
How to organize a bath business

It is difficult to surprise modern society. Therefore, in order to open your own business, you need to be creative in approaching this issue so as not to “feed” the people with what is already abundant! A car bath or a bath on wheels is a rather original idea for a business.

Making money on vacation is very profitable

[caption id = "attachment_4766" align = "alignleft" width = "285"]relaxation in the bath relaxation in the bath [/ caption]

This "fun" has arisen relatively recently, so you will not have to face many competitors in this area. The main advantages of this small business are mobility and convenience. Making money on vacation is very profitable. Moreover, the essence of the idea is the delivery of bath procedures to any territory specified by the customer. “Having ordered a bathhouse at home”, any company will enjoy and a storm of positive emotions that will make the holiday and fun unforgettable. Thanks to the innovation and originality, the service is causing increased interest among the population, so the “bath business” will pay for itself very quickly.

So, where to start a bath business? To organize an autobahn, you will first need a suitable car. After all, the basis of this business is precisely a car. It can be either a trailed van or other appropriate transport. It is desirable that it has a high cross. The main thing should be a voluminous and airtight body. The interior of the bath must comply with all fire and sanitary standards. From an aesthetic point of view, the decoration of the bath on wheels should also not be inferior to standard steam rooms. This fact plays an important role in the future success of your business. It is better to finish the bath with a tree, preferably linden or fir. This wood does not emit harmful substances and causes a pleasant feeling in contact with the skin. Using zoning, you can equip two zones - hot and cold.

The main features and components of the baths on wheels

  1. The bathhouse is located in a van or truck body and consists of a steam room, a shower room and a relaxation room. The body is usually divided into two parts, one of which is a steam room, and the other is a recreation area and a dressing room
  2. The metal walls of the van are lined with wood inside
  3. It is better to insert a double-glazed window in the window. So they won’t freeze and better keep warm
  4. To exit the smoke, a chimney is installed
  5. A capacious water tank must be installed. Hot and cold water will be automatically supplied to the shower
  6. Comfortable and cozy decorated dressing room

Do not make the steam room too crowded - at least 4 people. The bathhouse should provide comfort to any company. Pay special attention to the dressing room. This is the second most important place after the steam room, so it must meet all the requirements for a comfortable stay. Convenience will be provided by convenient benches, carved tables, a refrigerator for drinks and other themed little things and equipment for the bath. For example, wooden tubs, ladles, fragrant brooms. It will be useful to equip such a bathhouse with a small minibar and comfortable sofas. The door of the stove needs to be taken outside, so that the laying of firewood is carried out more conveniently.

Average monthly expenses

For a good functioning business, in addition to a competent business plan for a bath, monthly regular costs will be required. Such as - the cost of gasoline, periodic inspection, spare parts and accessories for transport. It is best to heat the bath with firewood, we advise you to make their purchase yourself. This fact will allow you: firstly, you will not spoil the bathhouse with low-quality fuel material, and secondly, significantly increase prices for the services provided. The fixed costs item also includes driver services.It happens that the lease agreement for the autobahn provides for transportation by its client, but this item involves a certain risk. It is known that few people return from the bath in a sober form, so it is better to entrust the management in good hands. Also take care of renting a separate parking space or garage.

Approximate monthly expenses for a bath on wheels:

- gasoline, repairs and spare parts - from 7 thousand rubles

- firewood for kindling a bath - about 3 thousand rubles

- salary to the driver - from 15 thousand rubles (this cost can be avoided if you drive transport yourself)

- rent a garage - 5 thousand rubles

- advertising from 2 thousand rubles

- bath accessories: brooms, hats, washcloths, shampoos, towels - 3 thousand rubles

Total - from 32 thousand rubles

Organization of an advertising campaign

You must understand that a mobile sauna on wheels is a young business, so you still cannot do without a competent marketing move. At first, do not save on advertising. Actively distribute leaflets, place ads in local media, and advertise on regional television. Create a vibrant, creative logo for your Bath Van. It should be colorful and should be remembered immediately. The original sign is the key to success!

In order not to be commonplace, come up with a list of additional services. For example, barbecue or grill rental, sale of alcoholic or soft drinks. Offer a relaxing massage or even live music after the bath, and you will provide yourself with regular customers!

Initial costs include the purchase and conversion of a car, investing in advertising, registering a business, and purchasing additional “equipment”. On average, to open a bathhouse on wheels you will need:

- purchase of transport (in this case we are talking about a used car) - 200-300 thousand rubles

- re-equipment - 50-60 thousand rubles

- interior decoration and design of the bath - 40-80 thousand rubles

If within a month the bathhouse on wheels was ordered at least for 72 hours (three days), then the net profit will be at least 16 thousand rubles. It should be borne in mind that for all holidays, prices are almost doubled. And in the modern calendar there are a lot of such days.

In any case, regular income is provided by regular customers. To get hold of those will help a competently planned system of bonuses and discounts. You can enter a gift voucher or family membership program. Customers who are satisfied with your service will automatically become an advertisement for your business.

Before you open a bathhouse and draw up documents, carefully study all the nuances, analyze your capabilities, decide on a list of additional services. Practice has shown that the first year is the most difficult. Only after a while, thanks to word of mouth you will gain regular customers and popularity.

You can register a car bath as an individual enterprise (IP). The optimal tax system is the simplified tax system (6-15%).

Public bath

[caption id = "attachment_4765" align = "alignleft" width = "274"]Public bath Public bath [/ caption]

Opening a public bath is an excellent option for a profitable business. Currently, the demand for these services exceeds supply, therefore the level of competition in this area is rather low.

In Russia, going to the bathhouse is a good old tradition, so you don’t have to impose the service on customers. People go to a public bath to take a good steam bath and wash themselves. Over the years, the market for these services has formed independently. The main task is to properly organize and submit this idea.

In order for your commercial bath to be commercial success, you must solve the following problems:

  1. Organize a front desk. On it, your visitors can easily buy the necessary bath accessories.
  2. Set up comfortable locker rooms. Make separate lockers for things that will be locked.Be sure to place benches or small sofas.
  3. Open the relaxation room in the bathhouse. Lounge - this is not a room with cots, as many people think. This is a public place with comfortable chairs and tables, where everyone can sit after a steam room to drink tea, fruit drink or beer.
  4. The public bath should have a big sink. In this room, people wash, rinse after the steam room, steam the brooms. There are also shower enclosures fenced from each other.
  5. Steam room - the main bath room. That is why people are in a hurry to visit this place. Everything here should be at the highest level.
  6. A public bath should be divided into male and female halves. After 22-00 it is quite possible to organize a sauna for relaxation. this will allow to receive round-the-clock income from the bathhouse.

The prices for a single visit to the public bath are several times lower than a visit to the sauna. Otherwise, you will simply lose your competitive advantage. You must organize your bath business so that visitors want to come back to you again and again. This is easy to achieve if you organize in it optimal comfort and homeliness.

What should be the appearance of the bath, see the video:

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