
How to activate the Lukoil card? Step-by-step instruction

What will not come up with the owners of large and small companies in order to attract customers! Either they hold global contests with raffle of valuable prizes, then they organize mini-promotions with a discount or recommend their customers to join the next loyalty program with the possibility of accumulating bonuses and points. So the large network of gas stations is not far behind, offering its customers a club program. We will tell you more about what it is and how to activate the Lukoil card.

how to activate Lukoil card

General information about the loyalty program of PJSC Lukoil

The loyalty program of PJSC Lukoil is a special incentive system for customers of a network of gas stations. According to its developers, it operates throughout the territory of Russia, and all the filling stations of the organization, without exception, take part in the action itself. In turn, participation in this advertising project allows members of the Lukoil club to receive bonuses and discounts for purchased company goods.

Who can become a member of the loyalty program?

Any individuals over the age of 18 can participate in the program, and later activate the Lukoil card via the Internet or manually. However, one desire to become a member of the club is not enough. For full registration in the system, each client of Lukoil needs to draw up a cooperation agreement and receive a special plastic card.

Where can I conclude an agreement and get a club card?

You can conclude an agreement and apply for a club card in the following ways:

  • apply for any of Lukoil gas stations;
  • fill out a special form in the organization’s online office.

But here there are some nuances. So, if you draw up a cooperation agreement for a personal visit to any of the company's gas stations, then you immediately get club plastic with a detailed explanation of how to activate the Lukoil card using your personal account. By the way, immediately after purchasing a card, you can go through a simple registration procedure in the loyalty system. Registration itself occurs after the client receives an SMS message with an access code from the company’s operator.

If your registration and filling in the form takes place via the Internet, for example, you decide to print the contract form using the online representation of PJSC Lukoil, then you need to follow these steps:

  • fill out the contract in duplicate;
  • send both copies by mail to the address: Russia, 142700, Vidnoe-2, Moscow Region, PO Box 13 (in this case, you will have to learn how to activate the Lukoil card yourself).

Next, the company representative receives and signs both copies, and then returns cash on delivery one of them is a program participant.

But he does this no later than three weeks from the day he received the letter from the client. At the same time, the club card can be obtained only after 30 working days from the date of official registration of the contract with the company. Later, the activation of the Lukoil card itself occurs. I am glad that you can choose the place of receipt yourself.

Why is registration in your account necessary?

By registering in your account, each member of the program will be able to control the performance of his card, track the accumulation and deduction of points. Here you can enter or change your contact details, such as a phone number. And, of course, this very useful page will provide you with the opportunity to study the entire history of your purchases for the entire period of participation in the Lukoil campaign.

Bonus card: how to activate through the terminal

However, before making any operations with the card, it is necessary to go through its activation. For example, you can implement your plan using electronic terminals. The first thing to do is to conclude an agreement and wait for the SMS message indicating the code for registration.

Your second action - you should come to any gas station Lukoil and use the company's terminal by entering the four-digit code received on the phone in the appropriate form. However, if for some reason this option is difficult for you, it is much easier to activate the Lukoil card via the Internet. How to do it? Let's analyze step by step.

activate Lukoil card online

How can I activate a club card on the Internet?

In order to perform such activation, you must perform the following steps:

  • go to the company's program website (club-lukoil.ru);
  • on the central banner of the site find the inscription with the arrow “Electronic registration in the Lukoil club” and click on it with the mouse;
  • go to the application “Registration of a program participant” and fill out all the necessary data.

Lukoil card activation

Before the final activation of the Lukoil card, the following information must be indicated in the questionnaire:

  • your club card number;
  • date of your birth;
  • gender;
  • passport data (series, number, when and by whom issued);
  • contact phone number (the control code for access to your personal account will be sent to him);
  • E-mail address;
  • contact address for correspondence.

Lukoil personal account activate card

At the next stage, you need to enter the verification code from the picture in the empty window and agree with the rules of the Lukoil program (your personal account will only help you activate the card if you initially agree with the terms of the contract).

Next, an SMS will come to the number you specified, and you just have to go through a simplified identification by entering the code and card number in the empty box that popped up. That's all, actually: you are registered, and the card is activated in the system.

And finally, at the last stage, you will enter your personal account and opposite the number of your card you will see the inscription: “active”. Now you can make purchases and control the accumulated bonuses in the program. But if you do not like to complicate things, then it is much easier to go through the same procedure, but by phone. How to activate the Lukoil card with a phone call, we say further.

LUKOIL cumulative card activate

How can I activate a card by phone?

Another easy way to activate a club card is to call the contact number of the hotline indicated on the back of the plastic: 8-800-1000-911. By calling on it, you can talk with the operator, who will help simplify your card activation. And then you can get a special code and register for the program in your personal account to control and manage bonuses.

Lukoil bonus card how to activate

How to deal with a credit card?

At your request, you can be offered a card containing two applications at once: a loyalty program and a bank. In this case, for its registration it is necessary to come to the branch of the credit organization and conclude an additional cooperation agreement with its representative. You can activate such a card through the terminal or after making your first purchase at a gas station.

This is how simple the Lukoil accumulation card works. You can activate it in any way convenient for you.

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Alexander Quiring
I received the card at the gas station and register on the Internet


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