
Sovereign state: what is it?

A sovereign state is a country with a specific territory, a stable population, and also an apparatus of power. It does not obey and is not dependent on other countries and can conduct relationships with each of them. The government has the ability to manage all the state located in the territory.

Often a sovereign state, the definition of which was given, is understood in a different way. However, in general, this type can include countries that are not dependent on anyone.

sovereign state


Sovereign state - what is it? A fairly common question in modern society. The current concept of an independent country is directly related to the sovereignty of the people. After all, it is the wishes of the population that shape power. The country is the main representative of its citizens. Only a sovereign state can protect their interests and rights in full.

An independent country personally chooses how to administer and which authorities will be part of form of government. It independently forms its financial systems, personally organizes the protection of territories. The sovereign state as the basis of the constitutional system ensures the rule of law and security, forms armed entities to ensure the protection and integrity of the country. However, this does not mean that the supreme power can do whatever it wants. Its capabilities are determined by law.

It should be noted that a sovereign state has the right to unite with other countries, form alliances or leave them. The main thing that guides it in doing so is the people and their interests.

sovereign state definition


At the end of the nineteenth century, virtually all countries one way or another found certain boundaries. Prior to this, quite large land areas did not belong to any state, and were inhabited mainly by nomadic peoples. By the way, there are still similar territories on the planet that do not fit the definition of a sovereign state. Example: Amazonian forests, which are mostly inhabited by indigenous peoples, have still not been able to establish a permanent connection with some.

Meanwhile, there are countries that cannot fully establish control over their territory.

A sovereign state in a globalizing world is one of 200 countries.

sovereign state definition example

Properties of a sovereign state

The main features include:

  • independence;
  • the main force is state power (territorial supremacy of the state).

These features are constantly dependent on each other.

Territorial supremacy

Under this definition, the sign of a country is indicated, due to which it can sovereignly control its territory, and also excludes the operation of any other authority on this area. Only state authorities can enact rules and laws on the territory and, in case of violations, use coercive power.

All government decisions are mandatory for all persons who are in the country. These are citizens, foreigners, legal and officials, as well as organizations.

Therefore, territorial supremacy expresses the following properties of the state:

  • concentration of public authority and power coercion;
  • establishing and maintaining order within the country.


The independence of the state at the level of international relations is determined by international law.

International law divides the independence of the state into two types:

  • internal;
  • external.

Internal independence

Internal independence implies that international law cannot intervene and manage public relations within a country. Most countries find it unacceptable to interfere in the internal activities of another state.

External independence

The external independence of the state is paramount in the relationships of certain countries, independently of others. The state has the ability to freely conduct business with other countries, relying on international law.

The formed country is obliged to accept for itself the conditions of international law. Otherwise, she will not be able to request recognition from other countries of her independence and territorial supremacy.

Sovereign State: Country Examples

sovereign state country examples

Having considered the features of independent countries, we turn to the main representatives. Many who know what a sovereign state is, a definition, an example will be called right away. However, some may still be mistaken. So, the first example of a sovereign state can be our homeland. The Russian Federation has undeniable sovereignty. This is especially noticeable in the external relations of the country. Another example is China. It is unlikely that anyone will dispute this conclusion. The state is showing tremendous economic growth, thanks to which most countries are trying to cooperate with China.

You can not pass by the United States of America, which play a huge role in the relations of world states. However, the sovereignty of this country is not recognized by everyone. Quite a lot of experts consider the United States a satellite of Great Britain. Of course, it is unlikely that anyone will deny that England is also on the list of sovereign states. The last example is France. The country is constantly in relations with other states and is often forced to turn to them for help, but is completely independent.

sovereign state as the basis of the constitutional system

Unrecognized States

These states mean countries that call themselves sovereign, have all the signs of statehood, but are not recognized by UN members. The territory of such states, as a rule, is regarded as belonging to any country.

The logical question is: where do the unrecognized states come from? Their formation can occur as follows:

  • as a result of the revolution;
  • after the collapse of the country;
  • as a result of post-war division;
  • after the colony gained independence from the mother country;
  • due to foreign policy games.

Particular growth of countries that were not recognized as sovereign occurred in the 90s. After the collapse of the Soviet Union, a huge number of republics emerged that tried to prove their independence. Most of these countries, it must be said, are fully formed and can provide for their own existence, and at the same time have good support from the population.

Examples of unrecognized states are the Donetsk and Lugansk People's Republics. These countries have recently declared their independence, but they have not received sovereignty. At the same time, Ukraine considers these republics as terrorist groups. An example is the Islamic state. It is unrecognized, is a terrorist formation. It appeared in 2013-2014 and controls part of Syria and Iraq. Most countries do not consider IS as a state and consider it a terrorist organization.

sovereign state what is it

Partially Recognized States

Such countries are not recognized by the United Nations, but are recognized by countries belonging to this organization.

Moreover, partially recognized states can be divided into fully and partially controlled territory.

Countries that actually control their territory include the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus, the Republic of South Ossetia, and the Republic of Abkhazia.

sovereign state in a globalizing world

Countries that control the part of the territory claimed are: the Republic of China, the Sahara Arab Democratic Republic, the State of Palestine, and the Republic of Kosovo.

In addition, there are a number of countries that are members of the UN, but are not recognized by some other states.

  • Armenia. Not recognized by Pakistan.
  • Israel. Not received recognition from many Muslim and Arab countries.
  • Cyprus. Not recognized by Turkey.
  • PRC. Not recognized by countries that support the Republic of China.
  • DPRK France, Japan, Estonia and the Republic of Korea refuse to recognize the country's independence.
  • The Republic of Korea. Not recognized by the DPRK.

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