
What is a budget painting. Process of its compilation

Every citizen of the country who wants to live in a good country must understand all the processes that take place. And in this article we will talk about budget painting - about who does it, who approves and how everything happens.

What is called budget painting?

budget paintingFor starters - what is budget painting? This term refers to the preparation of quarterly documents, which stipulate all budget revenues and expenditures, taking into account all sources and a possible deficit. They also contain the distribution of all appropriations of different recipients in the form of budget organizations. The budget list is an important document that contains information of a financial nature of national importance.

Who is involved in budget painting?

budget painting isUnder the control of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation, the budget list is compiled and maintained in federal budgets. First of all, they are interested in the expenses of the federal budget for the current year (how is the implementation) and planning for the future. No less important is the information on finding sources that will cover the deficit. Drawing up a budget list is a laborious process; quite a lot of structures are involved in its implementation. The Treasury helps him as an organization that monitors the financial condition of the state at the current time, it is the second after the Ministry of Finance. And managers directly deal with the allocation of money. The entire procedure for preparing for the budget list includes the collection of information about the current state of budgets, revenues and expenses.

Status Reporting

budgetingInformation on the current state of the budget of the whole country, as well as of individual regions, cities and villages, can be found in the institutions of the structural divisions of the Ministry of Finance or on the websites of the corresponding structures. The budget list published in open sources of information helps a lot with this. It is necessary to pay attention and report that the delay is characteristic of state bodies, therefore the information may be a little outdated or incomplete. To inform about the state of the budget list of the budget, there is a public information department, and the best option is to observe its work on the news in order to know accurate, undistorted information (or distorted to a minimum).

Limits of budgetary obligations

budget mural budgetOne of the most interesting provisions in the budget list is the limits of budgetary obligations. They are approved personally by the Minister of Finance and must be within budget appropriations which are established by law (but in fact, how accurately the budget list was drawn up and how it is performed). There are certain exceptions to the expenditure side: the limits here can sometimes vary from certain conditions provided by law.

The costs of fulfilling public regulatory obligations do not have limits. But for them there are certain conditions that affect the amount of budget allocations. It should be noted that, according to Appendix No. 5 to the Procedure, the restriction on allocated funds in such cases (again when the conditions are met) is set personally by the Minister of Finance. But if the conditions are met, then within one day after receiving information about their implementation, the Ministry of Finance transfers the data to the Treasury.

The fate of the treasury

The Treasury is clarifying information about public regulatory obligations that require financial support.Within four working days from the receipt of the consolidated list, the limit for budgetary obligations and other necessary information, bring to the budget allocators changes regarding budgetary obligations for the current financial year or planning period. Obtaining the necessary money is carried out in the branches of the treasury or, if necessary, by transferring the necessary amounts to bank accounts. The budget list is a responsible element of the financial system of the state, so the Treasury is required to always be ready to execute orders, if they are not against current legislation.

On the basis of what can the consolidated list and limits of budgetary obligations be changed?

Only the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation may make changes to an already prepared budget list. The reasons may be:

  1. The adoption of federal laws on the budget for the year and the creation of plans that run counter to the position of the ministry itself.
  2. In the presence of federal laws that provide for amendments to the budget of the current year or planned.
  3. In case of making decisions on the use of funds from the Reserve Fund.
  4. If the Government makes a decision on additional support for the economy, labor market, social security and other sectors of the social sphere or when additional measures are taken (in this case, funds are needed for implementation).

Emergency situations

budget paintingThere may be a situation when the budget law has not yet had time to gain strength due to the fact that it was not adopted. Then the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation must draw up and approve all budget allocations every month for three working days, but they should be no more than 1/12 for the entire last year. This restriction applies to everything except expenses that are necessary to fulfill public regulatory obligations, services public debt and the implementation of international treaties previously concluded by the state. Maintaining budget painting retains its main goal, only the scale changes. So, if in a normal situation it is conducted in the size of a quarter / year, then in a specific situation - monthly.

Specificity requires that documents be sent to the treasury already during the first working day to bring information to managers. Changes in budget allocations and limits are not carried out. From the moment the consolidated list is approved, they cease to be valid and the specifics of the situation cease to be valid. Everything returns to its place.

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