
What is mass production? Mass production type

Mass industrial production is a large-scale production process. It is carried out in highly specialized enterprises over a long period. Let us consider in more detail the features that mass production of goods has. mass production

general characteristics

Mechanized and automated mass production is characterized by a constant nomenclature of products. Thanks to the introduction of advanced technologies, the share of manual labor is significantly reduced. A mass-production society is characterized by the specialization of jobs for the execution of one operation fixed on an ongoing basis. Manufacturing of products is carried out on special equipment. The main features that distinguish mass production are low labor intensity, short process time. start of mass production of printed materials


The narrow specialization of jobs is focused on the performance of a limited number of constantly repeating operations. Due to the large volumes and low labor intensity, the mass type of production is economically viable. This is due to the minimum cost of manufactured products. One of the main conditions for creating mass production is a steady and high demand for goods.

Differences from a single issue

Mass production creates favorable conditions for the development and deepening of specialization, increasing labor efficiency. Large volumes allow maximum load of equipment without readjustment, as is the case with serial and single release. In addition, mass production is carried out with a clearly established mode of operation. All these factors contribute not only to reducing the cost of manufactured products.

They, among other things, provide improved product quality. So, the cost of a prototype of a car made by the method of single release is usually 20-30 times higher than that of one that is produced in a large-scale stream. In addition, as practice shows, the quality of the prototype is lower than the mass several times. This difference in technical and economic indicators is noted only in the production of labor-intensive, complex products. However, in such relatively simple sectors as the food or textile industry, where this difference is smaller, it still amounts to about 40-50%. mass production society


Despite these economic benefits, this process has a number of minuses. One of the significant ones is that in crisis conditions mass production is the most vulnerable sector. In addition, the disadvantage of this issue is the orientation not to specific consumers with their individual needs and requirements, but to the average standard. The downside is the rigidity of the technology. It is associated with difficulties in the restructuring of production, which uses a large number of highly specialized equipment.


A characteristic feature of mass production is the selection of enterprises in accordance with the type of final assembly of manufactured products. Technological specialization is not limited to this classification. In some cases, separation is used for the manufacture of units, assemblies and so on. It should be noted that there is a direct relationship between technology and assortment.The smaller the diversity of products, the more difficult it is to master new technologies and expand the range of goods. This, in turn, means that the costs of re-profiling the enterprise will be high. In this regard, the adaptation of production in constantly changing market conditions should be carried out in the redistribution of existing facilities of the enterprise. This problem is solved due to the flexibility of the production structure and the use of internal resources for its improvement. mass production of goods

Overcoming difficulties

To smooth out the shortcomings that are characteristic of mass production, the method of standardization and unification of materials, assemblies, assemblies, parts used for the manufacture and packaging of products is widely used. When changing the set of elements or their relative position, it becomes possible to achieve a significant change in the characteristics of finished products, to adapt them to the needs of consumers. Analyzing the efficiency of production, experts note that the most promising way to organize the process for the production of goods is a combination of mass and large-scale technologies. This allows you to adapt the equipment and the enterprise as a whole to new demand with less loss. mass industrial production

Start of mass production of printed products

In Christian Europe, the method of printing on fabric appeared around 1300. The images created on the panels were notable for their large size and complexity. Over time, the fabric began to be replaced by paper. And when the latter became widespread, became accessible to the lower layers of the population, engravings on a small religious theme began to gain popularity. A little later, playing cards appeared. Mass production of printed products began, according to sources, in 1425. Paper production in Europe has been established since the mid-12th century.

Custom Made

Mass production of this type is considered to be a synthesis of two fairly long competing branches of management. This sector is formed by a combination of the production of standard products and the manufacture of copies for individual projects. The process is aimed at creating copies that exactly match the needs and desires of a group of consumers or each interested buyer. Part of the start of mass production in this way was made possible by the introduction of new technologies. mass production type


So, the main feature of mass production is the production of homogeneous products in large volumes over a relatively long time. The enterprises involved in this sector are characterized by a limited range of products. The high quality of goods and significant volumes of production make economically sound detailed study of technological processes. This, in turn, allows the use of specialized high-performance equipment, as well as automatic lines (machine systems). All this, combined with the relatively small complexity and ease of maintenance of the units, greatly facilitates the attraction of labor.

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