
Examples of all-Russian holidays: list, history and interesting facts

Examples of all-Russian holidays can lead even a schoolboy, but still there are a lot of them. Some of them have official status and the country's population rests on such days, some semi-official, such holidays are significant in the minds of the people, but are more modest. There are professional holidays aimed at a narrow social group.

examples of national holidays

Worth sorting out

All this abundance of holidays must be understood. This is not a quick matter, but it is necessary to approach it in detail. Therefore, in this article we will pay attention to several important dates. We will briefly mention the most famous examples of all-Russian holidays and reproduce the history of this or that celebration, its status and some interesting facts related to it.

The tradition of celebrating all-Russian celebrations

All-Russian holidays examples list

Any holiday is a tradition. It is fixed in the memory of the people, but its essence can be erased. Nevertheless, the very understanding of the solemnity and significance of the date remains, those in power skillfully use this. This is not bad, since many holidays like the Builder's Day pay due attention to the representatives of this profession and consolidate their significance for society. Everyone should know the all-Russian holidays, examples, a list of which will be below.

Why it is worth celebrating all-Russian holidays

The same situation with various historical dates that are not officially celebrated. While the people’s memory of their past is alive, the people themselves are alive. That is why such holidays need wide coverage. But we will begin our list with official holidays. Some examples of national holidays are presented below.

Defender of the Fatherland Day

examples of holidays of all-Russian national school

The first of them is Defender of the Fatherland Day. He accounts for the twenty-third of February. In addition to Russia, the holiday is celebrated in the Republic of Belarus and Kyrgyzstan. Recently, such a public holiday has been canceled in Ukraine. Its history goes back to the nineteen twenty-second year, when the government of the Soviet state in order to popularize its power creates this holiday.

The original name is Red Army and Navy Day. After one thousand nine hundred and forty-six, the name changes to the Day of the Soviet Army and Navy. The Bolsheviks spent the first prerequisites for substantiating this holiday and smoothing out the impressions of the infamous Brest-Litovsk world during the fifth anniversary of the workers 'and peasants' Red Army in the year nineteen twenty-third. The emphasis of propaganda was on the fact that a large number of volunteers joined the ranks of the Red Army and went to defend Petrograd from the Germans. A large number of rallies were held in various cities of the state. Later, the official propaganda of Soviet power was based on the statement of I.V. Stalin that on this day, the Red Army units allegedly “defeated” the Germans near Pskov and Narva.

At the moment, discussions about the correctness of the holiday date do not cease. In two thousand and two, the State Duma of the Russian Federation approved the name Defender of the Fatherland Day and set February twenty-third as a day off. In a broad sense, this holiday is dedicated to all men who have already given their debt to their homeland, and those who have to do it. In some post-Soviet countries (Latvia, Estonia), solemn events are held that are not official in nature. WWII veterans and services in the ranks of the USSR Armed Forces lay flowers at memorial complexes.

International Women's Day

examples of national holidays

Crowns the examples of holidays of all-Russian folk holiday number two on the list, it is also "invented" by the socialists. International Women's Day is celebrated in our country on the eighth of March and is a day off. The holiday has in its history the struggle of women for equality. Initially appeared as a celebration of the solidarity of working women. Clara Zetkin is considered the ancestress of the holiday, who wanted to continue such events on the anniversary of the rally of women in New York to draw public attention to the problems of the weaker sex.

Since one thousand nine hundred and sixty-fifth, the holiday is a day off by decree of the Armed Forces of the Soviet Union. Also, this holiday is widely celebrated in the states of the former socialist camp and is held under the auspices of the United Nations. Now the eighth of March is identified with a respectful attitude towards a woman as a mother and wife. That is, in the modern sense, International Women's Day is a man's gratitude to women for all that they do in their home. It is widely accepted to congratulate both girls and girls. The holiday is aimed at the awareness of the younger generation of women of their social role in this world. But the above dates are very famous examples of holidays (state), in Russia there are other memorable events.

Tatyana's Day

Russian holidays examples

And to continue the examples of all-Russian holidays is the third special day, it has not the Soviet, but the imperial tradition. Tatyana’s day is traditionally celebrated by Russian students as their holiday. In the year one thousand seven hundred and fifty-fifth, Empress Elizaveta Petrovna approved the introduction of this holiday. At the suggestion of Ivan Shuvalov, the holy martyr Tatiana was chosen as the patroness of students.

On the same day, the birthday of mother I.P. Shuvalov, which is the most common version of the holiday. In Russia, it was approved in two thousand sixth. It falls on the twenty-fifth of January, which usually means the end of the session. In all higher and secondary special educational institutions, students leave for the winter holidays on this day. Initially, Tatyana's Day was a highly specialized holiday for employees and students of Moscow University. By the beginning of the nineteenth century, he was transformed on the all-Russian day of the Russian intelligentsia. Virtually all of Moscow took part in the celebration. This testifies to the wide scope of festivities on Tatyana's day. After the coup in October nineteen seventeen, this holiday was forgotten. Officially revived in the two thousand sixth year.

Mothers Day

examples of public holidays in Russia

Examples of holidays (all-Russian, national, school) should end with a mention of a very important day.

On any number of the last weekend of November is Mother's Day. It is really widely celebrated in all countries of the world. The dates of its implementation vary, but the essence remains one. The Russian version of its holding is almost eighteen years old. Its establishment was officially announced in nineteen ninety-eight.

The purpose of the holiday is to educate the right attitude towards the family and special veneration of the woman - the guardian of the hearth. In Russia, for a large amount of time, the action "Mom, I love you" has been held. Its symbol is forget-me-not. The choice is not accidental: there is a belief that it is forget-me-not that returns memory to people who have lost it in relation to their family and loved ones. In addition to our country, Mother's Day traditions are strong in the UK and the USA. In the UK since the nineteenth century there is a tradition of "Mother Sunday". It falls on the second Sunday of Lent. In the USA, red carnations are pinned to themselves, and in honor of the departed mothers, people put white flowers on their clothes.

The people honor and love the holidays of Russia, examples of which are already known to the reader.They help unity, awareness of the integrity of society and remind of the eternal values ​​of humanity.

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