
Business in Moldova: Survival Difficulties

Over the past few years, the volume of sales of products of business entities representing small business in Moldova increased by 14%. At the same time, inflation growth is 42%. In addition, their share in total corporate income is gradually decreasing, which is a negative sign.

Difficult times

business in MoldovaBusiness in Moldova is forced to overcome certain difficulties that hinder its development. For their full understanding, it is necessary to refer to statistical data.

So, over the past five years, the number of small businesses has not changed. It amounts to an average of 37.5 thousand business entities.

However, in practice the opposite is observed. Enterprises representing businesses in Moldova are often listed in statistical offices, although in fact they have not been functioning for quite some time. This is due to difficulties in the preparation of relevant documents during the liquidation of a legal entity.

The average life of enterprises

Unfortunately, the specialists failed to establish the average life of a small business. However, the figures show stagnation not only in the number of enterprises representing business in Moldova, but also in the number of employees. However, over the past five years, the last indicator still shows some stability: the number of employees at various enterprises is 202 thousand people.

Small Business Income

The entities under consideration are in a constant struggle, which tempers them. This is, firstly, the insurmountable competition of large companies, in the fight against which small businesses often remain among the vanquished.

An example of such a struggle is the large-scale opening of supermarkets. If previously a small business in Moldova could provide food for small shops, now their services are becoming unnecessary due to a significant decrease in sales in these outlets.

When comparing the income of small enterprises with the level of inflation, a certain inadequacy of indicators is also visible. For example, the volume of sales of products of enterprises representing a small business in Moldova in 2007 amounted to 42 billion lei, a similar indicator for 2011 increased by only 14%. During the same five-year period, prices rose by 42%.

The second strong enough rival of small business in Moldova in the struggle for survival is the state machine. In this case, we are talking about the application of certain fines and sanctions by regulatory authorities.

Business immigration to Moldova

business immigration to Moldova

Moldova is a country of emigration, both legal and illegal. The process of moving can affect both the left bank and the right bank of a given state. Unfortunately, the CIS countries do not have the necessary funds and capabilities for a full border and effective border control of the movement of citizens, especially when it comes to border crossing in the "green" zone.

Business immigration is regulated by the relevant state policy of Moldova in the field of the use of labor resources and doing business. In this case, the goals of the safe employment of immigrants with specialties in demand in the country, as well as the opening of a small enterprise with pre-defined sales markets in Moldavian territory, can be pursued.

Also, foreigners who entered the territory of the specified state for permanent residence can work based on the issuance of a residence permit.

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