
Cybersecurity is ... Characteristics, key differences, terms

A lot has been said about security today. However, each of the new areas of our life brings with it new threats. This applies to the virtual, information, computer environment. The section relevant here is cybersecurity. Let's analyze it in detail.

What is it?

Cybersecurity is not an independent section. It is one of the components of information security. Within its framework, the following are highlighted:

  • Studying the processes of formation, evolution and functioning of various cyber objects - to identify possible sources of cyber danger that arise in this process.
  • Description of cyber hazard types, their classification.
  • Development of normative acts designed to protect cyber objects from already found and studied sources of cyber danger.

What else is hidden under the concept? Practical use. Cybersecurity is the use of a number of measures to ensure confidentiality, integrity, but at the same time, the availability of information. This is the prerogative of the system administrator, which should provide protection of assets, including data on the local computer network, servers. Under protection there will also be staff and the building itself.

cybersecurity is

Fundamental Terms

We also give variations of the interpretation of the concept of "cybersecurity":

  • ISO / IEK 27032 2012: the so-called conditions of protection from political, physical, spiritual, emotional, educational, professional, psychological and other types of influences, as well as emergency consequences, errors, accidents, injuries, harm and other events occurring in cyberspace, what are considered undesirable.
  • “The concept of a cybersecurity strategy in the Russian Federation”: this is the totality of conditions under which all cyberspace objects are protected from the maximum possible number of threats, as well as impacts with undesirable consequences.

Echoing concepts:

  • Cyberspace is the space where cyber objects function and interact.
  • Cybersecurity of an object is a property of the latter that characterizes its ability not to cause damage to cyberspace.
  • Cyber ​​security of an object is a property of the latter that characterizes its ability to prevent the formation of damage from hacker cyber attacks or to reduce the magnitude of such damage.
cybersecurity system

Cybersecurity Goals and Measures

What are the main goals of the cybersecurity system? This is information protection. Both stored and transmitted, intended for exchange.

If the situation requires it, in the framework of ensuring cybersecurity, countermeasures can be taken:

  • Access control to data.
  • Training.
  • Appropriate reporting and auditing.
  • Cyber ​​risk assessment.
  • Malware penetration testing.
  • Authorization Requirements.
cybersecurity framework

Computer security

We made out that this is cybersecurity. It is important to distinguish it from a similar concept. Computer security is:

  • One of the sections of information security that characterizes the impossibility of damage to a computer or computer, which exceeds the amount of acceptable damage to it from all previously identified and studied sources of device failures under certain operating conditions, at a given time interval.
  • Security measures that are used to protect the entire mass of electronic computing devices (from PCs to smartphones), as well as computer networks (from private to public, global - the Internet). Here the field of activity of the system administrators is wider.It should cover all the mechanisms and processes by which the information field, digital devices should be protected from unauthorized access, as well as changes, data destruction.

Computer security today is becoming more and more popular, as modern society is already dependent on information systems.

cybersecurity courses

Cybersecurity training

Since the personal data of almost any of us is trusted in information systems, social networks, mobile applications, digital devices, everyone needs to know the basics of cybersecurity.

As for developed European countries (for example, Great Britain), today this type of training is carried out there already from school. In particular, young citizens are taught skills that in the future will help protect their organization from online hacker attacks. These are both online lessons and extracurricular activities. It is also supposed to discuss current issues of cybersecurity with students, to independently look for ways to solve them.

In our country, there are no such initiatives yet. However, it is hoped that Russian citizens, equally involved in virtual reality with the whole world, will soon begin to worry about the safety of their own data, and cyber security courses will also become relevant in our country.

We have considered a very important concept for the modern world. Cybersecurity is an important area of ​​security for all of us.

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