
Detailed business plan of the sauna. What you need to open a sauna: documents and necessary equipment

detailed sauna business plan

Nowadays, in order to have a stable income and be financially independent, many pay attention to entrepreneurship. And in this business good business ideas are needed. Sauna is a good enough and profitable business.

It attracts the attention of many people, in addition, private saunas are good because they provide an opportunity for a collective visit. For these reasons, such establishments are now very popular. This means that this entrepreneurial idea is very promising and attractive. However, as you know, in every business you need to have your own plan. And the sauna is no exception.

You will need a detailed business plan of the sauna, which will contain all the nuances of such activities, as well as include both financial expenses and a job description.

Organizational part

The business plan should include the construction, rental or purchase of premises, as well as the acquisition of all necessary equipment that is required for the sauna. Do not forget about the documentary part of entrepreneurship.

When compiling a detailed business plan for a sauna, much attention should be paid to repair and construction work. For a comfortable rest of the client, it is important to install equipment, design the situation, lighting and furniture so that they do not get out of the general style.

In addition, it is impossible to imagine a sauna without a cafe, locker rooms and steam rooms. It will also be necessary to organize premises for medical and cosmetic services. And if you are going to build pools, a jacuzzi, waterfalls, fonts, then you should follow safety precautions.

In other words, all of the above requires considerable financial investment. Subsequently, you will still have to wait for utility bills. It is worthwhile to understand that it is best to use environmentally friendly materials when equipping and finishing a sauna.

Financial investments and fundraising

sauna as a businessWhere to find money to open your own business? A detailed business plan for a sauna can attract investors to your undertaking.

It is quite realistic to create a joint stock company. The sale of securities can bring the necessary funds both during construction and after the start of the sauna.

It is possible to lease premises for medical and cosmetic services. If gyms and gyms are created in the rebuilt complex, this will increase revenue.

The advantage of this method is that you will not be responsible for the services provided, and you can also save on staff wages. And the fact that the provision of a variety of services is provided in your organization can bring popularity to the entire business as a whole.


Nowadays, more and more people care about their health. Therefore, a sauna as a business can become a profitable business. Since ancient times, the Russian bath is considered very useful and healthy. Sauna, in principle, is very similar to a bath. The main differences are in high temperature and in dry air.

Today, a sauna cannot be considered only a bathhouse, as it is a place of relaxation and business meetings, as well as a health complex. When preparing a business plan, try to find unique services for your customers.

If you offer them only a bath and a locker room, your customer base will decrease. Accordingly, the demand for the institution will also suffer. The customer is required to provide a choice.And this should be taken into account when preparing a detailed business plan for a sauna, because there are a lot of different types of baths. The most popular of them are the following: Japanese, Russian, Finnish, Roman and Turkish. They differ among themselves in such parameters as temperature, design, humidity. And each of them is good.

If your customers cannot withstand high temperatures, you can offer them sonaruim. This is a bathtub made in the classic version. It is characterized by tropical aromas and soft steam. Massage, peeling, SPA-salon, water procedures and pools will attract even more customers, because the sauna itself is a health organization, and with additional services it becomes an invaluable treasure.

You will also need to build cafes, bars, organize food delivery and create a sports hall. All this will satisfy your client and increase the popularity of the sauna. You can design a separate room for children, which will be looked after by animators.

Financial part

Documents for opening a sauna

It is necessary to consider the approximate cost of organizing a business, as well as the profitability of the sauna as a whole. So, let's start with the equipment. An ordinary sauna will cost 78-300 thousand rubles, a mini-sauna costs from 45 thousand rubles, infrared - from 85 to 200 thousand rubles. The organization of a small pool will require about 650-900 thousand rubles. So, that includes a list of expenses:

1. Accessories and furniture - from 500 thousand rubles.

2. Staff - 90 thousand rubles.

3. Consumables - 40 thousand rubles.

For one visit, you can get 400-800 rubles per person, rent for an hour will be approximately 6 thousand rubles. The average monthly income will be about 150 thousand rubles. Thus, a sauna as a business will pay off in about two years. And this is subject to active and successful activities.

Description of the business plan

As for the size of the room, its area should be at least 150 square meters. On this square there will be a women's room, a hall for two or three visitors, for a group of clients, a men's room, two steam rooms, a toilet, changing rooms, a small pool and lounges.

In order to have high attendance, it is better to rent a room in a fitness center or hotel, which will allow you to save on security. It is also worth remembering that about 10 million will cost the purchase of an already fully designed complex. In other words, such solutions (ready-made) are hardly suitable for a novice entrepreneur. The business plan of the sauna should be prepared independently.

Purchasing devices for quality work

It is necessary to set aside money in advance that will be used to purchase equipment. You will need to buy a cabin for a sauna (preferably two), showers, equipment for a bar and pool, ventilation system. This set is a necessary minimum. An excellent solution would be a warm floor. It is best to mount it right away. Also need air conditioning. But you should buy it only if there is free cash.

If you want to equip a VIP-class sauna, you need to know that it is different from ordinary establishments. Accordingly, larger financial investments are required. In the locker room, you will need to install metal lockers for things (you can inexpensive), a mirror, a hairdryer and wooden benches.

In the lounge there are benches, plastic sunbeds, soft sofas, a TV and a table. Cleanliness and beautiful repairs are the main requirements of the client. If you want to create a family sauna, then the sleeping area is ideal.

What documents may be required?

To open a sauna you need to draw up documents. This is a very important point that should not be forgotten. To reduce the size of tax payments, you should register as an individual entrepreneur. But nevertheless, the optimal solution would be to register the ABM. In this case, the process of reporting and bookkeeping will be more convenient. And financially, this form is more profitable.

Licenses are required only if you decide to provide additional health plan services. Also, this type of document is necessary when selling alcoholic beverages and food products in the sauna.

Search for colleagues

Pay attention to the staff, because people will never go to someone who has poor service. Carefully select employees. Also, for a good business, you will need the following specialists: administrator, manager, steam cleaner, masseur, cleaner. Make sure that all employees of your campaign are courteous and polite.

The risks of opening a sauna

Sauna Business Ideas

As you know, any business has its own risks, but danger can always be prevented if one knows about it. Therefore, now we will consider important rules that should not be violated if you want your business to flourish.

Remember: all documents, licenses and contracts must be officially and legally executed. Also, do not provide services that are contrary to law. Remember that they should not be harmful. And the last rule: all information about your customers should be confidential. No one will be pleased if personal information is transferred outside the sauna.


We can say with confidence that this business is profitable and profitable, if we consider it from an economic point of view. People need cleanliness, care, and health as well as good nutrition. Therefore, we can confidently say that if you have a good business plan, you will invest your money in a profitable business that will quickly pay off and bring you significant income. We hope that now you understand what you need to open a sauna.

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