
Driving school business plan. How to open your driving school? What do you need to open a driving school?

Driving school business plan

The number of cars on the streets is growing exponentially. Today it is already quite difficult to meet a person who does not have a driver’s license or at least did not dream of getting them soon.

A car is a great helper for both businessmen and housewives, as well as families with many children. Today, a driving school is acquiring an ever-growing prospect of development. As a business, it is an excellent option even for those entrepreneurs who do not have colossal funds in the public domain. So where do you start?

Determine the room

Of course, our driving school needs to be located somewhere. Therefore, you should consider the nuances of the right choice of premises. The building should be spacious enough to be able to divide the internal area into several independent classes. Focus on the business plan of the driving school, in which you will certainly have to indicate Driving license categories issued after appropriate training. Remember that in the immediate vicinity of the building should be an open paved area.

It is on it that practical classes will be held with students who have completed a theoretical course. The site is most often rented. Moreover, students from several driving schools can engage in it. It is also more profitable to rent a room. This will significantly reduce one-time costs at the stage of establishing a business. The premises themselves must fully comply with all the norms and requirements of SES. Only then will they give you permission to work.

How to equip cabinets

So what do you need to open a driving school? Of course, well-equipped modern classes. It is most convenient to rent a room within the walls of a university or another educational institution. This will automatically solve the furniture problem. Otherwise, you will need to purchase desks, classrooms, and, of course, chairs in the proper amount.

The latter should be as comfortable as possible. This is especially true if you are going to open a driving school from scratch, but with an elite status. In such institutions, students are taught to drive luxury vehicles. Therefore, all rooms must be equipped accordingly.

The list of necessities does not end there. Modern driving schools buy special driving simulators, where students can feel like driving a real car. Such equipment perfectly imitates possible situations on the road and allows you to identify gaps in the knowledge of traffic rules for each person.

Before announcing a set of applicants for rights, you will also have to purchase a set of visual aids. As a rule, this implies an engine with mounted equipment, brakes and a rear axle, gearbox. Best of all, if the business plan of the driving school will include the purchase of such parts by section. You can also purchase some inexpensive car that has already outlived its own, and extract from it all the necessary parts. However, this option will not be relevant in the case of an elite driving school.

We get the necessary license

Many directors of driving schools argue that this stage is the longest and most difficult. No one has yet canceled paperwork in our country.So, what documents are needed to open a driving school? First of all, you will need a contract for the lease of the room you have chosen, as well as a platform for practical training with students.

You will also have to present an SES permit relating to the internal classes of a driving school. Add the document issued by the fire department here. Also, by the time you receive a license, you will have to recruit staff. It should include not only professional instructors, but also a medical professional, as well as teachers of the theoretical course.

Features of an external school

If you want to avoid all this red tape with obtaining a license, then in this case you will have to open a slightly different business option in this area. It's about an external driving school. Such organizations are not so rare today. The name itself for a driving school of this type already suggests that the entire training system here will be greatly simplified. What is the difference?

You do not have to equip the premises properly and go through all the numerous checks. It is quite simple to rent and conduct a minimum number of classes. At the same time, students do not receive any documents, and exams at the traffic police pass externally. In terms of organization, such a system is much simpler and more attractive for entrepreneurs. However, the quality of education itself is much worse. Therefore, most responsible students will prefer the standard version of a driving school. And this must be borne in mind.

Recruiting staff

The easiest way is to invite already existing instructors to work with their machines. And so does most driving schools. However, in this case, you will have to attract them with something, so that people choose exactly your organization and leave their previous place of work. And this usually means high wages. Is it profitable to open a driving school with your own cars?

Yes, but in this case, you will need a mandatory staff who will monitor the equipment and fix all problems on time. As a rule, instructors very successfully cope with such duties. This approach has one very significant plus. You significantly reduce the amount of initial investment. But in this case, with all instructors, it is necessary to conclude contracts for the provision of services, as with all individual entrepreneurs.

There is another option. You can hire staff without the proper experience, but at the same time train them at your own expense. In this case, you can be sure of the qualification of a specialist, since sometimes even positive recommendations from a previous job do not guarantee a high level of instructor training.

Training lasts, as a rule, 2 or 3 weeks. As a result, the specialist receives the certificate of the master. All expenses for staff development reflects the business plan of the driving school.

Transport as the basis of business

Of course, the most important component in our situation is cars. Cars intended for training future drivers need to be equipped with a second additional pair of pedals, another set of long-distance mirrors, as well as appropriate signs informing the rest of the movement that they are new to them. The minimum course includes 32 academic hours. However, as practice shows, for many students this is not enough. Therefore, they agree with instructors to conduct additional practical classes.

Who will we teach?

When choosing the direction of your driving school, you need to focus on the most free segment of this market sector. Ideally, you need to grab onto something new, something that competitors have not yet proposed. For example, special driving schools for women are becoming very popular now, where all the instructors are ladies.Another good and quite original option is an elite organization conducting practical exercises on luxury cars. As a rule, one group includes from 20 to 30 people.

We are developing an advertising campaign

How to open your driving school and still not be in the red? First of all, you need to come up with competent advertising. Most often, the owners of driving schools paste ads around the city. You can also pay a small advertising space in newspapers and magazines. If you decide to organize a purely female driving school, then in this case, ads are best placed in women's print media.

A larger option is advertising on extensions and billboards, as well as special billboards. But it will require much greater financial costs. Another quite effective method of increasing the popularity of your business is advertising on television, as well as in public transport. The latter option attracts a lot of attention.

We register business activities

Name for driving school

If you decide to start your own business, then in this case you will have to take shape as an individual entrepreneur. This option is much more convenient for most owners of driving schools. An individual entrepreneur must register with the tax service, as well as open a personal bank account in any commercial bank. Remember that keeping it is worth the money.

Each credit institution has its own tariffs for servicing legal entities and individual entrepreneurs. Therefore, in any case, you have a wide selection. If necessary, it is possible to open several current accounts. This is not prohibited by law. All cash flows must go through this current account.

Let's look at the numbers

A correctly drawn up detailed business plan for a driving school will allow you to see in advance all upcoming expenses, as well as adjust them to the smaller side.

In addition, it is possible already at this stage to calculate the preliminary profitability of the project. If it turns out to be frankly unprofitable, it is necessary to review all points of the business plan. Or consider a different business option.

If you look at the real numbers, you can see that the average cost of opening a small driving school will be about 1 million rubles. And this is by very conservative estimates. As a rule, such a project pays off for 1-2 years. As soon as the driving school begins to bring a steady income, we can talk about further expansion and the formation of a real network. Additional profit comes from having your own race track for practical training with students. It can be very successfully leased.

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