
76 account accounting is ... Subaccounts 76 account accounting

“Settlements with various debtors and creditors” - 76 accounting account. This is an active-passive account, involving the formation of a credit or debit balance at the end of the month. The debit turnover of account 76 reflects the presence of receivables, and the turnover on the loan - accounts payable. Active-passive account allows you to analyze both the sources of funds of the organization and its own assets.

general characteristics

76 account is

Depending on the type of calculations, the corresponding sub-accounts 76 of the accounting accounts of a separate type of operations are opened. Each of them is intended for grouping and further analysis of the economic processes of the enterprise in monetary terms. Among the accounts for certain types of obligations and settlements with debtors, one can find categories for accounting for unpaid for various reasons wages, property insurance of the organization and employees, receivables of employees for using housing and communal services, and other operations not mentioned in accounts 60-75.

Basic sub-accounts of account 76

The accounting policy governs the use of the following sub-accounts of type 76.00:

  • 76.01 - to account for settlements on judicial documents;
  • 76.02 - for accounting for amounts not received by employees for labor;
  • 76.03 - to account for settlements with debtors for housing services;
  • 76.04 - to account for trade union contributions and payments;
  • 76.05 and 76.06 - to account for settlements with subsidiaries and affiliates, respectively;
  • 76.07 - for settlements on the payment of income;
  • 76.08 - for settlements with individuals who are not working in the organization;
  • 76.09 - for settlements on received and filed claims;
  • 76.10 - for settlements on insurance issues;
  • 76.11 - to account for target fees for housing and communal services;
  • 76.12 - to account for undetected amounts;
  • 76.13 - for settlements with state. bodies;
  • 76.80 - for other settlements with debtors and creditors.

76 av account

Additionally, a 76-av account is opened for accounting “VAT on advances and prepayments” and 76-va “VAT on advances and prepayments issued”, which correspond to account 68. The use of VAT accounting accounts is obligatory and important for all firms that pay tax.

Subaccount 76.01

In the calculations for executive documents, it is understood that money is deducted from the amount of remuneration for labor of employees at the expense of individuals and legal entities, based on court orders and documents. Consider the possible types of correspondence subaccount 76.01 with other accounts:

Typical postings using account 76.01
Dt Ct Characteristics of an accounting transaction
70.01 76.01 sum held payable by court order
76.01 51 amount paid by court decision from the current account
76.01 50 amount paid by court order from the cash desk
50 or 51 76.01 a return of the previously transferred amount to the cash desk / to the current account was made by court decision
76.01 91.01 debt relief according to court documents on the income of the enterprise

Subaccount 76.01 is debited with accounts 50 or 51 when the company makes the payment of the amounts required by executive documents. After the expiration of the limitation period of the documents, the debt amount is debited to the income of the enterprise and debited from 91.01 “Other income and expenses”.

account 76 02 in accounting

The first posting to account for this situation will be the correspondence of accounts 70 and 76.01, which reflects the process of withholding the amount payable. Subaccount 76.01 is credited with accounts 50, 51, 55 in case of return of the organization according to executive documents.

Subaccount 76.02

Account 76.02 in accounting is used for deposited wages, which were not received on time by the employees of the enterprise for various reasons.

Typical postings using account 76.02
Dt Ct Characteristics of an accounting transaction
70.04 76.02 transferred amount of salary deposited
51 76.02 unpaid cash transferred to a bank account
76.02 50 paid salary paid from organization cash desk
76.02 91.01 debts on the deposited salary are written off to the organization’s income

The unpaid wage amount is debited from account 70.04 and is reflected in the loan on 76.02. Cash can be issued to the employee, which is described by posting Dt 76.02 / Kt 50. If the statute of limitations expires, the amount of the deposited salary is written off to the income of the enterprise.

Subaccount 76.03

The account "Settlements with tenants for housing and communal services" is intended for the bookkeeping of payments by the tenants for the use of premises and utilities. Amounts payable are reflected on account 90 "Sales" (subaccount "Revenue").

Typical postings using account 76.03
Dt Ct Characteristics of an accounting transaction
76.03 90.01 accrued amount payable for utilities
86.01 76.03 transferred the amount of compensation from the budget for housing and communal services
70.01 76.03 transferred money from tenants
76.03 73.80 The amount due for subsidies has been repaid

account 76 05 in accounting

Citizens who are entitled to state benefits may be given the amount of compensation for payment of housing and communal services. Budget funds are accounted for account 86.01. The receipt of payment for the use of housing and communal services of the organization from employees is reflected in the credit of account 76.03 and in debit bills 70. In the case when payment for housing is made at the expense of the subsidy provided by the organization, subaccount 73.80 is used.

Settlements with trade unions

Contributions by members of a trade union organization and the use of accumulated funds are recorded on account 76.04, “Settlements with Trade Union Organizations”. Contributions are deducted from the amount of remuneration for the work of employees of the enterprise at the established tariff and are displayed in the debit of account 70.01, then transferred to the bank account of the organization. The process of transferring funds can be described by posting Dt 76.04 / Kt 51.

Payment of amounts received from trade union organizations is carried out using accounts 50, 51, 55 and settlements with employees. The accounting entries for such an operation look like this: Dt 76.04 / Kt 70.01 or Dt 76.04 / Kt 50. When paying vouchers to an organization employee from union deduction funds, account 76.04 corresponds to by the score 73.

Settlements with subsidiaries and affiliates

Account 76.05 in accounting is used for settlement transactions with subsidiaries. The sub-account 76.06 is similar to it, which describes the payment process with affiliates. Correspondence can be compiled using accounts: 50, 51, 55, 78 and its subaccounts.

Calculation of dividends

To account for settlements with individuals and legal entities on income 76 account is used. This is sub-account 76.07 "Settlements on due dividends and other income." The funds that must be paid are reflected in the debit of subaccount 76.07 and in the loan 91.01.

account 76 5 in accounting

Intangible assets transferred to the organization as income are recorded in the debit of the accounts of assets accounting and credit 76.07. As intangible assets, patents, copyrights, brands, licenses for the production of a certain type of product may be transferred.

Settlement with individuals

Subaccount 76.08 is intended for operations between the organization and former employees. For example, to issue a permit to a pensioner, the following entries are made: Dt 76.08 / Kt 60-01, Dt 76.08 / Kt 90.01, Dt 76.08 / Kt 91.01. If a part of the funds allocated for payment of a ticket is transferred to the FSS of the Russian Federation, then account 69.01 is used. The amount transferred by the fund is shown in debit 69.01. In those cases when the organization accepts part of the payment for the ticket, the following correspondence is formed: Dt 91.02 / Kt 76.08.

Subaccount 76.08 is also used to calculate income tax for an individual who is not an active employee of the organization.The operation is carried out if the value of the gift due exceeds the established one. The score 76.08 corresponds to 68.02.

Claims and insurance calculations

September 76, the accounting account was created to reflect settlements on claims made to suppliers and contractors and fines awarded. Cash claims are reflected in the debit of account 76.09. Only claims that are put forward on the basis of a contract between companies are considered reasonable.

sub accounts 76 accounts
At the same time, accounts are credited: 60, 20, 50, 51, 55 and a group of accounts payable for loans. Unpaid bills on time lead to the accrual of interest, which is credited to account 91.01. Posting Dt 79.02 / Kt 76.09 or Dt 51 / Kt 76.09 describes the process of receipt of funds in favor of the enterprise.

Subaccount 76.10 reflects operations on the calculation of property insurance and employees of the organization. This does not include social and medical care calculations.

Typical postings using subaccount 76.10
Dt Ct Characteristics of an accounting transaction




accrued amount of insurance payments
70.01 76.10 insurance premium is deducted from the amount of employee wages
76.10 51 or 79.02 the amount of insurance payments transferred to the insurance company
76.10 99.03 insurance indemnity accrued
51 76.10 emergency payment received

Characteristics of sub-accounts 76.11, 76.12, 76.13, 76.5

Account 76.11 "Calculations for target fees of housing and communal services" is used to calculate payments for the use of utilities.

Account 76.12 "Settlements on outstanding amounts" is used to carry out operations in cases where it is not possible to find documents for transferring amounts to the relevant accounts. If recipients of funds for debts are not identified, the amounts are debited from account 76.12 in favor of the organization.

Account 76.13 "Settlements with state bodies" is used to carry out operations to pay fines and debts to the state administration.

In the course of the company's activities in the production and sale of products or services, account 76 is widely used in accounting.

Postings using sub-accounts 76.11, 76.12 and 76.13
Dt Ct Characteristics of an accounting transaction
76.03 76.11 accrued payments for utilities
76.11 51 or 55 funds transferred to utility providers
51 or 55 76.12 amounts not received to the current account / special account at the bank
76.12 91.01 write-off of outstanding debts to the organization’s income
91.02 76.13 enterprise fined
76.13 51, 50 or 79.02 the amount of the fine is transferred to the relevant state authority
97.03 76.13 reflected the costs of issuing a license
76.13 51 the debt for the issued license has been repaid from the bank account

Account 76.5 in accounting is used for settlements with other suppliers and contractors. Do not forget that the main account for settlements with suppliers is 60, sub-account 76.5 exists to pay for additional services that are not included in it. Here can be recorded the amount of the cost of packaging, the work of transport companies, VAT for the import of products.

VAT deduction on advances received

76 an accounting account is not only settlements with debtors and creditors, but also payment of VAT in advance settlement. Advance - the amount received by the supplier before the shipment of the goods. Upon receipt of prepayment, the taxpayer must transfer the amount of VAT to the budget.

76 09 account

A 76-av accounting account is used to calculate VAT on advances received. Within 5 days, the supplier issues an invoice, one copy of which is sent to the buyer. VAT can be paid only after the sale of goods, then open a 76-av accounting account. The transaction for calculating the VAT from the advance payment is as follows: Dt 51 / Kt 62, Dt 76-av / Kt 68. When the contract is terminated and the advance is returned to the buyer, the manufacturer may demand a deduction of the amount of VAT. In this case, the reverse operation occurs: Dt 68 / Kt 76-av.

VAT on advances listed

76-va account is used to calculate VAT on the advances listed.After receiving the goods, the organization will debit account 76-v with account 68, after which the invoice is reflected in the purchase book.

If the company transferring the advance payment to the manufacturer is a VAT payer, it can deduct the VAT. Such a right arises from the buyer only after receiving an invoice for goods sold and the following conditions are met:

  • the supplier invoiced with VAT;
  • advance payment was paid for the upcoming delivery or provision of services;
  • there is documented evidence of payment;
  • an advance invoice is issued;
  • signed an agreement on the use of advance payment.

The fulfillment of all points guarantees the buyer the opportunity to deduct VAT and reduce the total amount of tax payable to the budget.

What is the result?

76 account accounting - this is one of the important areas of calculations in the enterprise. It is important to correctly understand the essence of business operations and assign them to the appropriate accounts. Proper preparation of transactions and knowledge of the purpose of each type of account will help minimize errors in the accounting registers of the organization. For the convenience of understanding correspondence, use the standard chart of accounts of the Russian Federation.

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