
Employee personal card: sample and filling rules

When hiring any specialist, the employer starts a special personal card. It is formed in the form of T-2. It contains various information about the employee, and also indicates the date of employment. The personnel officer is engaged in the preparation of this document. To enter data, a sample of the employee’s personal card is used, which allows you to understand what information must be contained in this document. These cards must be formed by both different companies and individual entrepreneurs who officially hire citizens.

Are personal employee cards required?

Personal cards are represented by an important accounting document containing personal information about a particular employee of the company. The features of its compilation include:

  • it is certainly formed for each specialist by the employer, represented by the head of the company or private entrepreneur;
  • To create this document, the approved T-2 form is used;
  • a card is drawn up for absolutely any employee of the company who can work on the basis of a fixed-term or unlimited contract;
  • this document is created immediately after the formal arrangement of a specific specialist, and information is entered into it until the termination of employment;
  • the personal card is closed at the moment when the citizen leaves, but at the same time it must be stored in the company for at least 10 years.

These cards are in the personnel department of any company.

personal card t 2

Can I refuse to apply for personal cards?

Employers are required to prepare and complete this document. It is not allowed to replace cards with personal files. Therefore, a personal T-2 card is a mandatory document for every employer.

This document should duplicate information entered in the work book. Therefore, information is indicated not only about hiring, but also about receiving various awards by a citizen, about transfers, dismissal or other events. The employer must acquaint the direct specialist with signature with each entry entered on the card.

What documents are needed?

A uniform form of an employee’s personal card must be available to every employer. To enter different information into this document, the head of the company must request from the citizen certain documentation, which includes:

  • passport of a citizen;
  • employment history;
  • military personnel present a military ID;
  • documents on education;
  • SNILS;
  • TIN;
  • other documents, and they depend on what kind of position a citizen will occupy in the company, therefore medical certificates, a driver’s license, a certificate of professional development, as well as various papers confirming that the employee has previously received various awards from the state are often required.

Additionally, information from administrative documents that are published by the head of the company is entered. Other data is transmitted orally by the citizen, as it cannot be obtained from official documents. These include information on the composition of the family, contact information, dates of birth of children, level of knowledge of any foreign language or other data. All this information is transmitted orally. Therefore, when initially filling out a sample of an employee’s personal card, it is required that the specialist be present during this process.

additions to the employee’s personal card

What sections are available?

The personal card has many different sections, each of which has its own unique purpose. Information is entered only in the presence of official documents from which data is transferred. The sections of the employee’s personal card are represented by the following items:

  • general information about the citizen;
  • information on military registration;
  • the date when a citizen was hired or transferred to another position in the company;
  • information on certification passed;
  • information about the courses on the basis of which the qualification of a citizen was improved;
  • retraining data;
  • lists all the awards, rewards and honors received by the specialist;
  • vacation information;
  • data on various social benefits that an employee can use on the basis of legislative requirements are provided;
  • additional information;
  • information about the termination of labor relations with the employee, and this includes information about the order on the basis of which the employment contract was terminated.

Each section should include only reliable information, for which it is important to use the papers received from the employee, as well as various orders drawn up by the employer.

personal card employee hiring

Compilation rules

When entering information into the document, it is recommended to use a sample of the employee’s personal card in order to prevent errors. When maintaining this document, the following rules are taken into account:

  • the form is printed exclusively on cardboard;
  • duplex printing is used;
  • if a card is created for scientific and pedagogical staff, then the T-4 form is used;
  • this documentation is stored in the archive for 75 years;
  • if the company closes or the IP ceases to function, then the document is submitted to the region’s archive, as it serves as proof of the employment of a particular citizen.

The T-2 personal card does not start for citizens working part-time, therefore they are created exclusively for full-time employees.

The nuances of filling

When entering any information into the form of a personal card, it is necessary for the personnel officer to adhere to certain rules. These include:

  • the first two pages must be filled immediately after a new specialist is hired;
  • all other pages are filled in during the citizen’s work in the company, for example, when receiving an award or transferring to another position;
  • all information is transferred exclusively from official documents;
  • Each information entered is completed with a reference to the source, usually presented by order of the manual.

The company may use an electronic system that allows you to keep personal employee cards in electronic form. But in any case, correctly completed documentation is printed on cardboard.

A sample employee card can be found below.

sample employee card

All data is entered in the appropriate fields. Continuation of the document below.

sample personal card employee part 2

What personal information is entered?

On the first page of the personal card must be personal information about the hired specialist. For this, data from a passport, diploma and other similar documents available to the hired specialist are used.

The rules for entering personal information include:

  • indicates the name of the citizen;
  • Indicate what foreign languages ​​an employee speaks;
  • information from the experience can be taken from the work book or other documents transmitted by the employee;
  • the date and place of birth of the citizen is prescribed, and it is not advisable to use abbreviations;
  • if a person has a second citizenship, then the name of the state is prescribed;
  • information about family members of a citizen;
  • The place of registration and residence is indicated.

The main points of the document are filled in precisely when applying for a job. The employee’s personal card is further stored in the personnel department of the company.As soon as all the necessary information is entered, the employee must make sure of their reliability, after which he signs in the document.

Military Record Data

This information is entered in the second section. To this end, it is indicated whether the new employee is liable for military service, and information is also provided on whether he is suitable for military service.

The personnel department employee must take information exclusively from the employee’s military ID. If an employee is subject to a call, then this fact is indicated on a personal card.

Human Resources Department

Education Information

Each employee may have their own level of education, for which the appropriate codes are used during the use of the card.

For example, if an employee has only a basic general education, then the number 03 is put, and if he graduated, the code is 18. If a student is studying at the last courses of the institute, then an entry is made about the presence of incomplete higher education. To do this, a special certificate is requested from the citizen, which he can receive at the educational institution.


Information about the profession is entered in paragraph 7 of the document. It reflects what profession a new employee owns.

It is required to indicate not only the main profession, but also additional ones, if any. The main should be the specialty, which is the most significant for the immediate company.

Work experience

It is calculated on the basis of information available in the workbook or other documentation of the employee. Using this information, you can understand whether the employee is entitled to various benefits.

It is important to consider not only the general experience, but also continuous. To do this, it is estimated how much time elapsed between the dates of dismissal and employment. If there is a period exceeding one month, then in this case the experience is interrupted.

unified form of employee personal card

Family Information

Information about whether a citizen is officially married is taken from the passport. If the employee has never been in a barque, then code 1 is indicated, and if he has an official spouse, then figure 2 is put.

For widowers, code 4 is used, and if the man is divorced, code 5 is applied. Additionally, information on the composition of the family is entered in the personal card. Information is contained in paragraph 10. It is important to indicate here who is a close relative of the citizen. Parents, siblings, spouses and children are included. Additionally, information should be provided on all pupils over whom official guardianship has been issued.

In paragraph 11, the passport details of the employee are given.

Residence address

This information is considered important, as it will allow you to find an employee if he does not suddenly come to work. Additionally, based on this address, you can send various notifications by mail.

As much as possible contact information about the employee is entered in paragraph 12.

Employment and transfers

This section necessarily begins with a record, on the basis of which a specialist is admitted to the company. In addition to the employee’s personal card, the work book is also filled out. For this, information from the order issued by the employer is taken into account. The following data must be indicated:

  • date of receipt or transfer;
  • name of the department in which the specialist will work;
  • position held, qualification and rank;
  • salary, allowances and tariff rate.

In the end, the employee must sign the document.

Certification and advanced training

This section is filled in if certification of employees is carried out at work. For this, the date of this event and the decision made by the commission are indicated.

If a citizen undergoes long-term training, on the basis of which he improves his qualifications, then this information is entered in a personal card. In this case, only training that lasts longer than 100 hours is taken into account.

Additionally, information on retraining of personnel is introduced. In this case, the employee acquires another profession.But training should take more than 500 academic hours in time.

sections of the employee’s personal card

Holidays and social benefits

In the section intended for vacation, all days of rest are recorded. Information is given on annual or study leave, as well as on days drawn up without pay.

The basis may be a management order or vacation schedule.


This section is filled out only after the termination of employment with the employee. Here the date of dismissal and the details of the relevant order are indicated.

After making this entry, the personal card is closed. It signs the personnel officer and employee.

Storage rules

The employee’s personal card is stored using a safe or a closet. It is not allowed that all the company personnel have access to these documents.

Organize documents using the usual delimiters in alphabetical order and departments in the company. They are stored for 75 years.


A personal card is a mandatory and important document for each employee. It is filled in any company. It contains various information about the employee, presented by the dates of his employment and dismissal, as well as personal data.

The document is stored only in a safe or a closed cabinet, since it is not allowed that all employees of the company have access to it. It is filled by a designated personnel officer.

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