped with a green-silver color and the inscription DPC, which periodically drive on worked routes every 10 minutes, so if you do not linger in one place for a long time, you can avoid fixing the car;
  • if the signs of a foreign state are installed on the car, then a fine is not charged, therefore if the car was purchased in Latvia or another country, then you can leave the existing license plates for a long time.

If the car has been in one place for a long time, and there is no data on payment, then the car can be evacuated to a fine parking lot, as a result, you will have to pay a fine of 2.5 thousand rubles, as well as make funds for the evacuation of 5 thousand. rub.

penalty for non-payment of car parking in Moscow

Can I hide numbers?

Some drivers, trying to avoid paying a parking ticket, deliberately hide their numbers in various ways. Often they take them off altogether. By law, you can rent numbers from a stationary car, but under such conditions the police can evacuate the car. The same applies to situations when signs are closed in different ways.

If the numbers are closed by a moving car, this becomes the basis for holding the owner liable, therefore he loses his certificate or pays a fine of 5 thousand rubles. This even applies to situations where it is impossible to make out just one digit.

When is a penalty charged illegally?

Some Moscow motorists are faced with the illegal collection of a fine for not paying parking in Moscow. How to challenge such a violation? For this, a fine can be appealed, and most often such situations arise for the following reasons:

  • the data about where the car is located is distorted, therefore false information is recorded, which leads to double fines;
  • payment does not go through, and the operator of the communication or a poorly functioning parking meter may be the culprit, but to challenge such a fine is quite simple;
  • there are failures in GPS satellites, so it is not correctly determined how much time the car was in a particular parking space.

If sanctions are indeed applied illegally, they must be challenged.

failure to pay a parking ticket in Moscow

How to appeal a fine?

If the car owner has evidence of the unlawfulness of the penalty, he can appeal it. For this, a formal complaint is required within 10 days. The answer to it comes within three days.

The complaint can be submitted remotely, for which the Autocode portal is used, and you can also compile it on the Moscow transport website. The document must indicate for what reasons the penalty should be canceled. To appeal the fine most often, car owners prescribe the following reasons:

  • lack of a sign indicating paid parking;
  • poor markup;
  • Indication of payment details, which was not fixed.

The answer is usually given within three days. If it is negative, and at the same time the applicant has evidence of his innocence, then he can appeal to the court with a lawsuit.

How to appeal a fine to a disabled person?

Often, car inspectors write a protocol for car owners occupying parking spaces intended for people with disabilities. Traffic police may not even be interested in whether the car owner has this status. Often they do not even believe the sign on the car. Under such conditions, a citizen can challenge the penalty.

To appeal the fine, you can contact the traffic police or directly to the court.In the second case, it is completely possible to recover compensation from car inspectors for moral damage.


Many parking lots in Moscow are paid. All car owners should know how to pay for parking spaces. If the rules for transferring funds are violated, then the car owners are held administratively liable, therefore they are forced to pay a significant fine.

In case of illegal accrual of sanction, it can be challenged. To do this, you must file a complaint within 10 days. The process can be performed remotely. If there is evidence from the car owner of the illegality of a fine, it will be written off. If it is not possible to achieve the desired result, then you can go to court.

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