
Waste-free production: examples of creation. Non-waste and low-waste production

Non-waste is called production, in which all raw materials and even waste are still converted into finished products. Including the concept of such a process provides for the processing of any product, even after its moral or physical deterioration. This is a closed cycle, which can only be compared with natural ecological systems, which are based on biogeochemical cycles of substances. The creation of waste-free production is a gradual and lengthy process, which requires the solution of a number of economic, technological, psychological, organizational and other problems.

Production adjustment

non-waste production

Very rarely, completely waste-free production can be achieved, but residual material can be minimized. In the event that the assortment is large enough, it is best to use universal raw materials or semi-finished products, and then engage in building the technological process so that all these components are suitable for the manufacture of a large number of units of the final product.

Established non-waste and low-waste production will simplify logistics and reduce raw material costs. This, in particular, will affect the cost and lower costs, as a result, profit will increase. It is considered important that in such processes the raw materials do not accumulate, and they do not become worthless. In the event that the materials become unclaimed for one product, they will be allowed to manufacture another.


non-waste production technologies

In order to minimize the costs of the enterprise and improve its productivity, the following principles of non-waste production are used:

  • systematicity is when each of the individual processes can be considered as a particle of a more complex technological chain;
  • integrated use of energy and raw materials - these are additional opportunities to extract related components;
  • the cyclical nature of material flows is a closed production process, which in a certain way will be able to repeat the natural cycles;
  • rational organization - this is when irreparable loss of resources can be minimized by recycling;
  • The principle of environmental safety.

Non-waste and low-waste technology provides:

  • complete processing of raw materials using components based on the production of new waste-free processes;
  • production and manufacture of new varieties of products taking into account the request for recycling;
  • the use of waste and its consumption with the final receipt of marketable products, or any useful use of them without shifting the ecological balance;
  • the use of closed water systems in industry;
  • manufacturing of waste-free complexes.

Development direction

Using low-waste and non-waste production technologies, four main directions of their development can be formulated:

  1. The emergence of closed-loop technological systems for a wide variety of purposes, based on existing and promising methods of treatment and reuse of standard wastewater.
  2. Development and application of systems for the processing of domestic and industrial waste, which can be considered as secondary material resources.
  3. Introduction of manufacturing processes of traditional types of products exclusively in new ways in which it is possible to develop the maximum possible transfer of energy and substances to the finished product;
  4. Development and application of territorial-industrial complexes, with a more closed structure of material waste.

Requirements for non-waste production

non-waste and low-waste production

In order to move towards improving existing ones and developing fundamentally new technological processes, certain requirements must be observed:

  • reduction of production processes to a minimum number of stages, since at each of them waste is generated and raw materials are simply lost;
  • the use of continuous processes that allow the efficient use of energy and raw materials;
  • increase in unit power of equipment;
  • regularity of production processes, their automation and optimization.

The correct combination of technology and energy allows us to establish high-quality non-waste production, which can be found in the field of chemical transformations, energy saving, as well as materials and raw materials.

Agro-industrial complex

non-waste production examples

Today, modern multifunctional agro-industrial enterprises have a significant base in order to ensure non-waste and low-waste production, due to which the use of raw secondary resources is improved.

The most relevant example in agriculture can be thought-out processing of manure. The source material is used to fertilize fodder crops, which are then fed to an existing livestock.

Tree use

Waste-free production in Russia is famous wood processing Today its level is more than 80%. Almost all waste is recycled into useful products, namely, fuel briquettes and pellets. Chips and sawdust are perfect for heating, since such raw materials are considered quite cheap and have good heat dissipation. Waste-free wood production is called the highest quality and closed process, since waste from it is minimized, and it can be said that it is practically absent. In addition to traditional lumber, it is also possible to produce high-quality furniture panels and furniture.

Paper industry

creation of non-waste production

In order to establish waste-free production in the paper industry, first of all, it is necessary to introduce developments to save the amount of water used per unit of production. Also give preference to the creation of closed and closed industrial water supply systems. It is considered important to use extracting compounds that are contained in raw materials from wood in order to ultimately obtain the necessary product. Be sure to improve the processes of bleaching pulp using ozone and oxygen. Also improving recycling logging with the introduction of biotechnological methods in target products, and the use of facilities for the processing of paper waste, including waste paper, is provided.

Chemical and oil refining industry

In such industries, it is very important to establish waste-free production, examples of which can be found in the application of such technological processes as:

  • reduction and oxidation using oxygen, air and nitrogen;
  • introduction of membrane technology for the separation of liquid and gas mixtures;
  • the use of biotechnology, including the production of biogas from waste organic products;
  • methods of ultraviolet, plasma, as well as electrical pulse intensity of chemical reactions.


In this area, in order to establish a waste-free production, it is necessary to direct scientific developments to water treatment, due to which it is necessary to switch to closed processes of water recirculation, as well as the production of metals from wastewater.It is considered important to obtain metals from press powders.


principles of non-waste production

In the energy sector, non-waste production technologies should be widely used, which should be directed to the development of new methods of fuel combustion. An example is fluidized bed combustion, which lowers the content of pollutants in gas waste. It is important to introduce dust cleaning equipment into operation, during which ash will form, and after that it can become suitable for use as a building material.


In this industry, established non-waste production is considered important, examples of which are:

  • complete processing of waste, both in the underground and in the open method of mining;
  • the widespread use of geotechnological methods for developing new deposits, while trying to extract only target components to the ground;
  • application of non-waste methods of processing and enrichment of natural raw materials directly at the place of its extraction;
  • more active use of hydrometallurgical methods of ore processing.


non-waste production in Russia

In the formation of non-ferrous and ferrous metallurgy, when forming new enterprises and updating existing ones, it is necessary to introduce non-waste production, which will help ensure savings and the full use of ore raw materials. It:

  • processing and involving liquid, gaseous and solid wastes, reducing discharges and emissions harmful substances with sewage and exhaust gases;
  • as building materials for roads, wall blocks and mines, it is possible to use large tonnage solid waste from concentration processing and mining;
  • increasing the efficiency of newly created and existing processes for the capture of side components that are released from wastewater and exhaust gases;
  • full utilization of all ferroalloy and blast furnace slags, as well as the establishment of processing steelmaking waste;
  • the extensive introduction of dry methods for cleaning gases from dusty debris for the entire metallurgical industry;
  • the rapid reduction of fresh water consumption, as well as the reduction of wastewater through the subsequent development and introduction of anhydrous processes and drainless water supply systems;
  • introduction of purification equipment, as well as apparatus for monitoring various environmental pollution factors, at the enterprise;
  • extended use of microelectronics, to save energy and materials, as well as control the waste output and its active reduction.

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