
Business plan: production of pellets from A to Z. Selection of equipment for the production of pellets

pellet production business planThe rise in price of fuel energy resources makes the population think about how to save money and not freeze at the same time.

Winter in Russia is long and the heating period “burns” a lot of money.

In addition, after the combustion of the same coal, there remains a mass of waste that must be disposed of. Is there an alternative?

Of course, for example, you can try a new product - pellets. You can not only just experience it, but also get a good income. It is only necessary to develop a business plan. The production of pellets is quite comfortable located at your home.

What it is

First, a little about what pellets are. These are granules that are the result of processing wood waste (sawdust, knots, wood chips, bark). In appearance, they resemble the contents of bags of wood-filled cat litter. Granules can be not only derivatives of sawdust. They are made from husks of sunflower or rape, peat, chicken droppings. That is, from raw materials, which during combustion produce a maximum of energy.

You can use this type of fuel for heating residential buildings. And we are talking not only about the private sector, but also about low-rise housing. In some cases, plants with special boilers for burning pellets can provide heat to an industrial facility.

The advantages of fuel pellets

Before starting the production of wood pellets, let's evaluate all the advantages of this alternative heat source. So what is their advantage:

  • in comparison with ordinary firewood, pellets have higher heat transfer;
  • storage of small pellets does not require a lot of space;
  • granules are not subject to spontaneous combustion, so you will be calm about fire safety;
  • in terms of ecology, this type of fuel is absolutely non-toxic, it does not contain harmful impurities, glue or resins;
  • pellet burning is accompanied by less formation of carbon dioxide, and much less ash is obtained (unlike coal);
  • the cost of heating is lower, as, in fact, the consumption of pellets.

In addition, the transportation of pellet bags does not cause any particular problems.

Where to begin

If you are interested in this type of fuel, but are not yet ready to invest in the organization of the workshop, then start small. output - production of pellets at home, it is possible even only for your own needs.

To do this, you need to determine what you will make granules from. As raw materials can be waste wood processing or cereal production, straw, sunflower husk, peat.

It is not difficult for people living in rural areas to get chips, sawdust, bark or agricultural waste.

We equip a "pocket" mini-factory

Then you need to understand the technology and determine the list of units required during the manufacturing process. The question of purchasing equipment for the production of pellets will require you to make certain investments. But, for example, the dryer can be made independently of two metal barrels welded together. A crusher is sometimes not needed at all if you use sawdust from circular saws. Therefore, it is quite realistic to save.

The manufacturing process of granules is as follows:

  • crushing of the feedstock, that is, its grinding;
  • drying and sorting, when foreign impurities are removed from the raw material;
  • moisturizing raw materials whose moisture level is below 8 percent: a rate of 12 percent is considered the norm;
  • pressing;
  • cooling the obtained granules and their subsequent drying;
  • packaging of the finished product in bags.

Packaging is carried out in canvas or paper bags with a volume of 20 kilograms or more.

As soon as you master the production of pellets at home for your own needs, you can gradually increase momentum, start selling surplus products to neighbors. And in order not to stop there, you should go on an industrial scale.

We start production

So, you intend not to be limited only by the interests of your own economy, but to open an enterprise that will produce fuel pellets and sell them.

To begin, go through the registration procedure as a standard. Typically, an enterprise is registered as a limited liability company. The choice of a taxation system, obtaining permits from a fire inspection, a lease agreement, an agreement on energy consumption - these and other items must necessarily contain your business plan. Pellet production will require significant investments, so you must justify every step you take.

Analyze in advance the ways of obtaining raw materials for your enterprise. It would be nice to get support from a wood processing plant. Typically, owners of these plants willingly sell the waste of their lines. Having received agreements with suppliers and documenting them, you can already begin the production of pellets.

Choosing a place and premises

You will need a spacious room in which you could place the units that provide technological processes. There are even very specific standards for height and total area. So, the ceiling should be at least ten meters, and the area of ​​the workshop should be 150 meters. Such dimensions are sufficient for the installation of equipment for the production of pellets.pellets production technology

In addition, you need a place for a warehouse. Moreover, it is better to breed a warehouse of raw materials and finished products. It is clear that the territory of the enterprise should be fenced. And the plant itself should have good access roads.

Under these parameters, land plots located outside the city or in its industrial part are suitable. You either rent an empty site and build buildings on it from scratch, or you find and buy (rent) an empty industrial building.

An important condition for launching an enterprise is the availability of energy capacity.

Pellet production line

wood pellet productionYou can purchase units for your company separately, then you need to decide on the list of devices. Then you should find suppliers of these devices.

Conclude a supply and service agreement with them. Without this, you will have trouble repairing and troubleshooting.

Yes, and specialists from a company that specializes in the supply of this equipment will help with installation and configuration.

If we talk about mandatory equipment, then we are talking about granulators that can run on a diesel engine or electric, crushers, dryers and screw mixers for humidification.

If you do not want to waste time and money on the independent selection of the necessary plants, then you need the finished pellet production line. The line is installed permanently. Companies that manufacture and sell such units offer a choice of three types of equipment. They differ in power. The cheapest line will cost you about 140 thousand dollars.

Production stages

It doesn’t matter whether you make pellets at the enterprise or at home. Production technology does not change. It consists of the same steps.

Stage One: splitting up.

Stage Two: drying of raw materials. It is necessary to achieve a reduction in humidity to 12 percent.

Stage Three: grinding raw materials into smaller fractions.

Stage Four: water treatment. After the previous stage, it may turn out that the moisture level in the raw materials drops to 8 percent. By mixing water, an optimum of 12 percent is achieved.

Stage Five: pressing. At the output, we get granules that are already familiar to us.

Stage Six: cooling. After pressing, the pellets are heated, and they need to be cooled and dried.

Stage Seven: sifting granules, removal of substandard and packaging products.

pellet production line

Recruiting staff

It is clear that you need staff. The list of necessary personnel should also contain a business plan. Pellet production will not do without workers who will service the line.

It would be nice to have an experienced technologist on staff. Cooperation with suppliers and the sale of finished goods fall either on the shoulders of the director or on a specialized department. Do not do without an accountant, a storekeeper.

Try to recruit qualified staff. By the way, check with the company that installs the equipment for you if it has a staff training service. Very often, large enterprises, along with the supply of the production line, conduct a course on its operation.

Of course, you have to invest substantial amounts. Without attracting third-party investors can not do. A detailed business plan is drawn up to attract them. Pellet production is considered promising, as it is focused on the supply of finished products to Europe.

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