
What does Russia export other than oil and gas?

Despite the fact that the main part of the exported products of Russia are oil and gas products, this is not a complete list of resources that are needed abroad. Indeed, in comparison with other states, the share of this commodity sector is large and amounts to about half of the state’s income from trade in the international arena. It is absolutely not difficult to find out what Russia exports, except for oil and gas.

Fertilizers and metallurgical products

In addition to black gold and gas, which, according to scientists, lasts for several hundred years, the country is one of the largest suppliers of mineral fertilizers and metallurgy to the world market. It turns out that last year the volume of sales of metal products amounted to about $ 30 billion. Such data are provided by the Federal Customs Service of the Russian Federation. The most popular types of metal include non-ferrous, black and titanium. The latter is consumed mainly by global global corporations in the field of aircraft construction. The main producer of such titanium exported by Russia is VSMPO "AVISMA". European Airbus and American Boeing created thanks to Russian titanium.

The state receives a significant contribution to its own economy from sales of mineral fertilizers outside Russia, mainly potash. More than 15% of this type of fertilizer on world market put by the Russian Federation, which makes our state the owner of second place in the corresponding rating. At the same time, Uralkali is not the only, but most important, enterprise for the production of inorganic fertilizers. For the needs of Russians for internal trade, the company uses only one sixth of its turnover.

Heavy machinery and power block

It is impossible not to provide a high line in the rating of what Russia exports to the countries of near and far abroad, to machinery. Produced for mining, energy and metallurgical enterprises, as well as for the transport industry, heavy machinery is a considerable source of income. The number of these products exceeded the figures of 25 billion dollars. Permanent purchasers of engineering goods are partner states from all over the world:

  • Post-Soviet countries and the CIS.
  • Western Europe.
  • Near East.
  • India, Pakistan.
  • Central and Southeast Asia.
  • Africa.
  • USA and Latin America.

Among the goods that Russia has been exporting for many years, the products of the energy machine-building segment occupy a stable place. The leader in the Russian Federation is the Power Machines company, which designs, manufactures and markets heavy equipment for nuclear, thermal, and hydraulic power plants. At the enterprises of the energy complex of more than 50 countries, Russian equipment serves faithfully.

Shipbuilding and aircraft

Not everyone knows that shipbuilding products from both civilian and military purposes can be exported from Russia. It is produced by USC - the United Shipbuilding Corporation. Foreign corporations acquire icebreakers, tugboats, drilling platforms, crane ships capable of performing many functions. Here, the customers most often are oil and gas processing companies, mainly from Kazakhstan and Turkmenistan.what Russia exports

Having an idea of ​​what products Russia exports, in addition to raw materials, it is easy to understand how important the agreements for the sale of the latest short-range civilian aircraft manufactured by the Sukhoi Civil Aircraft Corporation are important for our country. Passenger Sukhoi Superjet-100 is preferred by analogs that have long proven their ability to work and endurance. In particular, in Mexico, this aircraft was a replacement for the Brazilian and Canadian ships.

Armament and Russian helicopters

Among the things that Russia exports, besides oil and gas, abroad, military goods deserve special attention.what can be exported from Russia This article of domestic sales makes up more than a quarter of the products on the world arms market. At the same time, Rosoboronexport cites statistics according to which the amount of orders for defense equipment reached the mark of $ 40 billion. This may also include the demand for Russian helicopters.

It is important that Russia exports to Europe the products of one of the most advanced industries in our country. When creating each military or military transport aircraft, highly qualified aircraft designers resort to the use of innovative technological methods, using unique, high-quality materials, implementing exceptional solutions in this area. what Russia exports except oil and gasAt the moment, about 9,000 modern Russian helicopters successfully pass their operational life in hundreds of world countries.

Space exploration

Having found out what goods Russia is exporting, one more point is worth mentioning another high-tech industry, whose development can boast only a few modern states. We are talking about the development of space and the launch of satellites and rockets. It is no secret that for several decades, the United States can undoubtedly be called the only worthy competitor of Russia in this area. However, this did not prevent our specialists from making the maximum number of spacecraft launches, breaking all world records. what russia exports to europeOver the past couple of years, several satellites were created by Roscosmos by order of foreign partners.

Services sector. Transportation

It is a well-known fact that you can export not only goods, but also services from Russia. Last year, the state received about $ 70 billion in the provision of services by domestic professionals. Naturally, among the articles in this segment of the profit were both those that brought considerable income, and those on which the state does not manage to earn a lot.

In this rating, the first line can be safely assigned to the field of transport services. About a third of the revenue comes from passenger transportation and freight. A huge contribution in this sector belongs to Aeroflot and Transaero. what Russia exports besides oilOften foreign citizens prefer flights passing through Russia through transit. This trend appeared at the same time as the crisis provoked by a sharp jump in the American currency. Having offered people more favorable prices, these airlines not only maintained their passenger turnover, but were also able to increase profits by several percent.

Russian software development

The list of what Russia exports to the USA can be supplemented by the provision of developed software. In addition, the computer products of Russian programmers are exported to the CIS countries, the European Union, Latin America and even Africa. In general, the presented revenue item for the provision of services can be divided into three independent components:

  • sale of licensed software;
  • development of individual cross-border programs;
  • implementation of projects, whose customers are foreign computer corporations.

Kaspersky Lab

By the way, the crisis hardly affected the aforementioned industry. It turns out that Russia usually exports 10% less than it was sold last year and contracts were concluded.What goods does Russia export?Among successful developers of computer security systems, Kaspersky Lab continues to be popular in 200 countries. According to influential analytical agencies (such as Forrester and Gartner), the anti-virus program developed by Kaspersky Corporation has taken its creator to the leading position in the production of solutions to protect devices from malicious and spyware elements.

Communication services

Also, a significant contribution to the exported services is annually made by the development of text recognition and linguistics. The well-known Russian company ABBYY, being the creator of important and necessary programs for working with text in various formats, has a fairly wide user audience.According to unofficial data, there are about 40 million people who have made their choice in favor of this developer.

In addition, another Russian service company MERA is included in the popular world ratings. It has long ago won a well-deserved leadership position among service providers involved in software development. Corresponding suitable programs for equipment manufacturers in the communications industry are in demand in many countries. Next year, Russia plans to increase turnover, reaching about $ 7.5 billion per year.

Construction of nuclear power plants

It turns out that Russia is exporting a lot of its services to China. Over the past year, Russian companies have completed significant volumes of construction work for these foreign partners. According to rough estimates in this industry, financiers call the figure about 5 billion dollars. The state-owned company Rosatom occupies a leading position in the market for the construction of particularly complex engineering structures. At the moment, not only China is among those wishing to receive Russian-style nuclear power plants. Rosatom’s customers are India, Belarus, Bangladesh, Vietnam and many other countries.

At the same time, the corporation is engaged in the sale of raw materials outside the Russian Federation. However, as a rule, the final export is the fuel assembly, engineering products or the finished complex of nuclear power plants.

Satellite connection

Almost 2 billion dollars Russia managed to get over the past year for exported telecommunications services. “Space Communications” is a satellite operator, which is rightly considered the leading among such companies due to its largest amount of orbital-frequency resource. Operating in any geographically accessible market, Space Communications provides communication services to customers from 35 countries.what russia exports to china

Judging by the fact that Russia exports, in addition to oil and natural gas, we can safely say that the government of the state has set ambitious goals. The country will be able to reach a new economic level by increasing non-resource sales. President Vladimir Putin has repeatedly expressed his wishes and confirmed with statistical indicators the actual need for an annual increase of such an indicator by at least 6%.

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