
How to open a driving school

driving schoolBefore you open a driving school, you should know that this business belongs to the field of education. Consequently, there is always a demand for such services, as well as substantial competition. There are certain difficulties, both in the organization of this kind of activity, and in financing this idea. Opening a driving school and creating the right image is a time-consuming process.

It is necessary to attract specialists, form groups by categories, register a school in the traffic police and this is only the beginning of activity. If you competently approach the development and implementation of each stage of the business plan of a driving school, then you can very well expect to receive a stable income and increase the profitability of the business, in general.


Form of incorporation of a driving school

It is immediately worth noting that registering a private entrepreneur is not enough to open a full-fledged driving school. It is necessary to create an LLC or a non-profit educational institution of additional education (KNOW UP).

This is because an individual entrepreneur cannot obtain a license to provide educational services.


Obtaining a license to open a driving school

Get ready for the process of getting driving license may take a long time (4-12 months). To obtain permission, you must provide the following documents to the Federal Service for Supervision in Education and Science:

  1. Application for a license;
  2. Constituent documents for your company, certified by a notary;
  3. Copies of the certificate of registration of a legal entity;
  4. Employment contracts with employees to confirm the staffing and professionalism of teachers;
  5. Documents that confirm that the driving school has all the required methodological and educational material for conducting classes;
  6. Documents that confirm the availability of the necessary equipment and equipment at the school;
  7. Lease agreement for the premises and lease of a training ground for practical driving training;
  8. State duty receipt.


Now you know what documents are needed to open a driving school. Also, to obtain a license, you need to determine the name for the driving school. But that is not all. You also need to coordinate all issues with the SES and the fire department. In these services you need to provide all the constituent documentation, lease agreement and other documents.

In addition, coordination with the traffic police is necessary, but for this you need to first register the room in which the training process will take place and equip it correctly, as it will be inspected by the traffic police officer.

Room requirements

In order to calculate the area of ​​the room for students to study, you need to take into account their number - a minimum of 15 people and a maximum of 30. Each student must have at least 2.5 square meters. m. You can rent a suitable room in schools. Thus, you can reduce the cost of purchasing equipment.

As for the equipment for a driving school, its list can be found in the driver training program. But, for example, every school should have an engine equipped with attachments, a gearbox, a rear axle with braking mechanisms and other important components of the car.

Also in the audience there should be posters and visual models of transport nodes, if their study is included in the training program. Well, of course, you need to take care of buying cars to practice driving skills, as well as a platform with a flyover, marking and parking spaces.


Driving school staff

To work in a driving school, which plans to train 30 people, it is necessary to hire one theory teacher and three driving instructors. The theory requirements are as follows:

The presence of a diploma of secondary technical or higher education.

Such teachers can be found in automobile schools, as a rule, they are not against such kind of side jobs.

A driving instructor must have a driving license and permission to prove his professionalism. It is advisable that the instructor possess pedagogical inclinations and a stable psyche.

Also, a driving school will need an administrator who will advise potential customers.

Please note that employees will only be able to start work after you receive a license. It is also worth considering that the license is valid for five years, and the lease is concluded for a year. Therefore, if you are not the owner of the premises, be sure to discuss with its owner the possibility of an annual extension of the contract.


Educational programs

Before starting a training activity, training programs for drivers should be developed. For example, to obtain category “B” or “C”, you must include in the program:

  1. Driving theory and driving rules and road behavior. This course should include testing on computers with special traffic police programs.
  2. Practical exercises on simulators and cars on landfills and city streets.


Upon completion of the training course, all students receive a certificate of completion of a driving school and a driver’s card. At the same time, they must have a certificate of medical examination. Without these documents, they are not allowed to pass exams at the traffic police.


Competitive fight

[caption id = "attachment_4804" align = "alignright" width = "300"]driving school Own business: driving school [/ caption]

As already noted, competition at the driving school will be substantial. Therefore, you need to carefully approach the solution of this issue. To attract customers, you need to entice employees from already operating and non-profitable driving schools to your work and those who could become their potential customers will help you shape the flow of students.

In addition, the level of competition can be reduced by providing high-quality services. You can also offer training in new skills, for example, extreme driving and so on.

Another effective way to deal with competitors is to advertise a driving school in the local media and on the Internet. Such advertising does not require large expenses, but at the same time it can be used to attract students, since in this case psychological aspects work: a potential client will probably choose the organization that first catches his eye for training.


Business profitability

To understand whether it is profitable to open a driving school, you need to calculate the necessary expenses for organizing its activities and potential profit. On average, you can organize a very decent school for 800-1500 thousand rubles. This amount includes the purchase of two supported cars, a computer classroom for 20 people and the purchase of furniture for their placement. This can also include expenses on the rental of premises, obtaining licenses and permits from the SES, the traffic police and the fire service.

Salaries of employees will be paid already from the profit received, as well as taxes and other current expenses.

The cost of training in a driving school is approximately nine thousand rubles per student. But this is for three months of training. That is, three thousand every month. If 20 people will be studying at the school at the same time, then the monthly profit will be 60 thousand rubles.

If you subtract the payment of taxes and salaries of employees from the amount received, then there remains a free amount for the purchase of new equipment, new cars and the hiring of additional employees.Consequently, with the maximum workload of the work schedule, the funds invested in the organization of driving schools will pay off in a year.

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