
Profitable business in the village. Small Business Ideas

People move from town to village for various reasons, but everyone has one big question: "How to make money?" The work familiar to the villager is not enough for a city dweller. Well, if you can get a seller in a shop, but most often small paid jobs are occupied, and new ones are not expected. You need to find a way to make money on your own site. Almost any person who is not afraid of difficulties and active work can organize his own business. Before you plunge into worries about earning money, it is worth organizing your own life so that everyday issues do not distract from the main activity.

Village business from scratch

Earth is a resource that already exists when moving out of town. If you decide to move to a village, you probably also worked in a summer house, which means you can grow a crop of vegetables and fruits. Having prepared a certain amount for the family, the surplus can be sold: on your own in the market or by handing it over to procurers. The first, simplest option can be the first business that any villager can handle.

If you need more scope, become a procurer yourself. To organize a business in the village from scratch by buying up surplus berries, vegetables, and fruits from local residents is a task with one unknown. The unknown and a little difficulty is to find a distribution channel for an environmentally friendly product, grown almost under your supervision in neighboring gardens. You can sell products in small shops of organic products, which are now being opened in many in any city.

Logically, the third option is the opening of our own shop of organic products in the city. You can sell not only fruit and vegetable products, berries, mushrooms in season, but also dairy products, which can also be bought from local residents. And this is not only milk, but also cottage cheese without additives and preservatives, dairy products, cheeses and so on.

village business from scratch

Strawberries and strawberries

The first months of summer bring a harvest of berries. This storehouse of vitamins is appreciated more and more every year. Strawberries can be grown both in open ground and in greenhouses. The greenhouse crop is ripening earlier, which means it will be possible to realize it at a better price. A small greenhouse will bring capital, which can be used to start a larger project or invest in a more advanced greenhouse system of several buildings.

what business to open in the village

An additional income-generating business may be the cultivation of strawberry seedlings in pots. It is a little exotic, beautiful and popular. Strawberry bushes planted in a pot successfully bear fruit throughout the season in urban conditions, so such a small home garden is a very interesting idea. It is important to choose a seedling variety and wait for the first berries to make a pot with strawberries attractive from a consumer point of view. Curly remodeling strawberry or wild strawberry varieties are ideal. Growing strawberries in pots is a way to open the first small business in the village.

small business in the village

Raspberry: everything will come in handy

Raspberry is also one of the favorites of the season, especially since, harvested for the winter, it brings no less benefits than fresh. When cutting raspberries in the fall, collect and dry the raw materials. Sprigs, dried leaves, dried berries are also in great demand, and if you are a connoisseur of medicinal herbs, then making a blend of vitamin or medicinal tea will not be difficult. Selling dried mixtures of healthy raspberry-based teas is also a lucrative business in the village.Organizing the reception of berries among residents of your area is quite simple - offer a favorable price and get the result.

the most profitable business in the village

Salad greens

Growing dill, parsley, green onions is an excellent business in the village if they are cultivated in the cold season. There is always demand for this product, despite crises and falling incomes. To organize the growing of greenery, you will need a small greenhouse or a heated room where you can put several boxes of soil and make a landing. You can harvest all year round, but the winter season is especially profitable: holidays and vitamin deficiency are the engines of the green trade. If this option is yours, then you can deal with it all year round, especially if in the summer season add the cultivation of celery, asparagus and other herbs.

profitable village business

Poultry farming

It's no secret that poultry meat in a supermarket, to put it mildly, is not really meat. With an increase in allergic diseases among the population, the desire for healthy food increases. To establish a business in the village on the cultivation of chickens, geese, ducks and any other bird is promising and profitable. Commodity stock is grown from chickens or from young growth. Both the one and the second options require investments, but the return on sales covers costs. The only moment that may worry the recent city dweller is the preparation of the carcass. If you are not ready, do not start.

Pork farm

The most profitable business in the village is animal breeding. A pig farm, sheep breeding bring solid capital, but they also require constant care and investment. For pig breeding need a large equipped warm room. Do not do without buildings under the feed base. For good quality meat product pigs should be released from pens. And this means a large additional area and the processing of animal waste. You can donate the grown pigs to procurement points, if there is no desire to build a full cycle of livestock farm.

profitable village business

Goat landing

In terms of profitability, the most profitable business in the village is also built on goat farms. Goat milk is in great demand, both children and adults can drink it. It surpasses the cow in its nutritional qualities. Having a small herd of goats, you can provide milk to several families. No less popular are the products of the dairy production of the goat farm. Goat cheese is a hypoallergenic, highly nutritious and expensive product. There is no need to build a production line at the start of cheese production. Handmade cheeses are a good advertisement for lovers of life under the sign of "eco". Having organized an eco-farm and inviting tourists to visit your property, you automatically receive buyers of your products.

business in the village

Beautiful garden

When thinking about what kind of business to open in the village, remember that you already have a piece of land in your possession and you need to dispose of it in such a way that you grow food not only for yourself. On one hectare of land it is worth planting an apple orchard and get a harvest of vitamins for yourself and for sale. Winter varieties of apples are perfectly preserved under the conditions, and you can sell them all winter. Which is very profitable. An environmentally friendly product is in demand on the market, and the demand for such a product will grow. Choose seedlings of suitable varieties and get acquainted with the methods of planting, pruning and pest control. A year after planting seedlings, the first, albeit so far small, crop will delight you.

business in the village

Whatever business you start in the village, you should understand that you will have to work a lot. If there is no desire to make every effort every day, and the office chair is much more attractive, then it is better not to invest in undertakings.

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