
Immoral act - what is it?

Increasingly, in the media you can hear the phrase “immoral act”, followed by general condemnation. Everyone seems to understand the meaning of these words, but they are unlikely to go deep into the study of moral and immoral norms. And not everyone considers themselves obligated to fulfill them. Meanwhile, in modern society, the boundary between good and bad actions, from the point of view of morality, is gradually blurring. People carry out only what is prescribed in state laws. An immoral act does not apply to this, which means that no one will punish him. An embittered society does not live by a single mechanism, but each for himself, armed with slogans that any means are good for achieving the goal, sometimes forgetting selflessness, gratitude, respect.

immoral act

The concept

Morality is the unspoken rules of behavior formed by the many years of experience of mankind. These are generally accepted principles and concepts about the moral perfection of a worthy and positive person. In simple words, morality is the separation of the concepts of good and evil, good and bad, right and wrong. The words “morality”, “honor”, ​​“ethics” can be considered synonyms or close in meaning. Based on these rules, moral and immoral acts are shared. They can be different.

For example, moral standards may vary, in terms of personal relationships, family, religion, philosophy. They may differ slightly in different cells of society, groups of people with similar interests, labor collectives, etc. How many people - so many opinions. But there are generally recognized norms of behavior, the violation of which causes widespread discontent.

explain the meaning of the concept of immoral act

State and Morality

The role of the state as a guarantor of the exercise of the rights and freedoms of citizens is undoubtedly significant. However, despite the fact that law and morality are inextricably linked with each other in the aggregate support of the evolution of civilization, not all norms of moral behavior are regulated by law. The right confirms the inherent freedom of citizens, presumption of innocence morality is the opportunity to achieve personal happiness. It guarantees freedom of speech, thoughts, actions, the realization of desires. But morality determines how moral these thoughts and actions will be - disinterested, and desires - noble. The law forces to repay a debt to the country, having entered the military service, paying taxes. Morality encourages charity, help and give only out of a sense of internal duty.

immoral acts of man

Man of morality

The behavior of a highly moral person is his conscious choice. There are no laws that could force the implementation of good deeds. As it is not provided for their failure to comply with and ignorance of punishments. Except, perhaps, public opinion, condemnation. But who cares today what others think? A man of morality also does not pay attention to the crowd. But he does as his education tells him, his own ideas about “white and black”. A huge role in the formation of his personality, undoubtedly, is played by the example of parents, teachers, friends, personal life experience. A well-mannered person is unlikely to be able to commit such an immoral act, which his moral principles do not allow.

moral and immoral acts

Morality accepted by society

But what is moral and immoral? How to divide the actions that characterize a decent person and not? Take, for example, the case of the veterinarian and the owner of the dog. The animal served man for many years, was his faithful companion. Recently, his health has worsened, then the dog has completely laid down.The doctor, having carried out the necessary examinations, diagnosed cancer, advising the dog to euthanize. Such a proposal deeply outraged the owner, offending his moral principles. Taking the dog home, he extended his life for another month. But was she happy? Not. Every second of her was filled with unbearable pain, longing and suffering. So wasn’t it more correct to euthanize the dog, making his death silent and painless? And wasn’t it immoral, from the point of view of the owner of the dog, to doom the animal to flour?

Moral and immoral acts cannot always be recognized. Sometimes it seems that a person has done something wrong, but does he consider his behavior to be wrong? If not, it turns out that he acted in accordance with his moral principles. Like the owner of the dog, confident that he is doing the right thing.

What is an immoral act?

Based on the previous history, one can try to classify immoral acts that cause condemnation in most adequate people. It is better to consider the different situations from real life that everyone may encounter. But only those that are regulated solely by morality, not by law.

Speaking about immoral acts, we can give the following examples:

  • Let's start with the elderly. Seeing an old grandmother, who, with all her strength, drags a huge bag full of groceries, someone will pass by. This is wrong and bad.
  • It is immoral not to give way to a pregnant woman or an old man in a crowded tram.
  • Having removed the ring from the ring finger, the man gets acquainted with the girl and calls her on a date. And his wife says that he got overtime work. This is an immoral act.
  • A teenager climbed a tree and destroyed a bird’s nest with egg laying. It is condemned.
  • The woman, returning from work in the pouring rain, noticing a chilled kitten in the entrance, threw him out into the street. Good people don’t do that.
  • A neighbor, having a foreign car and a decent daily income in the store, of which he is the director, does not notice a lonely old woman. Meanwhile, she sells flowers grown at home, if only to pick up little things for bread. Another bad thing.

Public opinion clearly condemns such people. However, once in their place, will everyone act differently, according to the principles of morality? Of course not. The immoral acts of man are always more visible from the side, from afar. But not always their presence can be recognized in their behavior and lifestyle. Even if any. By the way, blaming others is also not entirely ethical. But yourself, please. Act, think, draw conclusions, realize: are all the actions in your life highly moral?

immoral acts examples

How to punish an immoral act?

Punishment for violation of moral standards is provided only in those cases that coincide with similar offenses set forth in legislative acts. For example, it may be an administrative penalty for verbal abuse, for animal abuse, sentence for sexual abuse. Dismissal for an immoral act is also provided. But only people involved in raising children (teacher, nanny, teacher). It is unlikely that it will be possible to punish an accountant, driver or seller in this way. Because the state does not provide for liability for immoral acts, if they are not related to crimes.

is an immoral act

Why instill moral values ​​in children?

Raising kids in accordance with the principles of morality is simply necessary. All actions performed by an adult are inevitably an echo of his childhood. The imprint left by the parents in the soul of the child is never erased.

How to teach children morality?

Explaining the meaning of the term “immoral act” to a child is not so simple. But you can show by your own example how you don’t need to do it: stroke the dog instead of pushing it away with your foot. Or milk a kitten, instead of letting it die of starvation in a landfill.Or help a young mother carry a stroller to the fourth floor. Naturally, regular positive examples, the presence in the vocabulary of words such as “please”, “thank you”, “bless you,” will soon sprout in the children's heart. And, believe me, they will give the first good harvest in a few months.

what immoral act

Moral and immoral acts of children

Is the bad behavior of a young child immoral? It all depends on age. At 1-2 years, the child is still not able to understand what is good and what is bad. Moreover, to distinguish these concepts. But a child at the age of three is already well aware of what pain is, knows about punishments and rewards. Starting from this period, you should gradually establish rules of conduct. If the pean tortures the cat, tell him not to touch it - the animal is hurt. Words are unlikely to take effect, but a scratch on the arm from an angry pet will certainly serve as a lesson.

After 7 years, children already understand perfectly well when they do bad things. If parents do not direct the true path, then the child, under pressure from the collective, can begin to commit immoral acts: to fight, to deceive, offend the weak, to mock animals. Inattention to these actions will lead to the fact that the baby will understand all the impunity of violations. All is lost from this moral value normal. And then legal. Theft, drug addiction, alcohol consumption, promiscuity will follow. In attempts to educate a worthy and noble personality, the main thing is not to lose the trust of the child. After all, it is it that creates the closeness between parents and children, which from rational instructions, patient teaching and life examples grows into a strong friendship of the old and new generation.

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