
What is the penalty for an expired passport in Russia

The exchange of documents in Russia should be carried out within the time established by law. Otherwise, citizens will have to pay certain penalties. Most often they are expressed in monetary terms. What penalty for an expired passport threatens a resident of Russia? Is such a punishment foreseen for negligent and forgetful people? To understand all this and not only to us below. Consider the situation with civil and foreign passports.

Penalty Failures in Russia

When to change documentation

Under current laws, a civilian ID is required to be exchanged at least 2 times. The procedure must be carried out upon reaching 20 and 45 years, respectively. In addition, you will have to exchange your passport if:

  • the document was lost or stolen;
  • citizen has changed gender;
  • the owner of the document has changed personal data;
  • typos and inaccuracies were found in the passport;
  • a person’s appearance has changed a lot.

In all these cases, a citizen needs to apply to the migration service as soon as possible with a request for re-issuance of an identity card and with a certain package of documents.

Important: the delay is considered to be the first day the document was in the “Ineligible” state. For example, on the 30th day after the 20th or 45th birthday of the applicant.

Punishment for delaying a passport and submitting an application for the exchange of identity cards

Fine - myth or reality

What penalty for an expired passport will a forgetful citizen pay? Is there any punishment for such an act?

Unfortunately, there is no single answer. The penalty for an expired passport in 2015 interested many people. And this topic worries the population to this day.

According to the law, there are no sanctions for the delay of a civil ID. Nevertheless, the person will still be punished. Why?

The current legislation of the Russian Federation provides for sanctions for living in an apartment without an identity document. It is this punishment that is expressed in a fine and can indirectly be considered a payment for the delay in exchanging a passport.

Ordinary cities and punishments

It is worth paying attention to the fact that in the cities of federal significance and in ordinary regions of the Russian Federation different sizes of penal payments will be applied. This is quite normal.

Let's start with the usual regions of Russia. What penalty for an expired passport needs to be transferred to the state treasury? Today, for accommodation at the place of registration without documents you need to pay from 2 to 3 thousand rubles. More detailed information is provided by the migration services of various cities.

Federal significance

How much the penalty for an expired passport is in general cases, we found out. You should pay attention to the size of the corresponding punishment in cities of federal significance. These include Moscow and St. Petersburg.

Is there a penalty for delaying a passport of the Russian Federation

In these regions, all penalties have been increased; you must be prepared for this. What is the penalty for an expired passport to pay a forgetful person?

To date, living in one or another territory without an identity card of a citizen of the Russian Federation in Moscow or St. Petersburg is punishable by a payment of 3 to 5 thousand rubles.

As in the past case, the exact amount of punishment will be issued individually. In exceptional cases, citizens can be exempted from sanctions, but more on that later.

Foreign passport and its exchange

Is there any punishment for untimely replacement of a passport in Russia? This question worries all travelers, especially during the holidays.

Fortunately, a “border” is made out by people at will.This document must be exchanged either every 5 years (old sample) or every 10 years (biometric passports). This can be done at any time after the expiration of the documentation. There will be no penalties and fines. Just a person will not be able to use an expired document.

Penalty exemption

We found out how much the penalty for an expired passport is 20 years and not only. And under what circumstances can a person be released from appropriate punishment?

Here is a list of good reasons for doing this:

  • the presence of a woman with young children;
  • violation committed by a woman in an interesting position;
  • the act was committed by a child;
  • if the person who violated the law himself corrected the situation;
  • remorse of a citizen;
  • assistance of a person who has expired a passport to state and investigative authorities.

As a rule, in these cases, citizens can hope for a partial or full exemption from administrative punishment. The main thing is to prove the presence of extenuating circumstances.

Penalty for overdue passport

Other situations

What is the penalty for an expired passport in Russia? The answer to this question will no longer make a person think.

In exceptional cases, citizens can be completely exempted from punishment, even if there are no grounds listed above. When is this possible?

For example, if the Federal Tax Service accepted the application and documents for the exchange of an expired passport and only after that noticed that the identity card had a delay. This is possible if more than 2 months have passed since the violation.

Sometimes an oral warning is issued to citizens for the delay of an identity card. The court has the right to take this opportunity if the misconduct committed by the defendant can be characterized as insignificant.

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