
Activation of the Crossroads card via the Internet, by telephone. Where can I find the Crossroads card activation code?

Today, many stores offer their customers to issue the so-called discount cards, with which you can get a variety of discounts and bonuses. The Perekrestok supermarket chain is not far behind the others in this matter - however, here you will be offered to purchase such a card for symbolic money. In addition, this bonus plastic must also be activated. Here in this issue some buyers have difficulties: where to find the “Crossroads” card activation code, how to bring the discount into effect, how to spend the accumulated and so on. The answers to precisely such questions can be found in this article.crossroad card activation

How to get a card

Before moving on to the issue of how to activate the Crossroads card, let's talk about how you can get it. It is very easy to do:

  • visit the Perekrestok chain supermarket nearest to you;
  • pay a one-time membership fee at the cash desk of the store for participating in the loyalty program - it is only 49 rubles;
  • receive an envelope containing the card itself and the participant’s profile;
  • activate the card in any convenient way;
  • Subsequently, at each visit to the supermarket, present a club card at the time of each payment for the goods.

crossroad card activation online

Benefits: accrual and deduction of points

Card replenishment with bonuses occurs at every purchase in the Perekrestok supermarket chain. Activating a club card is quite simple and can be done in three ways. We will talk about each of them in detail below.

The number of points accrued on the card depends on exactly what amount you spent:

  • less than 2,000 rubles. - 1 point for every 10 rubles you spent;
  • from 2,000 to 5,000 rubles. - 5 points for 10 rubles;
  • more than 5,000 rubles. - 10 points.

But the reverse conversion does not depend on the amount spent, here 10 bonus points are always equivalent to 1 ruble. In order to avoid any misunderstandings when paying, you should warn the cashier that you are going to pay for the purchase with points.club card activation crossroads

You can use the bonus card not only in the Perekrestok supermarket chain. On the company's website you can find a whole list of stores and partner sites, when visiting which you will also receive bonus points. Here are some of them:

  • Burger King chain of restaurants and fast-food cafes - here you will get 3 points for every ten spent;
  • KANZLER men's clothing and accessories store - 5 bonus points for 10 rubles .;
  • cruise company MOSTURFLOT - 1 point for 10 rubles;
  • online store of electronic books "LitRes" - 5 bonus points for every 10 rubles .;
  • gas station network “AZK TNK” - here they give one point for the spent ten;
  • WHYFLY mobile operator - offers to get 50 points for every hundred rubles spent there.

In addition, among the partners you can see the Philips online store and the Moreon water entertainment center. The list is constantly updated, so you should carefully monitor new partners on the club's website - this will help to save even more.crossroads new card activation

Co-branding program

To make your life even easier, you can also use the special Alfa-Bank card, which is a partner of the network of the mentioned supermarkets. Activation of the Crossroads card in this case is not required at all.

Such a card can be debit or credit, it can be used in supermarkets of the network and other partner stores. Alfa-Bank's bank card provides for other additional features:

  • Internet banking, with which you can pay for various services: mobile phone, fines, taxes and other payments;
  • cash withdrawal through ATMs;
  • SMS informing about banking operations;
  • others.

Similar loyalty programs are also offered by CityBank, Guta-Bank, HomeCredit.

Activating the Crossroads Card: Method One

This method is considered the simplest, but, as practice shows, the most inefficient. As you remember, a questionnaire is offered for the bonus card, which you need to fill out. It is quite simple to do this - if you take your time, you can answer questions directly in the store. After that, you just need to give the completed form to the cashier and wait. Activation of the Perekrestok store card will be made in 20 days.

Not very convenient, as you can see. Firstly, 20 days is quite a lot, and secondly, profiles are often lost, deteriorated or something else happens to them. So quite often this happens: wait, wait, points are accumulated, and the card is not activated. What to do?crossroad store card activation

Method Two: Hotline

In order to bring the card into action, just call the toll free number indicated on the back. For those who did not find it, a hint: this is the number 8-800-200-95-55. Activating the Crossroads card over the phone means that you will have to answer operator questions and dictate your contact information. Actually, these are the same questions that are indicated in the questionnaire. After 20 days, the card will be active, and you can spend the accumulated points.

This type of card activation is also not in great demand among consumers. There are many complaints that calling the “hot line” is not so easy, sometimes it can only be done from the tenth time.

Method Three: Simple and Reliable

The simplest and most understandable is the activation of the Crossroads card via the Internet. To do this, go to the official website of the program - it is also indicated on the back of the card. So, we go to the site perekrestok.x5club.ru. We go down to the very bottom of the main page and find the “Activate map” button in the lower right corner, click. The link will lead to a page with which you can get to the "My Account". There is also a button “Activate a new card”, here we are. Then we get to the page where it is proposed to enter the card number and the Crossroads card activation code.crossroad card activation by phone

It is not possible to activate a new card without this data, but where can I get the code? It is very simple: until you activate your card, with each purchase the cashier will give you 2 checks:

  • one - directly to the amount spent in the store;
  • the other with information about the accumulated points.

It is in this second check that the activation code of your card is contained. So if you lost it, all you have to do is buy something at Crossroads and save the second check.where to find the intersection card activation code

What else can a card do?

In addition to the main points for purchases, you can get additional points by issuing the same cards to your family members. True, an additional card only helps to accumulate points, it will not work again to get a discount.

Additional points can also be obtained on your birthday - on this day you will receive 4 bonus points for every 10 rubles spent.

In the "Personal Account" once a month, you can set the option "Favorite Products". Over the next month you will receive four times more points for each selected group of goods for each ten spent. If after a month you have not changed your favorite group, the discount will be extended for another thirty days. However, there is one caveat: the discount "Favorite Products" can not be used when buying tobacco products and alcoholic beverages.

To always know how many points have accumulated in the bonus account, you can use several methods:

  • activate the notification about bonus balance in the "My Account";
  • call the hotline;
  • send SMS to number 2663, indicate your card number in the text;
  • look at the check.

However, the Crossroads card has limitations. For example, you cannot pay with points for goods that are already participating in any preferential program. Also, the same card cannot be used in the same store more than 5 times a day, and for the same bonus account it is impossible to conduct more than 15 operations per day.


As you can see, the activation of the Crossroads card is a very simple matter, which any participant in the program can afford. Making such a bonus plastic or not is a personal matter for everyone.Fifty rubles for participating in the club program is not such a big contribution. But if the supermarket is in close proximity to your home or work, and you often look there, then the proposed discount can bring significant savings to your budget.

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Reason for complaint
Vladimir Preobrazhensky
If your cards are not activated, this means that your store is hiding taxes from the state. That is, it puts tax on value added, by the way you paid, in your pocket.
It is impossible to activate the card. Through the Internet, there is no way to go to those windows where you can enter your data, only pictures with products on the screen. Through the operator - then “Call back in 10 minutes” (and after 10 minutes it’s infinitely busy), then just advice to do it through the site. It seems that the site administration: smirk: just like to mock buyers.
What nonsense can I activate the card for 2 days?
When activated, I entered everything, but I didn’t get everything in my personal account, it blinks, where it is not clear where to find out the reason It was very inconvenient to spend a lot of time and for what?
Activation fails
It is impossible to register the card. By calling the hotline, they asked for a full name, etc., consent to the processing of personal data, then it turned out that they sent me an activation code, while not interrupting the conversation, while remaining on the line I had to open messages, dictate to them the code ... if the conversation is interrupted, everything is over again .. In general, I didn’t HAVE a second phone at hand. I simply couldn’t activate the site, as it was without problems, for example, on the 7th continent it was impossible .... I spent 25 minutes, pissed me off, and indifferently interrupted the conversation, having received my data, but AKTIVIROVANA.Pochemu art not just at the checkout do nelzya.I just get points for pokupki.Kopeyki some credit .... NOT YOU take! Call, in general ;-)
The card does not activate, it's just a disgrace ... Can't make it easier? Specially make it so that we can’t activate the card? !!!!
To this day, it is not activated ((the staff of the hot line: heart could not help in this difficult matter either:
Vera lede
The card is not activated :)))
It is impossible to activate the card, writes that then somehow ...


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