
Profitable business: bag production. Business plan for the production of bags: technology and necessary equipment to start

bag production

It is wonderful when a person not only engages in his favorite work, but also manages to earn money on it. Such a promising business may be the production of bags for you.

This accessory is not only loved by women: men also value solid briefcases or laptop bags. And the kids like the bright original backpacks. So customers with proper promotion are provided to you.

How to beat competitors

You may argue that the market is oversaturated with cheap goods from China. It is difficult to compete with him, since it is almost impossible to kill the initially low price.

However, you do not need to chase over frank cheapness. It is in your power to attract people with quality. It is the lack of this property in Chinese products that averts many from thinking about buying it. You can offer the goods more expensive, but flawless execution.

Sale of leather bags

business bag manufacturing planIn most cases, entrepreneurs organize a line for sewing leather bags. Genuine and artificial leather is most often used in the production of these accessories.

And consumers are more likely to buy products made specifically from the materials mentioned.

To reduce the cost of goods, it is best to rent a room (you can even on the territory of a former sewing factory), put several sewing machines, an ironing press, and accessories for installing accessories there.

The production of bags is divided into technological stages, each of which is sequentially performed by employees. At the exit, you get a batch of new products that will be sold either in a company store or through other outlets.

New trend - eco-friendly bags

If you still can’t afford to start a large-scale enterprise for the manufacture of bags, then try your hand at the now trendy ecological trend. We are talking about textile "string bags". Bags made of polyethylene pollute the planet. They can lie in the ground, not decomposing, for centuries.

Therefore, in Europe, America, and even here in Russia it has become popular to carry canvas handbags and bags. They are easy to fold, do not take up much space. They will not tear. And they are comfortable to wear on the shoulder, thanks to the long handles.

Fabric for sewing bags is purchased in bulk. Usually it is polyester, thick cotton, jeans, velveteen. That is, the material must be durable, while it is easy to wear.

The production technology of such products is simple, from the hardware there is only a button on them. Therefore, it is possible to use the work of home seamstresses. It is your responsibility to cut and distribute the blanks among the craftswomen. Then you need to go to pick up ready string bags and sell them.

By the way, many large retail chains began to offer their customers not disposable plastic bags, but fabric bags. Therefore, it’s quite possible for you to get a regular customer who will purchase wholesale lots from you regularly.

Handmade designer bags

In this segment, usually work masters who produce exclusive expensive models for individual orders. As a rule, this is sewing bags at home. Here, success depends on the ability to come up with something truly original. True, not every client will be able to lay out a tidy sum for manual design work. Therefore, many designers take on the creation of sketches and patterns for mass production.

check in

sewing machine for bagsIf you have decided which niche you will occupy in making a popular accessory, then start the process of registering your business.

You can choose the status of an individual entrepreneur. Or start organizing a limited liability company. The latter is much more complicated and will require more time for you to complete.

In addition to choosing a form of management, you need to decide on the tax system. As a rule, this is a simplified system that does not require you to hire a whole staff of accountants.

If you intend to rent a room for the production of bags, you will need to obtain permission from the fire inspection and SES.

If you wish, you can issue quality certificates for your products. This requirement is not necessary, but it significantly increases your credibility in the eyes of potential buyers. To obtain a certificate, you must provide a specialized center with a sample of your products, technical documentation, undergo an examination procedure and get the long-awaited confirmation of quality.


To start production from scratch, you need to purchase and install the necessary minimum equipment. This includes:

  • sewing machine for bags;
  • ironing press (or at least an iron and ironing board);
  • cutting table;
  • machine for punching buttons.

It is clear that the craftswomen can not do without scissors, needles, manual punchers.

If we are talking about the manufacture of leather products, then do not skimp on the purchase of a gluing machine, a device for cutting edges, and embossing devices. With the growth of your enterprise, you can expand the list of equipment and increase the degree of automation of processes. This will significantly reduce the cost of your products.

The bag sewing machine must be of industrial type. Household models will not withstand loads, and they cope poorly with leather or other dense materials. At the initial stage, you can pick up used production machines. They are much cheaper.

It is important to immediately agree with the service providers. Then in the event of a breakdown, you will not look for spare parts suitable for your model, and you will not need to invite masters from the outside.

Technological processes

The technology of sewing bags is the same for leather models, and for textile. You, as the person responsible for the production, need to understand what stages it consists of.

  • The first step is to develop a sketch of the future product.
  • The second is the creation of patterns. The final result depends on how accurately each detail will be calculated. Often a trial version is made to test a new model. You can visually evaluate possible errors, correct them and process them, taking into account the identified miscalculations, patterns. Better to spend a little time on fitting than ruining the whole batch.
  • Then the patterns are cut. When working with genuine leather, you have to be extremely attentive and dodgy. It is necessary to place the parts on the material as economically as possible, bypassing the areas with defects.
  • After that, the details are sewn together.
  • The product lining is also assembled in parallel. Then the necessary accessories and decorative finishes are installed.

The output would be nice to organize some semblance of quality control. This will protect your reputation. You just do not allow hit on the sale of defective goods.

sewing bags at home

Putting together a team

Only a master who can create exclusive accessories to order can cope alone. But the full-fledged production of bags can not do without hired workers.

The number of seamstresses is determined by the size of the enterprise and the volumes that you are targeting. Workers can be placed in the workshop, or use homeworkers. The latter option, of course, is cheaper.

Then you need to think about exactly who will create the bag designs for you. The services of a professional designer are expensive.But you can always use the services of freelancers. You just need to make sure of their abilities and artistic taste. This will help study the presented portfolio.

It’s great if the designer has design skills. Because based on the sketch, someone should draw a pattern.

With the expansion of the enterprise, entering the market, you may need a sales manager for finished products.

Sales of goods

Making bags is not an end in itself. Your goal is to successfully sell your product. A business plan for the production of bags necessarily contains information on how to sell finished products.

There are two ways.

In the first option, you launch an online store and open a branded point of sale in a large shopping center. But then you need a seller. Even in the case of an online store, you need a person to process and send orders received on the site.

The second method involves the implementation through third-party outlets. You offer your goods in bulk to large and small shops or boutiques. In this case, you are spared the need to hire additional staff, rent space or pay for the services to create a site.

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