
Business plan for the production of dumplings

"Need an idea for a profitable business or family business?"

I offer my business plan for the production of dumplings:

Where to start

dumplingsTo begin with, it is worth deciding on the room where you first want to open a workshop, place equipment and people who will control it, and complement the working mode process. The main thing is to have a production permit from the sanitary-epidemiological station, technical specifications for the manufactured product.

Keep in mind that getting TU is not as easy as it seems at first glance. The product must be made in several versions and passed to experts for testing. Only after their satisfactory evaluation will you receive technical conditions to the production process, and only after that you can get to work.

What should look like a room (workshop) for the production of ravioli:

First of all, a good ventilation and fire protection system should be present, the walls should be tiled or other well-washing coatings. The room can be located both in the aboveground and underground places. It is important that it complies with acceptable sanitary and fire regulations. Ideally, it will be advantageous to rent a finished room, or buy at a bargain price. The first option is more economical (no repair costs are needed), ventilation and fire protection systems already exist. Maybe it will require small expenses for the re-equipment of the production of dumplings, and it may be necessary to make cosmetic repairs. An area of ​​approximately 60-80 square meters is required for your workshop. These sizes are quite enough to install dough mixers, meat grinders and cutting tables, 3-4 refrigerators for the finished product and initial raw materials. It is also necessary to provide for the presence of a sink, shower (with cold and hot water), a toilet for staff.

In any food production, including the production of ravioli, one cannot do without a technologist (at least for the first time). His responsibilities include: monitoring the standard specifications for products that are manufactured. 3-4 workers with a cook education are needed in their competence, control and the need for procurement, as well as the preparation of the filling and the production of ravioli. It is permissible to assign the packing process to one of them, it must cope with the work of the filling apparatus or manually, in this case, a package with the composition of products and the date of packing must be enclosed in the package with dumplings, you can put the date and composition on the package itself with ready-made dumplings. The staff needs to have sankimki and regularly undergo a physical examination - this is in your interest in the first place, the slightest consumer complaint and your dumpling production line will be closed for an unlimited amount of time. This is a huge fines and running around for sanctions. Neatness and cleanliness of both the workers and the dumpling production workshop, first of all (this is your face and reputation).

To implement a business plan for the production of ravioli, an average of $ 3 thousand is needed; the main amount will be spent on equipment ($ 2.5 thousand) and rent ($ 350) per month. A feature of the dumplings business is the growth in sales and turnover almost immediately after the start of production. Therefore, you can make a preliminary summary calculation: the average cost of a pack of ravioli from 25 to 40 UAH. When the cost goes around $ 2.5 per kilogram. The result on the face is 100% payback, (this includes transportation of products) and staff salaries. Dumpling business begins to make a profit almost from the moment of its launch.

A well thought out service is the transportation of manufactured products. It is advisable to hire a driver with a car of the "conveyor" type and coordinate its shift schedule (possibly combining either night or evening). He will deliver your products to the required points of sale. And with such a schedule, it will not be difficult to find him.

Advertising and marketing move

Choose catchy, unique names for your dumplings. If you have difficulty, use the "crowd option". Call 5-6 people and give them a task, at this time write down everything that they will voice and choose what you liked the most. Try to get to all the supermarkets and shops of your city (for starters) then you can in the region, when your dumpling production line will be stably established. Conclude an agreement on the sale of your products. It is worth taking into account the wholesale base engaged in the supply of semi-finished products. You can rent several points in local markets to sell your products (a good option to recommend your products) among the masses. Since market sellers are talkative, the sale will take place at ease and unobtrusively, as if by itself, while you should not spend money on additional advertising. The quality of your dumplings is the key to your success, and the rumor spreads among the masses quite quickly. An effective way and no cash costs.

Estimated estimate of the dumplings business. You should calculate your cash limit well. The first is the purchase of equipment for the production of ravioli (3 thousand. $) Prices vary greatly (the cost depends on the country of manufacture, European is even more expensive). The second advertisement - here it’s easier for you to determine the amount of your expenses. And now the monthly cash requirement:

* rent of your premises ($ 700);

* consumables ($ 1000) dough and stuffing;

* wages, utility bills, equipment prevention ($ 1.5 thousand).

Expected monthly income - about $ 7 thousand

Expected monthly profit - 3 thousand $

Payback is compiled within 6-8 months of continuous production. The proposed calculations are per 500kg. dumplings produced per day. It is also necessary to be guided by the current situation as you adjusted the sale of products, how many workers you have (and whether they are), how productively and stably production works, in general, you can safely add another 2-3 months.

Perhaps carry out a dumpling business at home

Business plan for the production of dumplingsIt is certainly advantageous to open your dumpling business at home; you do not need the cost of renting a room, and acquiring equipment for the production of ravioli. But it also requires permission from the sanitary and epidemiological station and the availability of sanitary books for you and everyone who will work with you, TU. Do not neglect the established standards, the check will surely come to your home if they are not satisfied with your home production standards, you will be fined or forbidden to work at all.

Buyers' preference is much higher for the production of dumplings at home and hand sculpting. Here you will benefit. Although the cost is significantly higher than with mechanized production.

To prepare the minced meat you need to purchase an industrial meat grinder, refrigerators for food storage and a freezer for ready-made dumplings, as you will have to pack it up, but be sure to indicate the production date. You can also add variety to your products, which spices to add to the mincemeat, what kind of meat they will be made from, or it will be a combination of several types of meat, or one variety. The main thing is that the stuffing should not be dry and very juicy (then it will be possible to expand its facets to sculpt ravioli, khinkali, dumplings). In any case, it is important that the stuffing is fresh and uniform, it is not recommended to add a soy product, your income will depend on this.You can also try the dough in several versions, if you doubt the quality, the taste of your products - try to try what you send for sale is your reputation in the market. And the last question, and important.

What documents are needed for the production of dumplings

Of course, it is advisable to obtain documentation from SanEpidemStations and Consumer Supervision. The necessary list of documents that is needed for the production of ravioli:

  • Hygienic conclusion of SES;
  • Technical conditions agreed and registered (TU);
  • Technical Instruction (TI);
  • Authorization of the veterinary service;
  • Recipe

Do not doubt your strength, if you are determined to start your business plan, go only forward, no matter what others are telling you.


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