
Adolf Hitler: biography, features of activity, life history, personal life and interesting facts

Many years have passed since Adolf Hitler committed suicide. His biography is still of interest to historians. Many monographs and memoirs have been written about him, reading which one wonders how this man, so far from the image of a typical German in the first half of the last century, managed to capture the love of the German people and turn the Weimar state into a totalitarian state.

adolf hitler biography

Genius or crazy?

Adolf Hitler, whose biography is an important component of world history, causes hatred in most of humanity. However, even today there are those who worship him. Some try to justify it by putting forward the opinion of the Fuhrer’s ignorance regarding mass repression. There are even fans of the Hitler idea. Such, surprisingly, there were many in the nineties in Russia - the country that suffered the most from the aggression of the German Fuhrer.

But most historians portray him as a mediocre commander, a nasty administrator, and generally a mentally unstable person. One can only wonder how such a person managed to manage the party, which received the majority of votes in completely democratic elections and came to power in an absolutely legal way.

And yet, who is Adolf Hitler? The biography of this person gives some idea of ​​his character, creates an objective portrait, which, undoubtedly, does not justify his atrocities, but eliminates the vices and crimes attributed due to the caricature image inherent in Soviet censorship.


On April 10, 1889, shortly before the great Christian holiday, one of the worst villains in the history of mankind was born - Adolf Hitler. His biography began in the small Austrian city of Braunau am Inn. His parents were close relatives to each other, which, as a rule, increases the risk of developing many diseases, and subsequently generated a lot of rumors about the Fuhrer anomaly.

Father - Alois Hitler - for some reasons, shortly before the birth of his son changed his name. If he hadn’t done this, Adolf Schicklgruber would have become the Fuhrer. However, some historians believe that if Hitler’s father had not changed his surname, Adolf’s career would not have taken place. It is difficult to imagine a crowd that furiously shouts in German: “Heil, Schicklgruber!” Many factors influenced the formation and growth of a political career, but the sonorous name Adolf Hitler also played a significant role. His biography is undoubtedly predetermined by origin and upbringing.

adolf hitler short biography


The future Fuhrer studied from the very beginning, but always gave a clear preference to the humanities. Most of all he was interested in world history and military affairs. Adolf Hitler from childhood loved to draw and dreamed of becoming an artist. However, the father wanted his son, like him, to make an official career.

Alois Hitler was a purposeful and extremely powerful man, but any pressure that he exerted on Adolf led only to stubborn resistance. The son did not want to become an officer. He was taken apart by boredom at the thought that someday he would have to sit in the office and not be able to manage his time. And in protest, Adolf studied worse, and after the death of his father, when, it would seem, there were no more reasons to protest, he began to openly skip classes.As a result, the certificate that the future Fuhrer received in 1905 contained "failure" in such subjects as German and French, mathematics, and shorthand.

If Hitler became an artist ...

Fives while studying in a real school only on drawing received Adolf Hitler. A short biography of this historical figure tells about his hobbies. But Hitler was not accepted into the Academy of Arts, although he possessed certain abilities. But could you dedicate your life to the art of Adolf Hitler? A brief biography of this man includes such facts that indicate that his fate could have turned out differently ...

Some historians believe that Hitler could become an outstanding architect or painter. No national socialism in Germany would have existed in this case. And most importantly, there would be no one to unleash the Second World War.

Its most intolerant opponents reject the presence of all sorts of abilities in the visual arts of the main criminal of the 20th century. Objective researchers adhere to the fact that Hitler still had artistic inclinations. But in order to satisfy his ambition and desire to shake the world, he needed an extraordinary gift, which, for example, Salvador Dali had. Not less. The son of an Austrian official did not have such abilities. And therefore, the only field in which he was able to realize his plans, namely to achieve greatness, was politics.

adolf hitler biography of the Fuhrer

In Vienna

Hitler did not receive a certificate of secondary education. And it was not only a reluctance to learn, but also a serious pulmonary disease, from which an already not so diligent schoolboy suffered. Family problems also prevented them from getting an education: their mother was diagnosed with breast cancer. Adolf Hitler expressed extremely touching feelings for his sons, according to eyewitnesses. Biography of the Führer suggests that he knew how to love his neighbor. World history tells us that in love for the distant, things were very bad for him.

After his mother’s funeral, Hitler went to Vienna, where, according to him, “years of study and suffering” have passed. As you know, the guy was not accepted to the Academy of Arts. The complete biography of Adolf Hitler, whose personal life subsequently acquired numerous speculations and rumors, is, first of all, a long way to power. He spent more than one year wandering and searching for his place in this world. But it was in the Austrian capital that the future Fuhrer began to create the image of a fighter against bourgeois philistinism, which became fundamental in his political career. And it was precisely the ideas that arose at that time that the German people needed.

In the Vienna period, according to researchers, Adolf Hitler had the funds that he inherited, so he had the opportunity to lead a completely serene lifestyle. At this time, as, however, in childhood and adolescence, Hitler read a lot. There is nothing more dangerous than a person who passionately dreams of power and protects himself from others with the help of books. He seeks to build a world according to the literary, often utopian, model and is ready for the most terrible crimes in order to achieve his goals. The proof of the truth of this statement is Adolf Hitler himself. The biography, personal life and career of this man developed under the influence of books that he read in large volumes. Anti-Semitic pamphlets among them occupied a dominant position.

Failed artist

And again in 1908, Hitler attempted to become a student at the Vienna Academy of Art. And just like the first time, failed entrance tests. He had no choice but to start making money by writing landscapes and portraits to order. After many years, the great attention of researchers was attracted by paintings created at the beginning of the century by a young artist named Hitler Adolf.Biography, life history, the work of this failed master of painting will never cease to interest writers and historians. full biography of adolf hitler personal life

He created portraits and landscapes, the buyers of which, paradoxically, were mostly Jews. Moreover, they acquired these paintings not so much out of love for art, as out of a desire to support a novice painter. Twenty-five years later, the Führer more than thanked his benefactors ...

Unrecognized Genius

What does a person who seeks recognition but is incapable of realizing his plans experience? Hitler dreamed of becoming an artist, but professionals doubted his talent. He was extremely dreamy, but did not differ in perseverance, which did not allow him to work long and hard on his paintings and sketches. And, in the end, after a series of failures, a firm conviction in his own genius settled in him, which an ordinary person, a representative of the gray mass, cannot recognize. Only his elite, he believed, could appreciate his talent. But by the will of fate or under the influence of certain subconscious aspirations, he found himself in a whirlpool of Viennese public life. In the homeland of the great composers, poets and architects, the political biography of Adolf Hitler began.

Edward Gordon Craig - an outstanding British director and a clear adversary of Hitler's politics - once called the Fuhrer watercolor paintings a notable achievement in painting. One of the adherents of the National Socialist doctrine before the execution, in Nuremberg, made an entry in his diary, which also dealt with the artistic talent of a person who had the most terrible crimes against humanity. Before the death of the ideologist of Hitler’s politics, there was no point in cunning. But, despite his abilities, Hitler did not write a single canvas, which could be called a vivid work of painting. However, he was able to create a terrifying picture in world history. It is called World War II.

adolf hitler biography personal life

World War I

Adolf Hitler (Adolf Hitler), whose brief biography in the Soviet years was subjected to severe censorship (like everything, however, the rest), had the image in our country of a man of irrational, mentally extremely unbalanced. A lot of books have been written about him by foreign authors. In domestic literature, only in recent years did the German leader begin to undergo a more objective assessment.

When the war began, Hitler did not want to join the Austrian army, because he believed that an obvious process of decomposition was taking place in it. The future leader of the German people was able to get rid of serving military service and went to Munich. His aspirations were directed to the Bavarian army, in the ranks of which he joined in 1914.

The first signs of xenophobia

In the writings of the historian Werner Maser, interesting facts about Adolf Hitler were given. The biography of the Führer, according to the German researcher, includes decisive events (one of which is the move to Germany), which are the result of the stubborn reluctance to fight with the Jews and Czechs for the Hapsburg state in the same army and, at the same time, an ardent desire to die for the German Reich. We can say that in 1914 the military biography of Adolf Hitler began.

Biography, interesting facts from the life of the Führer are well laid out in the book "My Struggle" banned in Russia. On the fragile and painful worldview, which is characteristic of the younger generation, this work can have a very detrimental effect. In particular, the book contains fragments describing the hostilities in which Hitler took part in the First World War. And they express not only hatred of the enemy, which is a completely natural reaction of the soldier after the battle, but also clear signs of xenophobia. Hatred of the "foreigners" subsequently resulted in the desire to cleanse Germany from their presence.

 hitler adolf biography life story creativity

It was the years of the first military experience that had a radical impact on the formation of a person known in history as Adolf Hitler. The complete biography of the Fuhrer was compiled for the first time by foreign authors on the basis of his personal correspondence, information from the autobiographical book and the testimonies of his relatives and acquaintances. In 1914-1915, the artist in Hitler’s soul was increasingly replaced by an extremist politician with a clear program of action.

The future Fuhrer took part in thirty battles. In each of them, according to letters and memoirs, he considered obliged to kill at least one enemy Adolf Hitler. The biography, a brief summary of which is set forth in this article, indicates that in the future this person sought to destroy people by millions, preferring to do it with the wrong hands.

He stayed at the front for four years and miraculously survived. Later this fact was attributed by Hitler to his divine election. The biography, the death of Adolf Hitler and the millions of victims of the war that he unleashed are not written with the religiosity of this person. He kept faith in God until the end of his days. But his faith was by no means Christian, characterized by sacrifice and forgiveness, but rather pagan.

Lost generation

The war led to the fact that the fate of millions of people in Germany was crippled. Many Germans could not cope with the shock of the massacre, because they had to kill their own kind for four years, which made no sense. Adolf Hitler did not belong to the "lost generation". He knew what he was fighting for. The outcome of the war was not a defeat for him, but an event that predetermined fate. He no longer dreamed of becoming an artist or architect, but believed that he should devote his life to the struggle for the greatness of the German people.

Hitler - speaker

At a time when former soldiers suffered from unemployment, mental disorders and alcoholism, Corporal Hitler attended lectures on history, read a lot and participated in rallies. Then the real talent of this man was revealed. He, like no other, was able to capture the attention of the public. Hitler was also able to imitate any German dialect, as a result of which in every city in Germany he later seemed to his locals his fellow countryman, which also had a lot of people for him. Oratory and the ability to influence the crowd (the body is stupid, irrational, but extremely important in a political career) - these are the main qualities that made of a young ambitious artist a tyrant and a dictator who exterminated millions of innocent people in his life.

Jewish question

On September 16, 1919, Hitler drew up a document in which he described his views in detail. This date is significant not only in the biography of the Fuhrer, but also in world history. It was from this day that the movement of mankind towards the most terrible war of the 20th century began.

The Germans were humiliated by the Treaty of Versailles. Among them were many anti-Semites. But no one had such a powerful oratory and organizational talent that Adolf Hitler possessed. On the day mentioned above, he drew up a document reflecting his views on the fate of the German people and expressing the idea of ​​resolving the ill-fated Jewish question. adolf hitler adolf hitler biography


If not for Hitler, the German Labor Party would have burst at the stage of its inception. The future Fuhrer turned it into a powerful force in just a few years. Then reorganized into the NSDAP. And this organization already had a strict and strict discipline. The activities of the Fuhrer in the framework of the NSDP is a fact that, of course, includes his brief biography. A great many books and historical works have been written about Hitler. A lot of works of art have been created about his actions during the war and more than one film has been shot. But no less interesting for researchers is his life before climbing the political Olympus.


Adolf Hitler committed suicide with a firearm when the news of the defeat of the German army became apparent. In his death letter, he nevertheless wrote that he was dying with a "joyful heart." He was delighted by the "immeasurable deeds" that his soldiers managed to commit for six years in the cities of Eastern Europe.

The Führer shot himself in Berlin on April 20, when Soviet troops were on the outskirts of the German capital. The remains of Hitler and his wife were taken out of the building and burned. Later reputable Soviet experts conducted an examination designed to confirm the death of the Fuhrer. This event, according to the findings of some later studies, contained a number of errors. This fact subsequently gave rise to the legend that Hitler allegedly was able to leave Berlin and died his death somewhere far away on one of the little-known islands. According to some sources, the falsification of the results of the examination was caused by Stalin's desire to portray his opponent, whom, however, he sympathized with, was a cowardly criminal. Hitler allegedly received an unsightly death as a result of poisoning. After all, in the conventional wisdom, only a valiant soldier is capable of shooting himself.

He went into oblivion, but his memory remained forever. Surprisingly, after only a few decades, National Socialism was again able to infect millions of people around the world, and many do not see anything criminal in anti-Semitism in Russia today.

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