
Budget appropriations: definition, purpose, allocation

Budget appropriations are an important detail in the work of most state-owned enterprises in the country. The definition says that this is the maximum allowable amount of financing of the state structure, declared in the actual financial period (often a year) for the fulfillment of budgetary obligations. Similar financial flows are distributed by the federal treasury.budget appropriations

Estimates and financial documents

The estimate is the basic financial document of any state-owned enterprise, according to which its activities are carried out.

Estimates - a basic planning financial document indicating possible actions regarding the expenditure and receipt of funds necessary for the normal performance of the functions assigned to it, drawn up for a year, regulated by higher regulatory acts.Federal Treasury

Funding Fund Structure

The estimate is formed from special and general funds.

The funds of the general fund are spent on covering the expenses of the state institution for the functioning and implementation of the main tasks in full economic classification. The general fund monetary resources come from the general fund of the state treasury of the Russian Federation.

Money from a special fund is often allocated for the implementation of specific goals, objectives and programs of a public institution. Expenses and receipts of a special fund are regulated by special regulatory acts and legislation.
Such funds can be both planned in the state budget, and incorporated into decisions and laws.budgetary funds


Along with the budget, a plan is drawn up and accepted that governs the allocation of budget allocations from the general fund. It represents the monthly allocation of funds approved in the estimate. The volume of budget allocations is an obligatory part of the estimate and approved in the general fund according to the shortened classification form. State-owned enterprises, organizations and institutions, whose work is carried out at the expense of budgetary resources, necessarily draw up estimates and appropriation plans.

The allocation of budget allocations, budgeting for the expenditure of public funds is assigned to the manager. Often these are the heads of budgetary structures, which are the main managers. There are also managers of the second and third degree. Managers get the authority to form and manage funds by setting budgetary allocations, which are regulated by the law on the state budget or indicated in the decision on the municipal budget.budget allocation

Budget appropriations. Basic principles of formation and distribution

The appropriations of state organizations are carried out in compliance with the following principles:

  • Budget appropriations are being formed planning method and on the basis of estimates adopted in accordance with the laws.
  • When allocating appropriations, previously allocated funds to the state organization, the success of their development, as well as the results of the work, are taken into account.
  • The Federal Treasury allocates funds in the form of banknotes only as part of the estimate. Expenses may in no way exceed previously approved.
  • All expenses must be confirmed by direction of appropriation.
  • Budget appropriations are targeted. The purposes for which the funds are allocated must be indicated in accordance with the unified budget classification.
  • The basic principles for spending appropriations are savings and maximum efficiency in the use of public funds.due to budgetary allocations

Goals funded by budgetary allocations

Funds from the budget can be allocated in the form of appropriations for the achievement of the following tasks:

  • Ensuring the provision of public services, including payment in accordance with the concluded municipal and state contracts, payment for the services rendered related to covering state and municipal needs.
  • Implementation of social programs for the population.
  • Financing projects of legal entities aimed at fulfilling state tasks.
  • Subsidizing legal entities of a non-state form, individuals - private entrepreneurs - manufacturers and suppliers of services, goods. Such subsidies are often provided as part of budgeted development programs.
  • Allocation of bank notes in the form of inter-budget transfers.
  • Municipal or public debt service.
  • Payments and contributions from the budget to subjects of international law of various forms of education.
  • Execution of judicial acts regarding claims against the Russian Federation, its subjects and other entities aimed at compensating for damage caused to a legal or civil person as a result of illegal actions or inaction of companies of various forms of state power or officials of these structures during the exercise of their official powers .budget allocation

Government appropriation scheme

Organizations and institutions that exist at the expense of budgetary allocations receive funding using accounts opened with the federal treasury of the Russian Federation in accordance with regulatory acts and resolutions governing the work of this state structure. To account for transactions aimed at the implementation of the general fund of the organization’s budget, the administrator opens registration accounts, each of which corresponds to the codification of the budget classification of expenses.

The manager is also authorized to open consolidated personal accounts. These accounts are intended for receipt of funds without specifying an encoding. These funds are subject to further transfer to other accounts of the federal treasury of the Russian Federation.

Normative acts and laws governing state appropriations

The main regulatory act that defines and regulates the allocation and expenditure of state appropriations is the Budget Code of the Russian Federation, which was adopted on July 31, 1998, namely article 6, article 69 "Budget appropriations", articles 70, 72, 74, 78-80, 83, 174.2. Budget Planning.

On the basis of the Budget Code, orders of local municipal financial departments of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation are formed.

When calculating financing, decisions of city councils, regulatory legal acts of administrations of territorial units, as well as signed agreements defining debt obligations of state institutions and organizations are taken into account.

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