
What is a state? Concept, signs, functions

What is a state? It would seem that this is such a simple question, but not everyone can formulate a clear definition of the corresponding term. The concept of the state can be disclosed due to signs that clearly indicate its existence. Today we will also talk about what functions are assigned to this organization. So what is a state?

Definitions and General Information

what is a state

What is a state? They can be called a term political organization authorities involved in managing society. The role of the state also lies in maintaining stability and order in society, which it can achieve by various means (remember the carrot and stick method, for example).

Now experts are arguing about whether there is any main feature that can be put in first place at the head of the list. Experts have not yet decided on this issue, but they agreed in their views on the list of criteria that are mandatory for the state. It includes: a certain territory on which the people will live, respected by other countries sovereignty, a social base (and wide), a monopoly given to legitimate violence, the public nature of power, the right to collect taxes in the indicated amounts and the existence of distinctive symbols (i.e. flag and coat of arms).

So, to the question of what a state is, we answered. But there are other questions. For example, what is the role of the state and its functions? Let's try to list them. Internal functions will be considered: coordination, economic, stabilization, social. The list goes on and on. Among the external functions is to ensure the defense of the country and its citizens, as well as the establishment of interstate relations to achieve economic, political, geopolitical and other goals.

Specific State Features

state concept

Before proceeding to their listing and explanation, we note that the state is recognized as the main subject of political activity. There are two points of view. The first (functional) states that the state is recognized as the main political institution, which reserves the right to manage society. The second point of view (organizational) will tell that the state should be engaged in the organization of political power through relations with other entities. Such are recognized as citizens of the country, for example. Now, let's take on the signs of the state:

  1. The presence of territory for the population. This is one of the most important indicators, since it determines the jurisdiction of the state. Jurisdiction means the right to hold courts and make certain decisions regarding legal issues. Within the borders of the country, the state has every right to extend its influence to each of the members of society. It doesn’t matter what kind of citizenship an individual has;
  2. Sovereignty. Thanks to him, the state becomes completely independent and can pursue its own political lines, both internal and external.
  3. A variety of resources. They exist so that the state can use them to exercise the required powers. The power resources accumulated by the structure can have a very different nature. For example, economic, spiritual, social and others.
  4. Representation of interests. The concept of the state is inextricably linked with this feature, since it seeks to express the interests of the whole society.It is rare to encounter situations where there is an attempt to push through the interests of individuals, although there have already been precedents.
  5. Monopoly on violence (legitimate type). In each state there are offenders who do not follow the established standards for one reason or another. The monopoly on legitimate violence gives the right to use forceful decisions in order to force potential violators to comply with state laws. This right also applies to the punishment of offenders.
  6. The right to collect taxes. The population living in the country is obligated to pay taxes. At the same time, the state reserves the right to regulate the amount of tax and indicate in which areas they will be levied. Typically, funds raised from citizens are redirected to finance various bodies. Also, the tax budget provides for the use of taxes to solve local managerial tasks in states with autonomous regional entities.
  7. The public nature of power. Usually, the government and citizens do not have personal relations between themselves, but the state should ensure the protection of national interests, and not act to perform tasks that are beneficial to a particular social stratum or group of people.
  8. The presence of symbols. We all know from childhood how the monarchs liked to use special attributes. This is a scepter, a crown, and so on. But now we are talking about common symbols, such as the emblem and flag, the national anthem.

Country and State

signs of state

Quite often in different sources you can find references to the fact that the concepts of state, country, society, government (along with the rest) are synonymous. Perhaps, in a narrow sense, this is true, but on the whole, everything is different, and clear-cut boundaries must be drawn between these concepts.

What is a country?

 state role

Like it or not, a country is primarily a geographical and cultural concept, and only then a political one. Most often we call the word “country” when we speak of areas, territories, borders, natural zones, general climate, nationalities, populations, religions. You can continue the list further. But do such signs as the form of organization and government, the regime apply to the concept of “country”? No, they are more combined with the word “state”.

What is society?

state laws

This concept will be several times wider than the concept of the state. Let's turn to primitive times. There, the society was pre-state, since there were no clear government units. But now we can talk about society as the totality of all nationalities on this planet. This level is called supranational. Modern conditions also do not allow us to equate society with the state, since in some cases public authority can be relatively independent, not depending to a greater extent on society.

What is a government?

country and state

They can be called the part of the state that exercises political power. These are regulatory and executive bodies. It is logical to assume that with the dismissal of representatives, the tools will change, and the state will exist at the same level. This makes it possible to state that the state is a sustainable institution, which cannot be said about the government.


We talked about what a state is. Now it's time to start a conversation about its functions. Functions are classified according to a number of criteria. For example, if the nature of state influence is brought to the fore, then two points are presented here:

1) Regulatory.

2) Security.

At the same time, the impact is aimed at relations with and within society. Security functions exist to ensure the protection of relations. These include: protecting the state from attacks by another state, protecting the freedoms of citizens, their rights, nature.And regulatory functions are aimed at developing social relations. This is done at the expense of social, economic and other areas.


Now you know what a state is and what features / functions it possesses. Finally, we recall that functions can be basic and non-basic, temporary and permanent, general and oriented, internal and external.

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