
How to open a children's shoe store? Business plan for a children's shoe store: equipment and necessary documents

Children grow up fast. This is especially noticeable in shoes - shoes, boots and shoes, bought just a couple of months ago, can now be cramped. In turn, this means that there is always a demand for high-quality and inexpensive products for babies. Entrepreneurs may view this in a different way. And right now we invite you to learn about how to open a children's shoe store.

how to open a children's shoe store

Step 1. We create a legal base

It is believed that the most successful option for a children's shoe store is the opening of an IP. This is primarily due to the features of accounting and taxation provided for this form of ownership.

Another question that is often asked by those who are interested in how to open a children's shoe store: "Do I need to issue special licenses to work in this area?" Our answer is no, not necessary. However, absolutely all products must be certified.

Among other things, before starting work, you will need to obtain permission from the State Fire Inspection and the SES.

how to open a children's shoe store from scratch

Step 2. Choose a room for the store

How to open a children's shoe store from scratch? One of the most important tasks that confronts you is to attract the maximum possible flow of customers. In the face of fierce competition, this is not easy. But a competent choice of premises, one way or another, is a certain guarantee of future success.

What criteria need to be guided by choosing it?

  1. It is best if the store is located in the city center or in a residential area, on a busy street.
  2. When compiling a business plan for a children's shoe store, many novice entrepreneurs try to save on the area of ​​the outlet. But open a large store area (from 80 m2) profitable. In addition to the trading floor itself, you will also need utility rooms, a warehouse and a bathroom.
  3. Spend on expensive design is not worth it. The main thing is that the store looks neat and tidy.

There are peculiar “chips” that will help you make your store a favorite place for young customers and their parents. For example, it can be bright racks and drawings of cartoon characters. Or a large TV on the wall - during the trial, the children will not be capricious and cry. And you can dream up and dress up sellers in funny bright costumes.

Step 3. We are looking for suppliers

Thinking about how to open a children's shoe store, it is better to immediately find reliable suppliers of products. The best option is cooperation with 4-5 partners. If there are few suppliers (only 1-2 companies), you run the risk of becoming very dependent on them. That is, in the case of force majeure, you can not offer anything to your customers.

The most preferred option, undoubtedly, is direct cooperation with manufacturers. In this case, you save significantly, because all the wholesalers in any case take into account their own margin.

Step 4. Plan the assortment

Now is the time to talk about what exactly you will sell in your store. There are many options, but we will consider the most popular categories of goods:

  • slippers;
  • demi-season shoes and low shoes;
  • sneakers, sneakers and other shoes for outdoor activities;
  • summer sandals and shoes;
  • ankle boots and boots;
  • boots;
  • booties;
  • Czech women
  • a variety of accessories and shoe care products.

The products that will be presented in your store can be targeted at different age groups - for children from birth to 12-15 years.

Experts recommend updating the range at least once every three months. Ideally, new products should appear on the shelves in January, March, May, August, and also in November.

In order to attract more customers, you can arrange promotions and sell discounted models of past years or seasonal shoes.

materials for the production of shoes

Step 5. We buy equipment for the store

Being interested in how to open a children's shoe store from scratch, you should think about where to buy all the necessary trade equipment.

In the basic set of equipment you need to include:

  • shelves for shoes;
  • shelving;
  • display cases for related products (accessories, children's toys, shoe care products);
  • mirrors;
  • highchairs;
  • floor mats;
  • cash machine;
  • table for registration of goods;
  • computer.

It is important that in the store there were not only benches for babies, but also comfortable soft sofas for adults. Try to choose furniture of colorful, vibrant colors - it will surely appeal to your little visitors.

In general, to purchase all the required equipment you will need about 200-300 thousand rubles.

what to call a children's shoe store

Step 6. We are looking for employees

If you have already decided on what to name the children's shoe store, found a suitable room, filled out all the documents, entered into agreements with suppliers and purchased the necessary equipment, you can proceed to the next stage - personnel selection.

First of all, you will need trained consultants (3-4 people). Among other things, they should possess such qualities as neatness, politeness and love for children. Each of the consultants should be well aware of the part of the assortment for which he is responsible, and should readily tell clients about manufacturers, the intricacies of care and materials for the production of shoes that a particular company uses. Therefore, the entire assortment should be divided between employees by category (summer, classic, sports, etc.).

As for payment, the proven option is piecework wages with a fixed share. This option is beneficial both for the store owner and for the employees themselves - sellers are always sure that they will receive the amount not less than the guaranteed part, and at the same time have an incentive to increase sales.

In addition, you will need the services of an accountant, cleaning lady and auxiliary workers. At the first stage, you can take on all the functions related to management. Over time, when business processes are debugged, it will be possible to think about finding a good manager.

Step 7. We attract the first buyers

You already know how to open a children's shoe store. After going through all the steps described above, you will encounter a new problem: the lack of a customer base. Where to find buyers?

Given the specifics of the industry, we can safely say that almost all methods of promotion will be effective. So, you can use banners and signs on the streets of the city, advertisements on TV, radio, publish ads in print media (magazines, newspapers). A powerful impetus to the development of your business can be the creation and promotion of a store website.

Of course, among other things, interesting promotions, gifts, bonuses and discount programs can attract the attention of customers.

children's shoe store open from scratch

Step 8. We make a financial plan

Have you long dreamed of a beautiful and profitable children's shoe store? To open such an institution from scratch is not too difficult, but many start-up entrepreneurs are frightened by the need for large starting investments.

In practice, everything is not as scary as it seems at first glance. Of course, it is difficult to give accurate calculations - a lot depends on the amount of rent, assortment, and size of the store. Therefore, in any case, you will have to adjust the financial plan presented “for you”.

To begin, consider the estimated costs:

  • rent - from 50 thousand rubles a month;
  • utility bills - 15 thousand rubles;
  • purchase of equipment - from 200 thousand rubles;
  • advertising and promotion of the store - 20 thousand rubles;
  • purchase of products - from 300 thousand rubles;
  • salaries to personnel - from 120 thousand rubles;
  • another - 20 thousand rubles.

In fact, this means that for opening and starting work, you will have enough 725 thousand rubles. Having drawn up a detailed business plan, you can get the required amount on credit at the bank - this money will become your starting capital.

A business selling shoes for children is considered highly profitable. The monthly profit of an average store can reach 300 thousand rubles, of which about 100 thousand are net income.

With stable operation, the payback period of the project is from 7 to 12 months.

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