
Is it possible to study simultaneously in two universities in Russia?

Is it possible to study in two universities at the same time? This question is asked by many young people who want to get not just one, but several higher educations at once. So, now you can study even in several universities in our country. The law does not prohibit this. Learn more about all this from this article.

Small introduction

students at a lecture

Currently, few people are surprised by the presence of higher education. Moreover, many young people are now striving to graduate from several universities at once. This is necessary in order to become a highly educated person in a significantly short period of time. But is it possible?

It should immediately be said that the law does not prohibit obtaining several higher educations at the same time. However, the budget can only be done once. This suggests that a student will be able to get a second higher education only on a commercial basis.

What could be the reason

young people came to the lecture

What are the reasons that a citizen decided to study at once in two universities? They can be very diverse. For example, parents want their child to be a lawyer, and he wants to become a doctor. It also happens that a person began to study as a fashion designer and realized that he wanted to be a designer. In other words, the reasons for simultaneously obtaining two higher educations can be very different.

Moreover, not all students will be able to master such a load. Nevertheless, young people who want to get several higher education at the same time should know that for this they will need a lot of time and effort. This must be remembered.

Important rule

In this case, it is necessary to refer to legal norms. So, according to our legislation, a citizen has the opportunity to get higher education for free - only once. All citizens who wish to study at the same time on a budgetary basis at several universities in the country must know about this.

If we talk about paid education, then the number of higher education received at the personal expense of a citizen is not fixed in the law.

So is it possible to study simultaneously in two universities? The answer in this case will be positive. But you just need to remember that you will have to pay your money for a second higher education.

Production methods

So, is it possible to study in two universities at the same time? It is not prohibited by law. But, as mentioned earlier, the pleasure is paid. In addition, at present, university education is not very cheap. Therefore, people who want to get several higher educations at the same time should be ready for certain expenses. This should not be forgotten.

a person learns remotely

So how can one get two higher educations? There are several ways:

  • You can enter full-time at two universities or at one university, but at different faculties (this will significantly save time on movement), although there are a lot of difficulties (the need to pass double sessions, moreover, you will have to defend two theses).
  • Another option is to enter another university only a year later. This will reduce mental and physical stress. Moreover, writing a thesis will also take time, which is much easier with such a rhythm of learning.
  • Also, do not forget that there are different forms of training. Therefore, if in one university a student is studying full-time, then in another he can get a higher education in absentia or in person by correspondence. In this case, everything becomes much simpler.
  • Alternatively, you can consider getting another higher education remotely.In modern times, almost all people have access to the Internet, so this form of training is quite suitable for even the most busy students. In this case, the effort spent on studying is much less, but as a result, a citizen will receive two diplomas from different universities and he will have two higher educations. By the way, now many people study remotely.


student writes term paper

Is it possible to study at two universities simultaneously? Of course you can. But why complicate the life of a young student when it is possible to get two diplomas of higher education from the walls of one university? But how can this be done?

After passing the session for the third year, the student can look at other faculties of the university and find out if the university has a double diploma program. If so, it greatly facilitates the life of a citizen striving for new knowledge. In order to start training under this program, you just need to write an application for admission on a commercial basis. In this case, unnecessary gestures are not required. You will only need to attend additional classes. At the end of training, the student will be awarded two diplomas. For example, a lawyer and psychologist or artist and designer.

What difficulties may arise

student and teacher

Is it hard to study in two universities at the same time? Here it should immediately be said that this is quite complicated. After all, not every student will be able to withstand the double burden and master several training programs and especially in different specialties.

In addition, when enrolling immediately in two universities, it will be necessary to provide the original documents (for example, a certificate of graduation) in two copies. Where a person will be trained on a budgetary basis, the original certificate is required, and a notarized copy of this document can be dispensed with at a commercial university. Although this does not always happen.

Do not forget that you need not only to be able to get two higher educations, but also to apply them in the subsequent life and at employment. This is where serious difficulties often begin.

Because many managers believe that a person cannot be a good specialist right away in two diplomas received simultaneously. Consequently, he understands something well, but not very well. For example, a lawyer may not always be simultaneously a designer or fashion designer. Therefore, upon receipt of several entities, this fact must be taken into account.

To the above

extramural student

You can study in two universities at the same time, but there is no guarantee that a person will become a really good specialist and will be able to put his knowledge into practice.

Moreover, people who have the financial ability to study receive not only two, but even three (and even more) specialties at the same time. Nevertheless, the knowledge obtained in this way is not always sufficient for further work. But if a person has two diplomas, then he will certainly get a job in at least one of the received specialties. This is a big plus.

Positive sides

With the simultaneous receipt of two higher educations, a person significantly saves his time, which he will later spend on his career and creating a family, and not on reading textbooks for several more years. In addition, with two university diplomas, a young person can try to work in a particular specialty. Then stop at the one that you like a lot more.

Therefore, when answering the question of whether it is possible to study in two universities at the same time, it should be said that yes, it can be done, but on the condition that the student has enough time and energy to get another higher education. This is a very important point.

Significant cons

girl studying in two universities

When studying at once in two universities at the same time, all the time the student will be devoted only to study. Not every person can withstand such a load.Therefore, before entering another university, you need to think very carefully about whether it is worth doing. After all, it often happens that students leave their studies at another university due to the fact that they can’t cope with the program that needs to be mastered, they cannot take the session on time and write all the term papers.

In addition, to obtain two higher education at the same time requires a considerable investment of funds. After all, you will need to pay not only for study, but also to buy food, clothing and various teaching materials to prepare for lectures and exams. This must also be remembered.

Is it possible to study at once in two universities? The answer to this question will be positive, but before you submit documents to another university, you need to think carefully about whether there is a financial opportunity to pay for tuition. Indeed, most often students not only do not have enough time to study at another university, but also funds to pay for the semester. This must be taken into account.

In addition

So, is it possible to study in absentia in two universities at the same time? This is quite complicated, but quite acceptable. But here it must be borne in mind that the sessions of external students take place almost at the same time, only with a difference of several days. Therefore, it is also necessary to prepare for heavy mental stress.

You can study in two universities in absentia at the same time, but there is no guarantee that a student after finishing such studies will be able to find a good and well-paid job.

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