
Preferential queue for a ticket to the sanatorium. Free trips to the sanatorium

A ticket to the sanatorium is one of the items on the list of social services, which is provided for by Federal Law No. 178 “On State Social Assistance”. That is why it can be obtained by those citizens who have the opportunity to use such social services. In the article, we will consider what is the preferential queue for getting a ticket to the sanatorium.

Sanatoriums of Kislovodsk

Legislative regulation

Any resident of our country at least once heard about that federal law that governs the procedure for providing certain civilian categories of state support. Such assistance also includes preferential vouchers allocated for the amendment of health. Information on the procedure and conditions for the provision of free therapy in the sanatoriums of Kislovodsk and other resort cities can be found in Federal Law No. 178 of 1999.

Who should use the free tickets to the sanatorium?

Free sanatorium vouchers can be obtained by such categories of citizens as:

1) Participants of the Second World War.

2) Disabled war.

3) Military personnel who served in institutions, military schools, military units not included in the army, from 06/22/1945 to 09/03/1945 no less than six months, as well as military personnel who were awarded medals or orders of the USSR for this period .

4) Veterans of the fighting.

5) Persons who have the award "Resident of the besieged Leningrad."

6) Disabled persons of any group.

7) Family members of deceased or deceased persons with disabilities, war veterans and WWII participants.

8) Children with disabilities.

9) Patients who need additional treatment after a hospital at the expense of the finances of the regional budget; working citizens are provided immediately after inpatient therapy at the place of registration; the list of diseases and the procedure for obtaining permits is established by local (regional) regulatory documents.

10) Vouchers to the sanatorium for pensioners and employees of certain departments and departments (for example, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Ministry of Defense, the Federal Tax Service, the administration of the Government and the Mayor of Moscow, the RF UDP, etc.) in accordance with regulatory departmental documents. To get them, you need to contact the appropriate department. What does the preferential line for getting a ticket to the sanatorium imply?

Free trips to the sanatorium

What documents are required?

It depends on the source of funding:

1. Thanks to the Social Insurance Fund (at the expense of the federal budget).

To get a ticket, you must go to the doctor in charge of the medical institution, depending on the place of residence. If there are medical indications, and there are no contraindications for spa treatment, the doctor fills out the appropriate form for a ticket that contains the following information: name of the resort, recommended season (ticket valid for six months), spa profile. A statement on the provision of a free ticket to the sanatorium and a certificate must be addressed to the regional department of the FSS of the Russian Federation.

Free trips to the sanatorium

In addition, in order to get a ticket to spa treatment, you must provide the following:

  • documents that confirm the classification of a person in one or another preferential category (ITU certificate on the designation of disability, certificate, etc.);
  • individual rehabilitation scheme for a disabled person;
  • passport;
  • a certificate confirming the citizen’s right to receive social assistance from the state in the form of a list of social services (you can get it at the pension fund department).

Within two weeks you will receive a message from the Fund about the possibility of obtaining a ticket to the sanatorium for pensioners and other categories of citizens, which corresponds to the declared profile of therapy, with a note on the date of arrival.

A citizen receives such a ticket filled out with the seal of the relevant executive body of the FSS, as well as with information about payment at the expense of federal funds and the impossibility of sale. After the sanatorium-resort voucher has been received (not earlier than two months before the time of its validity), you need to get the appropriate card in the clinic that issues the certificate for the purchase of the voucher. When the spa treatment ends (no later than a month), you need to give the return ticket to the clinic, and the sanatorium will return the tear-off ticket to the FSS of the Russian Federation.

2. Patients in need of aftercare in the hospital (at the expense of regional budgets).

Trips to the sanatorium for pensioners

A preferential queue for a ticket to a sanatorium for rehabilitation can be provided only to working citizens where they are registered, immediately after treatment in a hospital. The need for its provision is established by the medical commission of this medical institution, depending on the procedure for sending employees for rehabilitation (aftercare) immediately after inpatient therapy in specialized departments (sanatoriums), which are approved by order of the Ministry of Social Development and Health of the Russian Federation dated January 27, 2006 No. 44. For the period of rehabilitation treatment, a citizen shall be extended a sick leave up to twenty-four days.

What is the cost of a trip to a sanatorium?

The cost depends entirely on the sanatorium, services, as well as on the season. On average, one night will have to pay 4000-5000 thousand rubles. The duration of treatment is standard - 10 days.

What payments are required from a citizen when receiving a sanatorium voucher?

Upon receipt of a voucher through the FSS of the Russian Federation, as well as a rehabilitation voucher, a citizen is paid in full a sanatorium-resort voucher for a period of 18 to 24 days to the sanatorium located on the territory of our country, as well as the round-trip fare. All details must be found in the FSS branch at the place of residence.

Find out the queue for a preferential ticket

Medicines taken continuously by a person must be taken care of in advance on their own. Departments and departments establish the financing procedure, as well as the amount of payments for the spa treatment of their own pensioners and employees independently. To get clarification on the procedure for obtaining benefits, you need to contact the appropriate department.

Type of sanatorium to which the permit is provided

Not every sanatorium in Kislovodsk and other resort towns will accept citizens on preferential vouchers.

From the federal budget at the expense of the FSS of the Russian Federation, you can get a ticket to those sanatoriums that have concluded an appropriate agreement with the FSS located in various resort regions of the country.

Patients who need additional therapy after the hospital (at the expense of the regional budget), a ticket is provided to the relevant local sanatorium, which provides aftercare services for this category of citizens and is included in the list of local regulations. The list is regularly reviewed. Most likely, the person will be sent to a sanatorium at the place of residence, since this is the most rational approach.

Pensioners and employees of a number of departments and agencies are provided with permits to those sanatoriums that belong to the corresponding structures.

Duration of preferential voucher

The duration of treatment is 18 days, 21 days for children with disabilities, and for people with disabilities who have diseases and consequences of brain and spinal cord injuries, from 24 to 42 days.

Voucher for rehabilitation lasts up to 24 days. The patient at this time, respectively, is extended sick leave.

The cost of a ticket to the sanatorium

How to check the preferential queue for a ticket to the sanatorium?

A citizen who is in the preferential category and has applied for a free ticket to a dispensary or sanatorium in order to maintain his health can find out the serial number in the queue on the FSS official website. This requires only the presence of SNILS (its number), it must be entered in a specially designed field without spaces or hyphens. Depending on the changes occurring with human diseases, the queue may decrease or increase.

Thus, it is quite easy to find out the line for a discounted ticket to a sanatorium.

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