
How much does the state duty on rights apply? State duty for replacing a driver’s license

How much does the state duty on rights apply? A similar question arises for those who plan to order a driver card. The thing is that in Russia the corresponding document is not issued free of charge. You have to make a mandatory payment for it. And if you know how much the transaction results are valid, you can pay for the upcoming service in a timely manner.


What is a state duty on rights? How much does the relevant payment apply?

State duty for rights

First, we will try to find out what the state duty is. This is a certain obligatory payment made by a citizen for public services. In our case, for the manufacture of a driver’s license.

Funds are transferred both by individuals and organizations. There are many ways to deposit money for rights. But when is it better to do it? And how much does the state duty on obtaining rights in a particular case apply? Look for answers to these questions below.

The legislative framework

In fact, there is no unequivocal answer to such a question and cannot be under any circumstances. How much does the state duty on rights in Russia apply?

To date, the legislation of the Russian Federation does not provide any restrictions in this regard. In Russia, there are no restrictions on the state duty for a driver’s license.

However, in practice the situation is different. And therefore, citizens will have to rely on some restrictions on depositing funds into the state treasury for a higher education institution in a particular case.

Life practice

The state duty for the replacement of a driver’s license in the Russian Federation is valid for some time. Typically, a specific period is set separately by each government agency.

As already mentioned, in practice the situation is different. How much does the state duty on rights apply? According to life practice - until the end of the year in which the payment was made. So, the document can be considered valid even 11 months!

Duty receipt

When to pay

It is better to pay the state duty for obtaining a driver’s license at a certain time. In general, appropriate payments can be made before or after the submission of a request with a particular petition. In our case, to manufacture a v / u or reissue it.

It is recommended to transfer money to the state treasury shortly before applying to the authorized bodies with a corresponding request. This technique will help speed up the operation to obtain rights in the end.

If you first contact the STSI with a petition, and then pay for the upcoming service, you will additionally have to come to the authorized body with a payment receipt. Otherwise, the application for rights will not be considered.

Who can pay

How much does the state duty on rights apply, we found out. There are no restrictions under the law; last year’s payments are not accepted in real life. At the same time, the authorized bodies advise to pay fees shortly before applying for certain services. So it will be possible to get rid of unnecessary problems and questions.

Who should pay state fees? By law - the one who will order the w / o. But in reality, any person can make a payment. The main thing is to indicate as the payer who will receive the driver’s license in the end. This practice is not too common in Russia today.

How much is

Another rather important issue is the size of the state duty for rights.It is better to make the appropriate payment several days, or even hours before applying for a manufacturing unit. In this case, you can be sure that the money will definitely reach the recipient - the details for paying the state duty for rights will not have time to change.

A national driving license costs only 3,000 rubles. This fee is valid from August of this year. Earlier, only 2,000 rubles had to be paid for a local military unit.

How much is the duty

If necessary, you can order yourself international rights. They are issued only after receiving national. The state duty for replacing a driver's license of an international type is 1,600 rubles.

Getting a discount

Now it’s clear how much and when to pay for an exchange or reissue of a premium. How much is the state duty on rights? Usually, the validity period of a payment is limited to the end of the year. Last year’s receipts will not be considered relevant. But you can make a refund of funds credited to the state treasury earlier.

Thinking about how to pay the state fee for rights through "State services", users often find that such an approach to solving the problem is quite profitable. Why?

The thing is that in this case, the citizen receives a discount on the fee. It is thirty percent of the total payment. A similar promotion is valid until the beginning of next year. Very good offer!

Payment Methods

How much is the state duty on a driver’s license, we figured out. Now let's talk about how you can make the appropriate payment. It is not as difficult as it seems.

For example, you can use the following tools to achieve your desired goal:

  • online wallet;
  • cash departments of financial organizations;
  • ATMs
  • payment terminals;
  • Internet banking
  • "State services";
  • service "Payment of public services";
  • post offices.

In addition, money for a driver’s license can be paid through third-party payment services. This is not the safest and most reliable option, so we will not dwell on it.

Preparing for Payment

The state duty for obtaining a driver’s license in Russia has to be paid after some preparation. What is this about?

Website Payment of public services

First, a citizen needs to receive and collect some data and items. Most often, for a hassle-free payment for manufacturing, the following are required:

  • payment order;
  • identification;
  • cash;
  • details of the recipient of money;
  • mobile device.

Additionally, depending on the situation, the payer will come in handy:

  • Activated Gosuslugi profile;
  • online wallet.

With proper preparation, the introduction of a state duty for rights does not cause any trouble. Next, we will study the most common methods of paying state duties.

Banks to help

The easiest way to develop events is to contact the bank. In order to pay a fee, you will have to:

  1. Take money, payment order and ID.
  2. Contact any bank and take a queue at the cash desk.
  3. Transfer data for payment (payment) and cash to an authorized organization employee.
  4. Get a check and change on hand.

At this point you can finish. In a similar way, money is usually transferred to the state treasury through the Russian Post.

Important: some banks charge a fee for their services. Sberbank does not have it.

Payment of fees through the terminal

Terminals + ATMs

The second option is the help of terminals and ATMs. The state duty for obtaining a driver’s license in the Russian Federation is paid very quickly in this way. It can be entered through a manual search for the recipient of the money or by barcode payment. Consider the first sentence.

In such circumstances, a citizen must:

  1. Select the option "State duties, fees, taxes" in the menu of the terminal or ATM.
  2. Mark the appropriate payment search method. In our situation, this is "Recipient Search by TIN".
  3. Collect the necessary details of the recipient of money in specially designated windows.
  4. Select the purpose of the transaction - "State fee".
  5. Use the on-screen keyboard to type information about who is transferring money.
  6. Check the correct details.
  7. Tap on the "Go to payment" button.
  8. Indicate the amount of payment. Usually this step is automatically skipped.

After confirming the operation, you need to make money (if you use a payment terminal) or re-agree to a money transfer (when working with ATMs).

Portal "Government services"

How to pay the state duty for rights through "State services"? This is not the most difficult operation. The main thing is to adhere to a certain algorithm of actions.

How to pay state fees through public services

An instruction on a money transfer for manufacturing a military vehicle through the State Services will look like this:

  1. Open "My Account" on the portal.
  2. Find the application for issuing a v / u and click on it.
  3. Click on "Go to payment".
  4. Choose a method of transferring money to the state treasury. For example, indicate the bank or type of electronic wallet.
  5. Using the keyboard, dial the requested details of the payer account.
  6. Confirm the operation by clicking on a special button.

Money sent to the state treasury. They will arrive at the recipient's account 3-4 days after processing the request.

Online Banking

It is clear how much the state duty for obtaining rights is valid. The last popular way to make money transfers is to work with online banking. Usually, citizens use services from Sberbank.

Payment through Sberbank Online

To transfer money to the account of making a driver’s card through Sberbank Online, it is recommended:

  1. Open the "Payments and Transfers" section.
  2. In the search bar of the system information write the TIN of the recipient of funds.
  3. Choose an authorized body from all proposed.
  4. Enter data on payment - a card from which to write off money, the purpose of the transaction and its size.
  5. Check the details of the parties well.

If everything is correct, you can confirm the payment and wait. The traffic police will not receive the money immediately. It takes several business days.

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