
Complete set and expiration date of the automobile first-aid kit - features and requirements

Many motorists are interested in the issue of the configuration and expiration date of the first-aid kit in the current, 2019. If the first-aid kit contains those components that are provided for by GOST, then this allows drivers not only to undergo maintenance without hindrance, but also in time to provide the necessary assistance to the injured in the event of an emergency. It is worth noting that the list of funds included in the first-aid kit is periodically changing.

Such changes are regulated by order of the Ministry of Health. In accordance with the regulatory enactment, the contents of the medical kit should be maximally adapted for various situations on the roads.

expiration date of the first-aid kit automobile for checkup

Legal requirements

The driver must make sure that the first-aid kit is in his possession, and the equipment and shelf life of the first-aid kit comply with the requirements. Both his life and the life of passengers depend on this fact.

The main direction of normative acts is an indication of the list of necessary components in the first-aid kit, the frequency of their updating, the regulation of penalties for non-compliance with requirements. In addition, the law also stipulates the entry of foreign drivers into Russian territory - a first-aid kit must also be present in their cars.


In accordance with the first part of Article 12.5 of the Code of Administrative Offenses for drivers for not completing the car with first aid kit, a punishment is provided in the form of a warning for the first violation and a fine for repeated. The size of the fine is 500 rubles.

what is the shelf life of a first-aid kit

In addition, it will not be possible to undergo a scheduled maintenance without the presence of a first-aid kit in equipping a car, or if it is available, but with an expired shelf life of the first-aid kit and automobile fire extinguisher.


697n-P of the Ministry of Health directly regulates this issue. Namely: it stipulates that a car kit must be available in the vehicle compartment, the expiration date of which has not expired. The main idea of ​​this standard is the correction of 325-P, previously issued, regarding the configuration of automotive first aid kits.

The composition of all first-aid kits approved for use on the Russian territory is governed by the Technical Conditions - closed standards, which are the subject of commercial and intellectual property of the person who developed them.

expiration date of a new automobile first-aid kit

The composition of the first-aid kit in 2019 according to GOST

The requirements of the current legislation stipulate that medical kits, as well as an emergency sign and a fire extinguisher, must be present in the equipment of a vehicle driving on Russian roads. A separate item is a list of items that should be in such a medicine cabinet.

According to GOST, the composition of the kit provides for the content of items that, if necessary, provide first aid.

Mandatory components of a first-aid kit

The following items must be in the medical kit of the modern sample:

  • hemostatic tourniquet in the amount of 1 piece;
  • non-sterile gauze bandages with a size of 5cm * 5m in an amount of 2 pieces;
  • non-sterile gauze bandages with a size of 10cm * 5m in an amount of 2 pieces;
  • non-sterile gauze bandages with a size of 14cm * 7m in the amount of 1 piece;
  • sterile gauze bandages with a size of 7cm * 5m in an amount of 2 pieces;
  • sterile gauze bandages with a size of 10cm * 5m in an amount of 2 pieces;
  • sterile gauze bandages with a size of 14cm * 7m in the amount of 1 piece;
  • sterile dressing bag in the amount of 1 piece;
  • sterile gauze napkins with a size of 14 * 16 cm in the amount of one set containing at least 10 pieces;
  • bactericidal adhesive plaster with a size of at least 4 * 10 cm in an amount of 2 pieces;
  • bactericidal adhesive plaster with a size of at least 1.9 * 7.2 cm in an amount of 10 pieces;
  • adhesive tape with a size of at least 1 * 250 cm in an amount of at least 1 piece;
  • a special device designed for artificial respiration in the amount of 1 piece;
  • medical gloves of a size of at least M in the amount of 1 pair;
  • recommendation on the use of items in the medical kit, e in the amount of 1 piece;
  • case - 1 piece.

Often there are situations when the standard equipment for low-cost first-aid kits includes products with inadequate quality: scissors that have blunt blades, insufficiently tight bandages and so on. Then the drivers begin to understaff the first-aid kit on their own, acquiring products of good quality on their own.

complete set and expiration date of the first-aid kit automobile

Additional Recommended Equipment

The first-aid kit may also contain additional items in a car kit that are not specified by an approved order. It can be pain medications, drugs to stop bleeding and eliminate a variety of inflammatory processes.

Different drivers in the first-aid kit may contain, in addition to the required ones, completely different items. The driver may choose and purchase additional medications at his discretion.

If the car enthusiast decides to understaff his medical kit with new medicines, then he should know how to use them. What is the shelf life of a first-aid kit and its individual preparations, the driver also controls independently.

Preparations that should not be in the medicine cabinet

Every law-abiding driver should be aware of the information not only about what should be included in the first-aid kit, but also about what should not be in it. There are no medicines in the first aid kit. There are several reasons for this.

Many people who provide first aid in the event of an accident do not have a medical education, and therefore do not know the rules for using certain drugs in specific circumstances.

Many people have contraindications to the use of certain medications, so without the appropriate experience and knowledge, their use can be harmful.

Significant changes in temperature are often observed in the car interior, that is, the corresponding storage conditions for the preparations are not provided.

Medicines that were present in old-style first-aid kits were not funds for emergency medical care.

Statistics show that most of the fatalities resulting from an accident occur due to the fact that the victim loses a lot of blood. That is why in new first-aid kits, the emphasis is on tools that can quickly stop bleeding. Pharmacological preparations - ammonia, zelenka and iodine are not part of the new medical equipment.

shelf life

Shelf life of a new medicine kit

The shelf life of the car kit for emergency care of a new type has almost tripled, and now is 4.5 years. A significant increase in the shelf life of a new automobile first-aid kit became possible due to the fact that medications that were quickly becoming unusable were excluded from the list of items in its composition.

It’s very easy to find out the time to replace the first aid kit. All necessary information is located on the front wall of the case. The minimum period of permitted use in the new first-aid kit is with plaits and plasters (5-6 years).

A motorist has six months to replace an expired automotive first aid kit.

expiration date of a new medicine kit

Recommendations for the use of first-aid kits

Before purchasing and using a first-aid kit, the driver should take into account several points. Mandatory items that are part of the first-aid kit of the new sample, to replace with others, selected independently, is prohibited. The kit can be supplemented at your discretion by purchasing the necessary medications.

It is forbidden to use products for which the marking is damaged or the expiry date of the first-aid kit is expired. If part of the funds from the first-aid kit was used, then you need to retrofit it as soon as possible.

You need to purchase a first-aid kit at dealerships or pharmacies. It should be noted that the shelf life of a first-aid kit for automobile inspection is very important. When using the medical kit during an accident, some recommendations must also be followed.

Gloves must be worn in the medicine cabinet. If the victim has arterial bleeding, the wound should be squeezed with fingers, and a tourniquet should be applied above it. Then, a tight dressing should be applied to the damage using napkins and bandages. It is very important to remember the time at which the tourniquet was applied. It will need to be reported to the ambulance staff.

In the absence of breathing, the victim should try to restore it using a rescue breathing device. If the wound does not bleed too much, a tight dressing should be applied to prevent the ingress of dirt and dust. Minor abrasions and wounds need to be sealed with a bactericidal patch. Call an ambulance.

complete set and expiration date of the first-aid kit automobile

First-aid kit cost

The average cost of an inexpensive first-aid kit is 160-300 rubles. It depends on the quality of the funds included in it and the case. Experts recommend not saving and buying a medical kit from the price range of 350 rubles.

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